First-class daughter

Chapter 1228 Waiting For That One Day

Chapter 1228 Waiting For That Day

Chapter 1228 Waiting For That Day

"The poisonous scorpion that bit me is hidden in this cloak." Feng Jue said, with a calm face and no waves, as if he was waiting for Feng Yunzheng and his sister to judge.

Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue held the cloak and looked at each other.

"This cloak was chosen by the empress, and then handed over to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to sew for me. When I came out of the prison that day, the servant girl of the Ministry of Internal Affairs brought it to me. I put it on on the spot and went back to the palace. At that time, my sister Ask me where the bite mark on my neck came from? It turned out that I was bitten by a scorpion. The next day, I wore it again to find you. When I was talking to Ling Yueer, I was bitten again. After tearing off the cloak, I crawled inside Out came a scorpion."

When Feng Jue was speaking, Sijiu had already taken out the dead scorpion.

Even Siyue felt a chill in his heart when he saw it. The shoe with the size of his palm looked terrifying.
"The empress would never do that." Looking at the scorpion, Feng Yunzheng immediately denied that it was the empress's claim.

"I have already gone to investigate the origin of the scorpion." Feng Jue told the two of them what the farmer Li Dayong had said.

"Has Mother Li been out of the palace recently?" Lian Siyue asked.

"Going out." Feng Yunzheng said, "At that time, the queen mother sent her to go out. I met her on Zhengyang Street. She was sitting in a carriage and was surprised to see me."

"After I investigated Li Dayong, I asked Zhang Xi to go to the House of Internal Affairs to find Su An to understand the situation, and specifically investigated the two court ladies who brought me the cloak at that time." Feng Jue continued, "One of the court ladies named Ning Xue , caught my attention."

"Ning Xue caused your idea? Why?" Feng Yunzheng asked.

"This Ning Xue was originally an ordinary court lady in the House of Internal Affairs, but recently she started to get closer to the Palace of Shouning, so she became a celebrity serving in the house. Even Su An has to look at her face." Feng Jue said.

"How close is it to Shouning Palace?" Lian Siyue suddenly thought of something in his mind, "Yun Zheng, do you remember? When we came out of Shouning Palace that day, we saw a maid in a hurry She seems to be looking for something in Shouning Palace, judging by her clothes, she should belong to the Ministry of Internal Affairs."

"I remembered, that person looked in a hurry, and there was sweat on his forehead. He seemed to have committed something and came to ask for help." Feng Yunzheng also remembered that person.

"A person from the Ministry of Internal Affairs came to Shouning Palace to ask for help, who did she ask for?" Lian Siyue narrowed her eyes slightly, and some clues seemed to become clear when she questioned herself.

"I'm blind and I can't move now. Although there are many doubts about this matter, I can't investigate it myself. Therefore, I ask Sijiu to ask you for your strength and tell you these things. Please investigate for me." Feng Jue said.

"Don't worry, we will definitely investigate this matter to the end! Besides, this matter also involves the Changchun Palace. If you don't investigate it clearly, you will have suspicions in your heart. I will not allow anyone to use my mother's later Do such vicious things." Feng Yunzheng said.

"Brother Nine Kings, I...I really doubted Empress Empress." Feng Jue felt uneasy, but still expressed his true thoughts, especially at times like this, he had to speak out frankly.

"Jue'er, let me go. I don't blame you. It's human nature. If I were me, I would be the first to suspect the person who sent the cloak, especially since Li Dayong also confirmed that Nanny Li might exist." Yun Zheng said.

Hearing what he said, Feng Jue felt relieved.

Lian Siyue thought for a moment, and said, "Then let's start with Ning Xue, the maid of honor, and see if this Ning Xue is the one who came to Shouning Palace in a hurry that day."

She quietly had an idea in her mind.

"Jue'er, I heard that Liang Degui came to the mansion to convey the emperor's intention to let you enter the palace tomorrow, are you... ready?" Lian Siyue asked.

As soon as Feng Jue left the palace and entered the palace, the fact that he was blind would become known to everyone.

"I'm ready." Feng Jue held the back of the chair, although his eyes were empty, the expression on his face was firm.

"In the future, let Dong Shen live in Ming'an Palace to develop medicine for Jue'er to restore eyesight. Jue'er, don't be discouraged, I believe that one day, you will see the light again." Feng Yunzheng said.

"Thank you, Brother Wang." A faint smile appeared on the corner of Feng Jue's lips.

Seeing him smile, Lian Siyue felt more and more sad in her heart. He is smiling now, presumably, when he found out that he was blind, the most difficult time, he had already gone through it silently.

So now, what I'm showing them is a strong and optimistic phoenix formula.

"Jue'er, Dong Shen is very skilled in medicine and will always find a way." Lian Siyue walked up to him, straightened her robe, and said.

"When the eyes were just blind, I really wanted to see the light again. I desperately opened my eyes and rubbed them with my hands, wishing to dig out my eyeballs to see what was wrong.

Holding such a strong thought, holding the thought of why fate is unfair to me, I fell to the ground, drenched in the rain, fell asleep, and woke up again. When I woke up, I dared not open my eyes because I was looking forward to opening them. Behind the eyes, everything is a dream, so I can still see.

Torturing myself like this, torturing, torturing, seemed to suddenly enlighten me.

Fortunately, the poisonous scorpion didn't kill me, it just took my eyes, I was still alive, after thinking about it, I slowly figured it out. "

Seeing him calmly talking about his mental journey in the past two days, listening to his unexcited voice.

Lian Siyue's eyes were full of distress and reluctance, and said, "Jie'er, take a good rest, and when your eyes are better, we will go to the mountains to hunt mulberries, and go to the academy to hunt dates. The mulberries are yellow, and the dates are blue. You want remember."

'Mulberries are yellow, dates are blue, sister, I will always remember. 'Feng Jue raised his chin and said.

"Let's go, you have a good rest, if you have any questions, I will order someone to come and report to you, if you have any new discoveries, let Zhang Xi and Sijiu come to us." Feng Yunzheng stretched out his hand, and patted the fearful Fengjue shoulder, said.

"En." Feng Jue nodded.

Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue left together, "Wait!" Feng Jue suddenly stopped them.

"What's wrong? Jue'er?" Lian Siyue asked.

"Don't tell Eleven about my blindness," Feng Jue said.

"Okay, don't worry, we won't tell her that she is now in Ningde Villa." Lian Siyue said.

"Maybe, when she comes back, my eyesight will be healed." Feng Jue smiled slightly.

Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue turned around, left his house, and also left Ming An Palace all the way, the two of them didn't say a word along the way.

(End of this chapter)

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