First-class daughter

Chapter 1223 Deliberately provocative

Chapter 1223 Deliberately provocative
Chapter 1223 Deliberately provocative
Inside the Changchun Palace.

The empress is sitting with Lian Siyue, Chengjun and Wanjun are out of danger now, and they are the same as before: one likes to be silent, always looks around with tears that see through stupid human beings, the other is lively, often cries or grin.

No matter which one, the queen empress loves from the bottom of her heart.

"Thinking about what happened that day, Ben Gong panicked in his heart, wishing to find out the murderer immediately and tear their corpses into ten thousand pieces, so as to relieve the hatred in his heart!"

The queen empress is usually gentle and beautiful, she never speaks harshly, she used to convince others with virtue, but she became sharp only when she encountered these two children.

"Mother, don't worry, it's not too late for the so-called gentleman to take revenge for ten years. Wait a little longer, and I will definitely find him out, but don't rush, because the matter is far more complicated than imagined. Take the loss, and in the future, let them repay you a hundred times." Lian Siyue stretched out his hand and stroked Chengjun who didn't like to move, with a motherly smile in his eyes.

"By the way, I don't know what happened to Feng Jue? That day he came to pay his respects wearing the cloak I gave you. I was busy taking care of Chengjun and Wanjun, so I didn't say a word to him." The empress seemed to have suddenly remembered. Feng Jue is ordinary, said.

"We went to see him that night, he was fine, but he was stung by insects twice." Lian Siyue said, her fingers were caught by Cheng Jun's little hand, and a smile appeared on her face.

"Been stung by insects? Is there a lot of insects in the prison?" The queen seemed a little worried.

"I didn't take a closer look either. It should be. In this season, when mosquitoes breed, it's normal to be bitten a few times." Lian Siyue said, always with a slight smile on her face, facing the child's She is always smiling.

"Mother Li, send him two boxes of ointment tomorrow." The queen said with a look of emotion on her face, "This child doesn't have a reliable woman by his side, but the queen mother didn't rush to urge the marriage. Last time It is said that he was busy dealing with Khitan, but now that the matter has been resolved, it is time to settle the important matter of his life."

"Yes, empress." Mother Li accepted the order and said.

Lian Siyue raised her head and said, "Actually, His Highness the Eleventh is blessed to have the empress's care."

"No matter how much I care, in his heart, I'm afraid I can't compare to his own mother. It's a pity that he didn't recognize the queen when he was alive." The queen sighed slightly and said.

"Yes." Lian Siyue nodded, and he didn't know that the first queen was urged to die by the emperor and queen mother.

If you knew, how desperate you would be.

However, so far, only she knows this secret, and she plans to bury it in her heart for the rest of her life, not to use it to hurt Feng Jue.

"Empress, Princess, Miss Jinran is here." At this moment, the eunuch outside reported.

"The big celebrity in front of the Queen Mother is here, let's meet with caution." Lian Siyue said with a half-smile on her lips.

"Let her in," said the Empress.


After a while, Xie Jinran walked in with a box in his hand, respectfully, kneeling on the ground generously, and said, "Jinran pays respects to the empress, the princess."

"Get up." The Empress said with a loving and gentle smile on her face.

"Thank you, Empress Dowager." Xie Jinran stood up, raised her head, took two steps forward, and said, "My Majesty, this is a box of pastries that the Empress Dowager ordered me to send. Let it be brought to the princess."

Lian Siyue stood up, knelt down, stretched out her hands, found the box, and said, "Siyue, thank you, Empress Dowager, for the reward."

As she spoke, she stood up and met Xie Jinran's eyes.

When Lian Siyue saw her face, she was slightly taken aback imperceptibly, Xie Jinran's eyebrow shape and eye makeup had changed, deliberately becoming different from hers.

It seems that she has already captured Feng Ye's heart, and she can be herself happily.

"Congratulations, Second Miss Xie." Lian Siyue stood up and said suddenly.

Xie Jinran was taken aback, touched his face involuntarily, and said puzzledly, "Princess, congratulations to Jinran? I don't know why you are so happy?"

"Second Miss's makeup is very beautiful, there must be some great happy event, but she just doesn't want to share it with us." Lian Siyue said secretly, with a smile on her lips.

Xie Jinran smiled and said, "Where is the princess? Jinran has ordinary looks and mediocre aptitude, and is far less beautiful than the princess. The eyebrow shape is still because I saw the princesses drawing in the past two days, so I quietly learned to draw it. Thinking of being discovered by the princess, I will not dare to paint in the future."

"It's human nature for a girl to love beauty. Second Miss can draw whatever she wants, and don't care about other people." Lian Siyue said, motioned to Qingdai, took out a wooden box the size of a palm, Said, "Since the second lady specially sent the Queen Mother's pastries, then the princess should not be too stingy. These are a pair of cloisonne bracelets, which suit you very well. Take it with you."

"This... so precious, I..." Xie Jinran looked flattered.

"It's nothing, just take it." Lian Siyue asked Qingdai to put the bracelet into Xie Jinran's hand.

Xie Jinran had no choice but to accept it, and thanked him again and again.

"Qingdai, open the box, let me have a taste, the cakes made by the Empress Dowager must be delicious." Lian Siyue ordered, her gaze slowly passing over Xie Jinran.

She said, "Princess, let's try it."

Lian Siyue opened her mouth, took two bites, and said with surprised eyes on her face, "It's delicious. The second young lady remembers to tell the queen mother when she goes back. My princess is very grateful to the queen mother. The pastries are delicious."

"Okay, I will report when I get back." Xie Jinran said.

After saying a few more words, he left Changchun Palace.

As soon as he walked outside the palace, the smile on Xie Jinran's face disappeared, his expression froze on his face, and his fists on both sides trembled slightly.

Walking to a secluded place, Yin'er asked, "Second Miss, what happened?"

"Lian Siyue is deliberately humiliating me." Xie Jinran gritted her teeth and said, "Teasing my eyebrow shape means reminding me that I have always looked like her imagination, and give me this pair of bracelets, a clear master The appearance of rewarding a slave, she treats me as a slave!"

"As I said, I will never touch the cinnabar mole on Feng Ye's heart, and I am willing to stay with her forever. However, she also took the initiative to provoke her today. She is so smart and scheming. Today's matter is definitely not good. Accidentally, but deliberately said such words, trying to humiliate me and irritate me."

"In this case, Second Miss will not be able to be fooled even more." Yin'er said.

(End of this chapter)

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