First-class daughter

Chapter 1224 The Cinnabar Mole on the Heart

Chapter 1224 The Cinnabar Mole on the Heart
Chapter 1224 The Cinnabar Mole on the Heart
"It is said that Princess Heng is a formidable person, and she is by no means a woman who will be content with raising children at home. Second Miss, you should be extra careful." Yin'er reminded in a low voice.

Xie Jinran took a deep breath and said, "Of course, I won't be fooled by her! She has her ruthlessness, and I also have my own methods.

She humiliated me, I smiled, she tried to provoke me, I still smiled, no matter what she did to me, I smiled at her.One day, I will pull out this cinnabar mole on Feng Ye's heart! "

"Second miss, let's go back to the queen mother quickly, be careful that the wall has ears." Yin'er looked around and said.

"En." Xie Jinran nodded, very satisfied with Yin'er's caution.

For a person with Shuyan's personality, it's good for her to deal with a mindless person like Sanmei in the mansion, but she will really suffer in the palace.

Here in Changchun Palace.

After Xie Jinran left, the queen raised her head and said, "Yue'er, you have always been calm, but today you deliberately teased Xie Jinran, why?"

Lian Siyue smiled and said, "The queen mother is joking, she is the number one celebrity in front of the queen mother, Siyue has always been disliked by the queen mother, how dare she deliberately tease her?"

"You!" said the queen, "others can't see it, but I can see it."

"The queen mother made fun of it. I heard that Miss Xie Er is a very calm and calm person. She can't irritate her easily. She will face all problems with a smile. Yue'er heard about such a funny thing, so she wanted to try her just now. , As expected, the expression on her face has not changed at all, and even her body movements have not changed at all, no wonder she is favored by the Queen Mother like never before." Lian Siyue revealed her true intention.

"The relationship between people is also about a temperament and occasion. Some people, it's useless if you try hard to please them, but some people, you don't need to say anything, and you may become a particularly good person." Queen The empress said, "It is estimated that Xie Jinran and the Queen Mother's aura are very compatible."

"What the queen mother said is reasonable, so, and because of this, the queen mother doesn't like me, nor does she like Ling Yue'er." Lian Siyue said.

"Yunzheng likes you, and Bengong likes you too. We don't care whether others like you or not." The queen said leisurely.

"Mother." Lian Siyue raised her head and said, "You're right, I don't care if others like it or not. However, if some people take advantage of other people's likes and do things that are not good for us, then we will be with you We have a relationship."

The queen frowned slightly, and said, "You mean, that day when Guo Zhenchang suddenly stood up in the hall and said something unfavorable to Jue'er, it had something to do with Xie Jinran?"

Lian Siyue nodded and said, "I saw that Guo Zhenchang looked at Xie Jinran several times when I said he had no room for maneuver. This is enough to show that Guo Zhenchang was instructed by her, and Guo Zhenchang had a relationship with the Queen Mother. A little bit of kinship, she wants to kill two birds with one stone, one is to deal with Jue'er, and the other is to make me unhappy with the Queen Mother, her wishful thinking is very loud."

"In the past, I didn't feel disgusted with this girl from the Xie family. She kept her duty and never showed off, so that people would not find it annoying. I didn't expect her hand to be too long." The queen empress said with emotion. .

"People are not easy to be satisfied. Originally, she might just want to be a little girl by Feng Ye's side, but gradually, after entering the palace, her mind changed." Lian Siyue said.

"Princess." At this moment, Leng Mei walked in and bowed.

"Queen, I'll come whenever I go." Lian Siyue stood up, bowed to the queen, and said.

When we got outside, Feng Yunzheng also happened to come over and asked, "Who came here just now?"

"Xie Jinran." Lian Siyue said.

Feng Yunzheng frowned and said, "What is she doing here?"

"I probably want to find out what's going on here." Lian Siyue said, "By the way, Lengmei, did you hear what Xie Jinran said just now?"

"She said..." Leng Mei looked at Feng Yunzheng, as if it was difficult to speak directly.

"It's okay, just tell me." Lian Siyue said.

"Then the second miss of the Xie family said that she wanted to pull out the cinnabar mole of Wangfei from the heart of His Highness the Eighth Highness." Leng Mei said.

"..." Lian Siyue was taken aback for a moment, she didn't expect to hear such a sentence.

Looking at Feng Yunzheng again, his expression was obviously ugly, a little stiff.

"Understood, you go down first." Lian Siyue looked at Feng Yunzheng and said.

"Yes, I will resign from my humble position." Leng Mei turned and left.

"What does Xie Jinran mean by that? Pull you out of Lao Ba's chest?" Feng Yunzheng said with a sour face.

"This... probably means..." Lian Siyue didn't know how to explain Feng Yunzheng's jealousy when she saw Feng Yunzheng.

"I have to find Lao Ba!" Feng Yunzheng said angrily, and walked outside in a huff of sleeves.

His woman, why should he be so relieved!
"Hey!" Lian Siyue hastily stepped forward, pulled him back, and said, "Why are you suddenly childish? Feng Ye is not confused when you look for it like this. Maybe people will say that you are making trouble for no reason."

Feng Yunzheng stopped and said, "Making trouble for no reason? My woman, how can you let him put it on your chest? I can't stand it." He felt depressed and sour.

"Okay." Lian Siyue walked in front of him, stood on tiptoe, put his hands on his chest, and said softly, "I'm here, I'm not going anywhere else."

"Yue'er!" Hearing this, Feng Yunzheng felt uncontrollable ecstasy welling up in his heart. He stretched out his hands to hold Lian Siyue's face, "Yue'er, what did you say, say it again."

"I'm here, I don't live anywhere." Lian Siyue gently caressed his heart and said.

Feng Yunzheng was full of satisfaction, and said emotionally, "Yue'er, this place will always belong to you alone, and no one can get in. From the past life to the present, it is only you."

Lian Siyue smiled slightly, "I like this, Yun Zheng."

"I like it too." Feng Yunzheng reached out and took Lian Siyue into his arms, and patted her head contentedly.

Prince Yu's Mansion.

"Who are you talking about?" Feng Ye put down the scroll in his hand, suspecting that he had heard it wrong.

"Your Highness, His Highness Ninth Prince is asking to see you outside." Yin Huai said again.

"What is the intention of Brother Nine Kings at this time?" There was a hint of doubt in Feng Ye's eyes——

Is it...

A look of doubt flashed in his eyes, and he said, "Please wait a moment, my king will pass right away."


"Feng Yunzheng didn't look for you so easily, but now he came to the door in person, could it be that... he came to complain about Lian Jue about you Xie Jinran and Guo Zhenchang?" Feng Yu guessed.

Feng Ye shook his head, and said, "No, Feng Yunzheng wouldn't be so stupid as to deliberately come here to startle the snake."

"Anyway, people are here, go and have a look." Feng Yu said.

(End of this chapter)

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