First-class daughter

Chapter 1225 Sending You a Pair of Mandarin Ducks

Chapter 1225 Sending you a pair of mandarin ducks

Chapter 1225 Sending you a pair of mandarin ducks

When Feng Ye strolled into the front hall, he saw Feng Yunzheng sitting there, wrapped in a silver brocade robe, with a jade crown on his head, with such a look in his eyes, and a slight smile on his lips.

Thoughts flashed in Feng Ye's eyes, he stepped forward and said, "Brother Nine Emperors came to visit suddenly, I can't go out to greet you, I hope you will forgive me."

Feng Yunzheng stood up, clasped his hands together, and said, "Brother Bawang, you are welcome."

"Please sit down." Feng Ye stretched out his hand and said.

"Thank you." Feng Yunzheng sat down.

"I don't know why Brother Nine Emperors came here?" Feng Ye asked politely.

"My brother brought a gift to Brother Eighth Prince." Feng Yunzheng said, motioning to Night Breeze who was standing outside the door, and brought in a beautiful wooden box.

"Gifts?" Feng Ye was puzzled.

Feng Yunzheng signaled Night Breeze to open the wooden box again, and said, "Brother Eight, you have made a marriage contract with Miss Xie Jinran, the second miss of the Xie family. This is gratifying and congratulatory, but it's a pity that my younger brother was not in Beijing at that time, so I couldn't send you off in time." A congratulatory gift. I came here specially today to present a pair of golden mandarin ducks. The princess, the eighth brother, and his wife are harmonious and beautiful. They will grow old and love each other, and they will always only have each other in their eyes."

Night Breeze sent the golden mandarin duck.

Feng Ye was stunned for a moment, and there was a trace of doubt in his eyes, "Ninth Emperor Brother, what are you doing? It's just a marriage contract, not a marriage, so I can't understand it for this big gift."

"Haha, Brother Eighth Prince doesn't need to think too much, I just think I should come to congratulate you." Feng Yunzheng laughed loudly.

"..." Feng Ye was stunned for a moment. Although he didn't understand what Feng Yunzheng meant by this move, he still accepted the congratulatory gift and said, "Then I would like to thank my brother for his kindness."

"Since the congratulatory gift has been delivered, my younger brother will not bother elder brother, so I leave." Seeing that Feng Ye had accepted the congratulatory gift, Feng Yunzheng stood up and said goodbye.

"Brother Nine Emperors, go slowly." Feng Ye stood up, clasped his fists, and said.

Outside Prince Yu's mansion.

After delivering the golden mandarin ducks, Feng Yunzheng heaved a sigh of relief, and smiled happily like a young man.

Night Breeze saw that His Royal Highness acted like a stunned young man, and it was hard to imagine that he was already the father of two children.

He couldn't help but said, "Your Highness gave the golden mandarin duck to His Highness the Eighth Prince, which means that he and the Second Miss Xie's family will love each other, don't think about anything else, but if the Eighth Highness doesn't understand this meaning, isn't this golden mandarin duck for nothing?" sent?"

"This king is so obvious that Feng Ye can't understand it, so what's the difference between his head and a pig's brain?" Feng Yunzheng said, "Besides, I made my words so obvious, let him pay attention to his own For a woman, she is the only one in my eyes." Feng Yunzheng said.

"I hope His Highness the Eighth Highness can appreciate your good intentions." Night Breeze thought pessimistically.

"Feng Ye is so smart, he must be able to understand this king's intentions, otherwise two golden mandarin ducks will be wasted."

After a while, Feng Yu came out from behind and said, "It's been so long since you and Xie Jinran made a marriage contract, why is he suddenly giving gifts when he's free? It's still a pair of golden mandarin ducks."

Feng Yu was puzzled, touched the golden mandarin duck, and said, "Is there any problem with this thing? Put something that is not good for your body or something."

Feng Ye frowned, and said, "Perhaps, you are reminding me to warn Xie Jinran?"

"He is stupid, why did he come here to remind you so that you can be more vigilant." Feng Yu disagreed with Feng Ye's statement.

"Then what's the intention? It's really just to send a congratulatory gift?" Feng Ye was even more puzzled by Feng Yunzheng's abnormal behavior.

"Don't care what his intentions are, since he sent it here, he put it in a conspicuous position, and told everyone in the mansion that it was a gift from His Highness Ninth Prince Feng Yunzheng, and if there was any problem at that time, they would go to him directly." Feng Yu After thinking about it, I can't bear it, and said.

"It makes sense." Feng Ye nodded and ordered, "Housekeeper, put away the golden mandarin duck presented by His Highness the Ninth Prince."

"Yes, Your Highness." The butler moved the two golden mandarin ducks away.

On the way back to the palace.

Feng Yunzheng seemed to have suddenly remembered something, and said, "By the way, you don't want to be by my king's side these two days."

"Does your Highness have any mission?" Night Breeze asked.

"This king let you go to rest, you don't have to follow." Feng Yunzheng said.

Night Breeze was stunned, puzzled, and said, "Your Highness, I don't understand what your highness means."

"This king promised you that after Chengjun's full moon banquet, I will need you to marry Lengmei, and now it's about time." Feng Yunzheng said.

"Your Highness!" Night Breeze's eyes revealed a hint of excitement, "Thank you Your Highness, I must prepare well for my humble job!"

"Oh, there's more." Feng Yunzheng took out a land deed from his sleeve and said, "After you get married, you will not be alone in the future. This king bought you a big house in Beijing, and you will live in it in the future." Be there."

Night Breeze looked at the title deed, and his heart trembled, "Your Highness, are you giving a house to the humble official?"

"On your side, the king will give you the house, and the steward of the wedding banquet and Madam Ru will take care of it for you. The concubine at Lengmei's side will arrange it. You can just rest assured that you will be the bridegroom's official." Feng Yunzheng said.

"Your Highness..." After hearing this, Night Breeze felt his heart warm and wanted to cry. With the house deed in his hand, he knelt down on one knee and said.

And Feng Yunzheng looked at him solemnly, and said, "Yefeng, in the future, you will not only be my king's secret guard, but also Lengmei's husband, and you will be the father of the child in the future. I hope you can No matter which role you play, you can do it with a clear conscience."

"Your Highness..."

"Get up." Feng Yunzheng said.

Night Breeze stood up and said, "Your Highness, I want to hug you." He stretched out his hands, tears streaming down his face.

Feng Yunzheng took a step back and said, "Go away! This king doesn't want you to hug me."

"Hee hee..." Night Breeze smiled, feeling extremely happy in his heart.

Seeing him so happy, Feng Yunzheng couldn't help but think back to his previous life.

When he and Leng Mei learned that he was trapped in the palace by Feng Qianyue, they tried their best to kill him from Zhengyangmen to the palace, vowing to protect him to the death, but in the end, they died tragically under Feng Qianyue's sword Down.

Thinking of that scene, I felt heavy in my heart, and regretted that if he hadn't been soft-hearted at the beginning, it wouldn't have caused such consequences.

Fortunately, in this life, he has not been fooled by Feng Qianyue again, and the two heartfelt secret guards are living well and are ready to start a family.

Feng Yunzheng got into the carriage, and Ye Feng walked beside the carriage, with a smile on his face that he couldn't hide, he was about to fly when he walked.

He didn't know the tragedy he had encountered in his previous life, he didn't know that he had been stabbed several times in his body and finally died tragically by the sword.

So at this moment, there is no melancholy in Feng Yunzheng's heart, he only has happiness and joy, he feels that even the wind blowing in front of him makes him feel the fragrance, everything now is the best.

(End of this chapter)

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