Chapter 1233

Chapter 1233

Yin'er said, "Looking at it from a distance, His Highness the Eleventh just staggered when he got out of the carriage, and there was nothing unusual. I heard that he was infected with the wind and cold and felt a little unwell."

"That's all?" Xie Jinran asked.

"At the moment, that's all the servants have heard." Yin'er replied.

Xie Jinran frowned slightly, "How is this possible?"

The scorpion was poisonous, and it had been hungry for two days at that time. Once the cloak was worn on the body, the hungry scorpion would sting severely when it felt the smell of the person.

Ning Xue said that Feng Jue wore the cloak on her body at the gate of the prison, so she would be stung at least a few times from the prison gate to Ming An Palace. Send him to Jue when he gets out of the prison, so that when he is bitten, he will definitely think that he was bitten by a mosquito in the cell.

Then, when he found the biting scorpion in the cloak, he would hold the empress responsible. After the emperor knew about it, he threw the queen into limbo in a fit of anger, and Feng Jue had already been poisoned by the scorpion.

This can be described as killing two birds with one stone,
She thought that every step of the plan was very strict. Calculated according to the time, Feng Jue was already poisoned by this time, but everything was so peaceful, Feng Jue entered the palace as usual, and Changchun Palace was peaceful, without even a little disturbance.

What exactly happened here?
Xie Jinran narrowed her eyes slightly, and she calmly recalled every step from the beginning of the market to determine if there were any loopholes.

After thinking about it, there is only one place: Shuyan failed to sew the scorpion into the cloak, or the scorpion bit through the cloak and crawled out.

Otherwise, no matter what, nothing will happen.

Or, Feng Jue has already discovered something, but is he deliberately pretending to be something, waiting to lure the snake out of the hole?
If that's the case... Xie Jinran's heart trembled slightly.

"Miss, what should we do now?" Yin'er asked.

Xie Jinran thought for a moment, and said, "Don't make any noise, pretend you don't know anything, and don't let yourself be exposed. Ning Xue doesn't know about this matter, so you can't find the Shouning Hall easily. Besides, the Empress Dowager's Shouning Who dares to investigate indiscriminately."

"Then we still have to be more careful." Yin'er said vigilantly.

"No." Xie Jinran said after thinking for a moment, "In order to get the most accurate information, I have to test Feng Jue myself."

"How to test? If the test is not successful, you will be exposed to the second lady." Yin'er worried.

"Heh..." Xie Jinran turned around and looked at the words Shouning Palace, with a deep smile on his lips, and said, "Of course I won't come out in person, isn't there a queen mother?"

After a while, Yin'er showed a clear look, and said, "I see, Second Miss, what a plan."

"You wait for the good news outside, I'll go to the Queen Mother's place for a while." Xie Jinran said.

"Yes, Second Miss, be careful in everything." Yin'er bowed.

Xie Jinran turned around, smiled, and walked into the Queen Mother's bedroom.

At this moment, the Empress Dowager has just finished her breakfast. According to the past habits, the Empress Dowager will drink tea for a while after finishing her breakfast.

Xie Jinran walked in, took the teacup and hot water from the maid, put the teacup on the table in front of the Empress Dowager, and slowly poured the water into it.

Originally, the Empress Dowager looked as usual, but when she glanced at the teacup, there was surprise in her eyes, "Jin Ran, your tea art is so good, the tea leaves are scattered, and the mist rises up, which feels like an illusion. "

"Jin Ran used to ask the Empress Dowager that you like tea art. I have learned from the tea art masters in the palace these few days. I am making a fool of myself today. Please forgive me." Xie Jinran bowed, with a humble expression on his face, and said.

When the Queen Mother heard this, the smile on her face deepened, and she said, "It's really rare to have such a skill in just a few days."

Xie Jinran raised his eyes, looked at the queen mother with a pair of eyes, and said, "As long as you can make the queen mother happy, you are willing to do anything. The emperor is not feeling well. The queen mother has been working hard recently. There are many things in the harem. I can't help anything, I can only make the empress dowager feel relaxed."

Xie Jinran's words touched the heart of the Empress Dowager, she reached out, took Xie Jinran's hand, and said, "You have a heart, Ai's family is very happy, don't worry, Ai's family knows that your father was sent to deal with the disaster, as long as He has completed the mission of disaster relief, the Ai family must personally come forward and give him a reward."

Xie Jinran heard this, and quickly knelt down, with a look of panic on his face, and said, "Empress Dowager, don't misunderstand, father's going to deal with disasters is what he should do as an official of the court, and Jinran does this, sincerely just hope that Empress Dowager can be happy , absolutely no intention of fighting for fame for my father, the Empress Dowager said so, if it gets out, people will think that Jin Ran has ulterior motives."

As she said this, an imperceptible smile flashed in her eyes.

"Get up quickly." Seeing her like this, the queen mother was even more pleased with her, and said, "Your father's disaster relief is what he should do as a court official. You should be rewarded. If it is because he is your father, you can not grant rewards. This is not fair to your father, and it will also dispel the enthusiasm of future disaster management officials. Therefore, you should not be burdened by this matter. You should Do whatever you want."

After hearing this, Xie Jinran raised his head, moved and grateful, and said, "What the empress dowager taught me is that Jinran thinks too much."

The empress dowager nodded and said, "Okay, get up, don't kneel down. Feng Ye is lucky to have you as the future princess."

"Thank you, Empress Dowager, for your compliment." Xie Jinran said, his cheeks flushed a little.

"Although Concubine Xian passed away, Feng Ye had to observe filial piety for three years, but some people know how Concubine Xian was stabbed to death. Ai Jia wondered if he could find an explanation so that you don't have to wait three more years. Years ago, I planned this big wedding with Feng Ye earlier." The queen mother said suddenly.

Xie Jinran was overjoyed, it was never expected that the Queen Mother would have such an idea.

She thought for a while, and said softly, "Jin Ran will follow the arrangements of the Empress Dowager, oh, of course, we also need to see what His Highness the Eighth Highness means, if the Eighth Highness is unwilling to get married because he misses the Concubine Xian, please invite the Empress Dowager Don't blame him."

The smile on the Empress Dowager's face deepened, "You know how to think about Feng Ye. You are a sensible child. Only when a woman thinks about her man in every possible way, will her man be more promising, and she will live her own life. better. You've got that."

(End of this chapter)

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