Chapter 1227
Chapter 1227
"Your Highness, Wangfei, Prince Ming An's Mansion is seeking an audience outside on April [-]." At this time, the maid outside came over and said.

"Sijiu? Why doesn't Jue'er come by himself?" Lian Siyue showed a little doubt.

"Go let him in!" Feng Yunzheng said.

After a while, Sijiu walked in with a bow, saw Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue, knelt down on the ground with a plop, and couldn't help crying.

"Sijiu, why are you crying? What happened?" Seeing this, Lian Siyue asked, her heart tightened.

"Your Highness Ninth, Princess Wang, please save my Highness, my Highness...he is so pitiful." Sijiu raised his head, tears streaming down his face.

"Don't cry, what's the matter, tell me clearly!" Feng Yunzheng had a premonition that something serious had happened, so he asked in a tight voice.

"It's like this..." While crying, Sijiu told Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue about Feng Jue's blindness.

"What..." Lian Siyue stood up suddenly, "It's only two or three days, how could..."

"Your Highness, Wangfei, I beg you, please go and see my Highness." Sijiu said while touching his tears.

A flash of thought flashed in Feng Yunzheng's eyes, and he said, "We can go right away, but don't say anything at this time, let us go and have a look before we talk."

Lian Siyue clenched her fists tightly.

After the two talked to the queen, they hurriedly left the palace with the token.

Along the way, Lian Siyue didn't say a word, her eyes were calm, but her heart was beating involuntarily.

Arriving at Ming An Palace, before the carriage stopped, Feng Yunzheng got down from the flying body, Lian Siyue grabbed his arm, and walked down quickly. When she stepped into Shixiang, she staggered and almost fell fell to the ground.

"Your Highness hasn't gone out for the past two days because of his poor eyesight. He has been staying near the room. Please come with your servant." Sijiu was flustered and hurried, and then led Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue to Fengjue's residence yard.

When he just walked to the door, Lian Siyue stopped abruptly, his eyes showed a shocking light, and Feng Yunzheng's heart trembled suddenly:
I saw, at the position in front, Feng Jue was holding the door with his right hand, and walked out step by step carefully. He couldn't see, so he was groping in front of him with both hands. Those eyes, which were originally as bright as the galaxy, were like the fallen stars. Dark and empty.

It was difficult for him to walk, bumping into the door from time to time, with an expression of annoyance occasionally showing on his face, but he never gave up walking forward.

Seeing this scene, Lian Siyue's tears fell down at that moment, and she covered her mouth tightly with her hands to prevent herself from crying.

Her secret has become like this.

When Feng Jue stretched out her hand in such a helpless manner, walking forward step by step with difficulty, her mind clearly recalled the previous life, the last time she saw this brother.

At that time, she had been tortured in the barn like a ghost, almost dying.

Just when she was about to take her last breath, in a blur, in the distance, she saw a dark mass, which looked human but not human-like, slowly crawling towards her When he came over, his face was completely changed, only a pair of clear eyes remained.

Behind him, there were two lines of bloodstains. It turned out that he had climbed too long, and the two legs without the soles were worn out, but he continued to crawl, and finally climbed to Lian Siyue's side.

Looking at the cripple in front of him, he opened his mouth, trembling, and after a lot of effort, he finally spit out the word "Sister..." indistinctly.

The hand with only a few fingers left trembled violently and landed on her face, two lines of blood-red tears slid down his cheeks, then his head tilted and fell on Lian Siyue's body, broken Last breath.

This is the Feng Jue, the Feng Jue from the previous life had such a miserable end.

And now, his eyes...

Seeing the situation in front of him, Feng Yunzheng closed his eyes deeply, with a distressed look on his face.

"Clang!" At this moment, a voice came out.

Unexpectedly, Feng Jue bumped into the flower pot at the door, and saw that the flower pot was broken, his body became unstable, and he also fell to the ground.

Lian Siyue couldn't bear it anymore, she walked over quickly, suppressed crying, stretched out her hand to support Feng Jue from the ground forcefully.

Feng Jue couldn't see anything, he stretched out his hand and asked, "Who? You are not Sijiu, who are you?"

Lian Siyue finally cried softly.

Feng Jue's heart trembled, his hand groped to reach Lian Siyue's face, and reached out to touch her cheek wet with tears.

"Sister? Are you here?"

"Jue'er, yes, I'm here." Lian Siyue stretched out her hand tremblingly, holding his cheek, groping for his bruised cheek, looking at his dull eyes, couldn't help falling down again Tears, "Je'er..."

A wry smile appeared on Feng Jue's face, and he said, "Sister, I couldn't see it, so I didn't recognize you right away."

Lian Siyue nodded vigorously, "I know, I know, I've seen it all, Jue'er."

"Sister, don't cry. This is the end of the matter. I couldn't get married at the beginning. I felt that the sky was falling, but after two days, I have slowly started to get used to it." Feng Jue felt that Lian Siyue was crying. Very sad, but still comforting her.

At this time, he couldn't see anything, but he seemed to feel more at ease when his sister came.

Feng Yunzheng came over, bent down, helped Lian Jue up, and said, "I'll help you go back to the house."

"Okay, Brother Jiuwang." With Feng Yunzheng's support, Feng Jue turned around and walked into the house.

Lian Siyue stood where she was, and when she saw the sun shining on his back, she felt desolate in her heart:
God, no matter in the previous life or in this life, are you unwilling to treat Jue'er kindly?

Lian Siyue stood for a while, seeing that Feng Yunzheng and Feng Jue had already entered the room, she wiped her tears and walked in quickly.

Feng Jue sat down on the chair.

Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue sat opposite him.

"The other day when you came to my house, I was fine. I didn't expect that I wouldn't see you today." Feng Jue said with a faint bitter smile on his lips.

"Jue'er, Sijiu only said that you were bitten by a scorpion and were poisoned, where did the scorpion come from?" Lian Siyue asked.

"The reason why I didn't let anyone notify you these two days is actually because I have been investigating, and now I almost have some clues." Feng Jue said, "Sijiu, you bring the cloak."

"Yes, Your Highness, the cloak is here." Sijiu took out the cloak and said.

Seeing the cloak, Lian Siyue was taken aback for a moment, looked at Feng Yunzheng, and said, "This is the cloak given to Jue'er by the queen mother. I saw it that day."

(End of this chapter)

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