Chapter 1232
Chapter 1232
At this moment, outside the Zhengyang Gate, the carriage of Prince Ming An's Mansion was parked at the gate, and several eunuchs were waiting at the front gate. It was the emperor's will that His Royal Highness the Eleventh Palace entered the palace today.

Zhang Xi jumped out of the carriage, stood respectfully beside the carriage, and said, "Your Highness, Zhengyang Gate has arrived."

"En." A moment later, the curtain of the carriage was lifted, and a man in a brocade blue robe appeared in front of the carriage. A handsome man, you can't take your eyes off him.

Because all carriages outside the palace are not allowed to enter the palace, the rest of the journey has to be driven or walked in the palace sedan chair.

"Your Highness, my servant." All the eunuchs came over, knelt on the ground, and said.

However, when he got off the carriage, he groped his hands in the air a few times, and then grasped Sijiu's hand tightly, and finally got out of the carriage. However, his footsteps still staggered a bit, not steady enough.

Only then did the eunuchs realize that His Highness the Eleventh Highness is a little different from usual, as if he couldn't see clearly what was in front of him, and the color of his eyes seemed to have changed, but no one dared to make too many guesses.

Zhang Xi walked up to a eunuch and said, "Your Highness the Eleventh suffered from a cold yesterday and is not feeling well today. I beg you to prepare a sedan chair. Your Highness will be escorted into the palace in a sedan chair."

"Yes, please wait, Your Highness." The eunuch said.

After a while, the sedan chair was carried over, Feng Jue got on the sedan chair, sat on the sedan chair, and was carried all the way into the palace.

Although he could no longer see it, the illness did not damage Feng Jue's handsome posture.

Today's sunshine was very good, falling on him, emitting a faint halo, enveloping his power.

Some court ladies passing by couldn't help but look at him a few more times, and their faces turned red.

Feng Jue slowly closed his eyes, felt every sound around him with his ears, and identified the source of every sound. He was blind and couldn't see, so he must exercise his hearing beyond ordinary people.

He has no eyes, so he has to live by his ears.

Even if he doesn't have eyes, he still has to make a phoenix that doesn't need to rely on anyone!

From Zhengyangmen to Rongyuan Hall, a long distance has passed.

In the past, he didn't think this road was too far away, but recently, since he couldn't see anything, he felt that this road was extremely long. After walking for a long time, he finally arrived outside Rongyuan Hall.

After arriving, the sedan chair was put down, and Sijiu hurried forward, supported his hand, and whispered, "Your Highness, we're here. In front are Eunuch Feng, Commander Jiang and others."

Feng Jue nodded slightly, looked ahead, showing the same expression as before, as if looking at the person in front of him, and said, "Feng Jue was ordered to come to pay respects to Father Emperor."

Feng Degui stepped forward and said, "Your Highness, please wait a moment, the imperial physician is taking the emperor's pulse, it will take a while."

"Father's health is important, I am waiting here slowly, it doesn't matter." Feng Jue said.

He smelled it, and there was a scent of flowers in the air. He suddenly remembered that there was a rare two-color rhododendron in front of Rongyuan Hall, which bloomed only once every five years, and had a unique fragrance.

He said, "This two-color rhododendron blooms really gorgeously."

Liang Degui took a look at the two-colored azalea, and said, "Yes, Your Highness, this flower has only bloomed once, and it already has this fragrance, and it has been five years since the last flowering, so I will bring the flowers in today. The emperor took a look, and the emperor also said that this is a good omen, and something good will happen."

"..." Feng Jue was stunned, it turned out that only one flower bloomed, but fortunately he didn't say too much, otherwise it would be exposed.

Originally, he thought it would be okay to announce the news of his blindness to the public, but those people stopped thinking about him, and he no longer had to regard him as an enemy, and he could live a peaceful life.

However, Brother Jiuwang and sister later patted Night Breeze and said, don't let people know that he is blind, and he knew that there must be some plan, so he didn't say anything, before coming to the palace today, I have contacted the palace several times to walk alone.

Moreover, in order to cover up, when entering the palace, he lied that he occasionally felt cold and unwell, and used it to block at critical moments.

"Your Highness, the Emperor will let you in."

After standing quietly for a while, Emperor Zhou Cheng finally passed on the Feng Jue to see him.

Feng Jue took a few steps forward, staggered suddenly, covered his head with his hands, and showed a sad expression on his face.

Seeing this, Feng Degui hurried forward, subconsciously supported Feng Jue, and said, "Your Highness, be careful."

"My lord is feeling the wind and cold. I felt dizzy early this morning. I may have been standing here for a long time, but now I feel that my eyes are dark and my legs are weak." Feng Jue said.

Feng Degui said nervously, "Your Highness, I will help you in first."

"Yeah." Feng Jue nodded, with an expression of relief quietly showing on his face.

With Feng Degui's support, he entered the Hall of Rongyuan. Once he entered the hall, there was still a smell of medicinal herbs.

Several eunuchs were retreating from the hall one by one, when they saw His Highness the Eleventh they knelt down and greeted him.

After entering the hall, Feng Degui supported Lian Jue all the way to the center, and then retreated.

Feng Jue knelt down and said, "I pay my respects to my father, long live my father, long live my father."

"Ahem..." Behind the curtain, there were several familiar coughing sounds from Emperor Zhou Cheng, and Feng Jue's heart trembled slightly when he heard it.

Although this man is already sick, as an emperor, as his father, his words and deeds still deeply affect him.

"Father, are you feeling better?" Feng Jue asked.

"Je'er is here, I feel much more comfortable these two days than before." Zhou Chengdi said, coughing twice.

"In this way, my son will feel more at ease." Feng Jue said.

"I heard about what happened at the full moon banquet of Chengjun Wanjun that day, but I was unwell that day, so I didn't ask about it. Jue'er, father believes in you, and will never lay hands on his nephew and niece. Yes." Zhou Chengdi ordered his mother to lift the curtain in front of her and said.

"My son, thank you for your trust." Feng Jue felt that Zhou Chengdi was looking at him, so he took the opportunity to lower his head slightly and said.

"Ahem..." Zhou Chengdi frowned, and said, "I'm not feeling well right now, and the smell that's surging in the palace has spread to the Rongyuan Hall."

"Where are you now?" Xie Jinran was pruning flowers and branches for the Empress Dowager in the garden of Shouning Palace, when Yin'er hurried over and told her that His Royal Highness the Eleventh has entered the palace.

"At that time, I had already entered the Zhengyang Gate, and went directly to the Rongyuan Hall to meet the emperor."

Xie Jinran's eyes flashed with thought, he looked around, and asked in a low voice, "Is there anything unusual?"

Yin'er said, "Looked at it from a distance,"

(End of this chapter)

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