First-class daughter

Chapter 1229 Waiting for a lifetime

Chapter 1229 Waiting for a lifetime
Chapter 1229 Waiting for a lifetime
After returning to Prince Heng's mansion, Feng Yunzheng asked the housekeeper to call Dr. Jia from the city, and asked, "Did you see the scorpion poison in His Highness the Eleventh?"

"Yes, Your Highness." Doctor Jia said in fear.

"Tell me the truth, is there much hope for His Highness the Eleventh to recover?" Lian Siyue asked directly.

"This..." Dr. Jia was a little embarrassed.

"You don't have to worry, just tell me." Feng Yunzheng said.

Dr. Jia lowered his head and said, " slim, because the scorpion bit the neck, and the scorpion poison passed through the back of the neck and spread to the eyeballs, causing blindness. Her eyeballs are not as black and bright as before, and have turned gray-brown."

Yes, in fact, both of them discovered this change today.

"Go down." Feng Yunzheng raised his hand and said.

"Yes, Your Highness." Dr. Jia bowed and retreated.

Feng Yunzheng turned his head and looked at Lian Siyue. She was holding the chair tightly with her hands, and there was deep sadness in her eyes. He stretched out his hand, held her hand in his palm, and comforted, "Yue'er, don't worry too much. It's up to people. Feng Jue's eyes will eventually recover, let's not give up."

"Je'er has suffered too much grievance. From Lian's family to the palace, he has suffered too much grievance!" Lian Siyue said, with a mist in his eyes, but his eyes were extremely firm. It is necessary to get it back thousands of times for him!"

"Yue'er, don't worry, we will seek justice for him together!" Feng Yunzheng, like Lian Siyue, will never let anyone hurt someone important to them!
"Your Highness, Dr. Dong has arrived." A while later, Dong Shen also came under Feng Yunzheng's order.

He walked up to the two of them, bowed, and said, "Your Highness, Wangfei, Dong Shen is here."

"Dong Shen, I have something important for you to do." Feng Yunzheng said to Dong Shen solemnly.

"Your Highness, please give me instructions." Dong Shen knelt on the ground on one knee and said,
"His Eleventh Highness was poisoned by a scorpion and lost his eyesight. This king ordered you to stay in Ming'an Palace from today. In this life, you will only do one thing in the future: to study for the recovery of His Highness's eyesight. No matter how long it takes, you must come to him. The day of recovery."

"Yes, I will obey your orders, and I will do my best in this life for the recovery of His Highness the Eleventh." Dong Shen took the order, turned and left.

"The poison of the jade pendant and the poison of the scorpion are all aimed at Jue'er. Those people are so eager to get rid of him, hehe." Lian Siyue murmured.

"The poison of the jade pendant should be written by Feng Qianyue, so what about the poison of the scorpion?" Feng Yunzheng frowned deeply, lost in thought.

this evening.

Lian Siyue almost stayed up all night. In the middle of the night, she still got up, closed her eyes, paced in the dark, walked out of the room slowly, and walked to the yard, feeling the hardships of Feng Jue's blindness.

In the previous life, Lian Shiya gave her one eye from the beginning to the end in order to torture her, let her see the ugliness of this world, and stimulate her.

In order to torture Lian Jue, he was always given a pair of eyes to let him see her ups and downs, but he still couldn't get close to her.

At that time, she thought Jue'er was dead, so when the dirty beggar crawled to the gate of Xiangfu and stretched out his hand to her, she didn't recognize him. At that time, he watched his sister turn around Go away, how desperate he must be.

Lian Siyue staggered backwards, fell to the ground, her heart felt a tearing pain, she pulled the clothes with her hands, and beat them again and again, tears fell silently from her eyes.

"Yue'er!" Feng Yunzheng walked over quickly, wearing a white tunic tightly on her body, and took her into her arms and hugged her tightly.

"Yunzheng, I have a breath stuck in my heart. I can't swallow it or spit it out. It's extremely uncomfortable. Do you know how miserable Jueer's previous life was..."

"I know, I know, I know, Yue'er..." At this moment, Feng Yunzheng could only hold her tightly and support her with the strength of his body.

Lian Siyue nestled in his arms, holding onto his clothes tightly.

The wind blew past her ears, the stars twinkled above her head, and the sky was silent. After a long time, Feng Yunzheng bent down and picked her up from the ground.

"Yue'er, take revenge slowly, don't worry, we've been waiting for a lifetime, haven't we?" He whispered softly in her ear.

"Yeah, we've been waiting for a lifetime, we've all been waiting for a lifetime." Lian Siyue murmured.

Ministry of Internal Affairs.

"Slap!" Ning Xue raised her hand, and slapped the maid in front of her hard on the face. The maid hurriedly knelt on the ground, "Miss Ning Xue, calm down, slave, slave, I made a mistake, slave will never dare again!"

Ning Xue looked at her coldly, and said angrily, "Bitch! Miss Jinran's things, are you able to move them too?"

"My servant is wrong, my servant is wrong, my servant will never dare again." The maid knelt on the ground and kowtowed repeatedly.

"Slap yourself." Ning Xue said with a condescending look in her eyes, "Otherwise, it won't be so simple if you tell Miss Jinran about this matter."

"Yes, yes!" The court lady hurriedly raised her hands, slapping her face one after another, holding back tears while slapping her.

"Are you tickling? Have you never seen a slap? How did those masters slap their slaves in the past? The sound of your slap is as soft as a mosquito." Ning Xue said displeasedly,

"Yes, yes!" The maid increased her strength tremblingly.

Hearing the crackling sound, the expression on Ning Xue's face looked a little better.

"Okay, stop." Seeing that the maid's face was red and swollen, Ning Xue told her to stop.

"Thank you Miss Ningxue." The maid said tremblingly.

Ning Xue took out a box of ointment and said kindly, "Don't say I'm treating you too harshly, it's because you are ignorant and touch something that shouldn't be touched, so don't blame me. Take this box of ointment and touch it." Touch it, it belongs to the Empress Dowager's palace, you are lucky."

"Yes, servant girl, thank you very much." The maid took the ointment, turned around and left tremblingly.

It was only when she walked outside the House of Internal Affairs that she covered her face and couldn't help crying.

At this time, another court lady came over and said, "Beating?"

"..." She nodded and touched her hot face.

"This person really flew up to the branch with one trick, and she showed off her power. I think she was not like us at the beginning, but now she has been rewarded twice by the Queen Mother, and she thinks she is the master." Another maid said.

"Stop talking, you'll hear it later, we're all going to suffer, let's go." The beaten maid lowered her head and said.

The two walked outside together, and after a few steps, they unexpectedly saw Qing Dai, the maid beside Prince Heng's mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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