Chapter 1216

Chapter 1216

After a long time, Dr. Jia opened his mouth, but he couldn't say anything.

"Come on, I'm ready!" Feng Jue said in an indifferent voice.

"Yes." Dr. Jia touched the sweat on his forehead, with sympathy and reluctance in his eyes, and said, "Because of the place where the scorpion stung, on the neck, the poisonous blood gushed up, His Highness's eyes were injured, lost... Blind."

After hearing this, Sijiu and Zhang Xi took a step back at the same time, with expressions of almost despair on their faces.

Feng Jue paused his hand, blinked his eyelids, and said, "Blind?"

"Caomin checked carefully, and there is nothing wrong with His Highness, only the eyes. Now, God didn't want to take His Highness's life, but He did want to take His Highness's eyes." Dr. Jia said.

"So, is this the good fortune of this king? This king is destined to die, but I can't see it." Feng Jue said, without a trace of expression on his face.

"Yes, that's what it means." Doctor Jia said, "Your Highness, at least your life is safe. Your Highness, please think about it."

Sijiu looked at Fengjue's eyes with tears in his eyes:
His Highness's eyes used to be so beautiful, like the bright stars in the sky, shining so brightly, if you look at them one more time, you feel like you want to fall into the stars.

But now, it was so empty and lifeless, as if the light had gone out and there was nothing left.

"Your's fine, the eyes...the eyes can definitely be cured, and there are so many imperial physicians, oh, also, there is also Dr. Dong, wait for the servants to invite them over one by one, there will always be a way." Four Nine Said, tears streaming down his eyes.

"Hehe." Feng Jue smiled, so desolately.

Can't see, he can't see anything!
There was pitch black in front of him, and the night of eternal marks followed him closely.

He can't see the bright mountains and rivers, the beautiful mountains and clear waters, the bright sunshine, the birds in the sky, and Ling Yue'er.

He can't see anything!He is a blind man!
"Ah!" Feng Jue stood up suddenly and walked outside. This blow was too great for him. He thought that he would be injured, but he never became blind.

This severely suppressed his inner strength, he couldn't bear it, and he became a blind man!
He's going out, he's going out!
But, seeing nothing, he staggered along while reaching out and groping ahead.

He bumped into things in front of him from time to time, such as doors, steps, trees, etc., and he was dizzy when he hit it, and his forehead was bleeding!

Anyone who gets close will be scolded by him!
He kept walking forward, Sijiu and Zhang Xi were worried about him, but they couldn't go up to him a few times, so they had to follow behind him from a distance.

"Why? Why? God, why are you doing this to me?" He stopped suddenly, raised his hand, pointed in the direction of the sky, and shouted loudly and angrily.

"Your Highness..." Sijiu murmured, his eyes filled with sadness.

"Do you want to tell His Highness Ninth Prince and Wangfei immediately?" Zhang Xi was also very worried, and said,
"Your Highness didn't say anything, let's wait until His Highness calms down, and then talk to him." Sijiu understood Feng Jue's nature better.

"Okay, let's wait until His Highness calms down." Zhang Xi sighed deeply, "How could it become like this? A person as heroic as His Highness, who holds a sword every day, but now... this is a big blow to him. It’s inevitable that you won’t be able to accept it.”

"Even we can't accept it, let alone him, why is my Highness's life so miserable? Why is he bearing all the pain."

Sijiu said sadly.

The relationship between His Highness and the Second Miss of the Lian family had just begun to get closer, and there was a breakthrough, but this happened right away.

He really suspected that God was deliberately against His Highness to prevent him from living a good life.

"Hahaha, hahaha..." Feng Jue bent his knees and knelt down on the ground, the cloth wrapped around his hands fell off, and blood flowed out from the palm of his hand and fell to the ground.

His body softened, and he lay on the ground, laughing loudly, laughing, but there was a trace of sadness on his face.

Lost sight, he became a blind man, a neurotic blind man who couldn't see a bit.

At this time, a thunder flashed in the sky, and then, the rain came as expected.

Feng Jue was lying on the ground, with his hands and feet open, letting the cold rain hit his body, the rain was getting heavier and heavier, Feng Jue's empty eyes didn't know where to look.

There was a raging anger burning in his heart, scorching his body.

I can't see him anymore, he has become a blind man, he is like a useless person, and he will not be able to do without human care for a moment in the future, so how can he achieve hegemony.

Also, Eleven, the little girl he fell in love with unknowingly, how would he afford her future, what qualifications did he have to like her, and what qualifications did he have to let her be his princess.

He will only become her burden, how can he give her happiness?When she was trying to run forward, he stopped.

As the rain continued, countless thoughts flashed through his mind, and every thought tormented him, tormenting him severely.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and it was drenching on him. He was completely soaked, and there was no dry place left.

The wound on the palm was also washed clean by the rain, and the blood flowed to other places along the path.

God, how many hardships are there for him? Can't he even be happier for a while?
What did he do in his previous life?This life will torture him again and again.

"Sijiu, the rain is so frightening, I'd better go hold an umbrella, otherwise His Highness will get wet, and you will be in trouble if you catch the wind and cold!" Zhang Xi turned his head, wiped the sweat from his face, and said.

"Hmm!" Sijiu didn't care about being scolded by Feng Jue, so he ran back to the house to get an umbrella, and ran to Feng Jue's side, using the umbrella to block the wanton rainwater.

Feng Jue felt that the rain was gradually disappearing. He raised his hand, opened his palm, and said to himself, "Could it be, has the rain stopped?"

He looked especially heartbroken with a mix of tears and sweat all over his face.

Sijiu said in a crying voice, "Your Highness, it's Sijiu. Sijiu has held an umbrella for you. Get up quickly, lest you get caught in the wind and cold."

As Sijiu said, he bent down to help him, Zhang Xi also rushed over in the rain when he saw this, stretched out his hand to stop Feng Jue's body, and helped him up.

His whole body was icy cold, Zhang Xi quickly took off his cloak and wrapped it around Feng Jue.

"Your Highness, go back, the wound on your hand has opened again." Sijiu persuaded cautiously, for fear of irritating Feng Jue, and his movements were cautious, not daring to make Feng Jue feel unhappy.

(End of this chapter)

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