Chapter 1234
Chapter 1234
The smile on the Empress Dowager's face deepened, "You know how to think about Feng Ye. You are a sensible child. Only when a woman thinks about her man in every possible way, will her man be more promising, and she will live her own life. better."

"Jinran also learned these principles by being around the empress dowager these days." Xie Jinran said, but his heart was beating thumpingly.

It would be great if she could get married early. Although she has gained Feng Ye's trust now, she is very afraid that he will not be firm enough and will change his mind when something happens. Although the imperial decree cannot be defied, a If a man has the idea of ​​not wanting to marry, then the woman will suffer for the rest of her life.

The reason why Xie Jinran is so unique in serving the Empress Dowager and understanding these things is because she has done so many things in Xie's house since she was a child.

Moreover, among the three sisters, at the beginning, she was the second child who received the least attention, everyone's first daughter, and naturally the best was hers, and the third sister, Xie Furong, was doubly favored because she was the youngest. She, the second child, is out of neglected status.

Therefore, since she was a child, she tried every means to spit out herself and please her grandmother and mother at home.

Then, quietly use the leader of others to deal with the third sister.

After a while, Nanny Wen came in, Xie Jinran glanced at her, the two looked at each other, and nodded silently.

Then, Nanny Wen bowed and said, "Empress Dowager, His Highness the Eleventh has entered the palace, and is facing the saint in the Rongyuan Hall."

"He's here?" The Empress Dowager's complexion changed. Last time, the matter of Chengjun's remanding monarch was finally settled. Although the investigation has been carried out recently, Jiang Keji did not bring any breakthrough news.

"Empress Dowager, Jinran has a few words, I don't know if I should talk too much?" Xie Jinran said.

"You tell me." The empress dowager became amiable.

"On that day, the Empress Dowager ordered His Highness the Eleventh to be imprisoned because she was too worried about the Little County King and the Little Princess after learning about Yupei. However, because Princess Heng trusted His Highness so much, Eleventh Prince His Highness was released. Jin Ran was thinking, Princess Heng is so trusting, but the Empress Dowager doubts His Highness Eleven, does His Highness Eleven have any thoughts about you? How about calling His Highness Eleven today to talk to him? If you care about one or two, His Royal Highness the Eleventh will get rid of the knot in his heart." Xie Jinran told the Queen Mother one by one what he had just thought about.

What she said was clever. One, she quietly conveyed a message to the Queen Mother, that Princess Heng and King Ming An held a group together, ignoring the Queen Mother's intentions, and the second Feng Jue might be interesting to grandma. These two points, no matter what it is A little bit is enough to make the queen mother unhappy.

Nanny Wen also took the opportunity to say, "Empress Dowager, this servant thinks what Second Miss said is reasonable."

The Queen Mother frowned, and said, "Nurse Wen, you go to the Rongyuan Palace, and pass on the Feng Jue, so that Ai's family will gradually, and let him know that Ai's family is not targeting him, but to track down the real culprit."

"Yes, I'm going now, servant girl." Nanny Wen glanced at Xie Jinran quietly, Xie Jinran nodded slightly, and then as if nothing had happened, brought tea that was already moderately hot and cold to the Queen Mother, and said, "Your Majesty, you drink Tea."

"Yeah." The queen mother took a sip of tea, and seeing her face, Xie Jinran breathed a sigh of relief.

Inside the Hall of Honor.

Feng Jue knelt on the ground and said, "Father, my son is very grateful for his trust. As for the villains who hurt Chengjun and tried to blame my son, I will definitely track them down and give my father an explanation." .”

Emperor Zhou Cheng nodded, and said, "Jiang Keji is also investigating this matter, ahem..." He coughed twice, and said, "This is a son of my royal family who is endangering, and we must investigate to the end."

Feng Jue lowered his head and said, "Yes, I understand."

"..." At this time, Feng Degui quietly told the emperor, "Your Majesty, His Highness the Eleventh is very filial, but he actually caught the cold."

"Oh?" Zhou Chengdi listened, looked at Feng Jue, and said, "Jue'er, are you feeling unwell?"

After hearing Feng Degui's words, Feng Jue thought, this slave is really troublesome!
However, it was not easy to show it, so he said, "My son has already seen the doctor, and there is nothing serious, father, don't worry."

"Since you have come to Rongyuan Hall, let the imperial physician take a look. The emperor has been unwell for so long, so he realizes the importance of good health. Feng Degui, call the imperial physician." Zhou Chengdi ordered.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Feng Degui was ordered to call the imperial physician.

A trace of sweat protruded from Feng Jue's back. If the imperial physician examines him, he may find that his pulse is not right, and his eyes are not right.

"Father, son..."

"Father..." At this moment, a voice came from outside the hall.

Feng Jue froze for a moment, and immediately felt relieved, with a relieved smile on his face.

I saw Feng Yunzheng coming in from outside the hall, walked up to Feng Jue's side, knelt down, and said, "I pay homage to my father, long live my father."

"Yun Zheng, you're here too." Emperor Zhou Cheng looked at the kneeling man with a slight smile on his face.

In the past, he also cut off his son's title to prevent him from interfering with government affairs, but in the end, this was the one that made him worry the most.

There are more or less bad rumors in other palaces, but Prince Heng's palace has never had one, and he even got two grandchildren at once.

"Father, the imperial physician in the Eleventh Emperor's Mansion is watching the cold of the Eleventh Emperor. It will be bad if you change the imperial physician. At that time, the prescriptions used by each imperial physician will not be good. I am afraid that the illness of the Eleventh Emperor will be affected. Not good." Feng Yunzheng expressed concern.

Feng Jue also said, "Yes, father, besides, my son is not an important matter, it is Feng Degui who made a big fuss, my son is not afraid of thousands of troops, a few sneezes are nothing." Finally, Feng Jue still I smiled on purpose.


Emperor Zhou Cheng couldn't help laughing, and said, "You, you can still joke around at this time, it's my trick, that's all, you know your body well, so go down with the imperial doctors, don't look at it "

"What the father said is that the body of the son must be good, and the son will fight for the father and open up the territory for the father." Feng Jue said at the right time.

"Hahaha!" Zhou Chengdi laughed heartily.

Feng Yunzheng was taken aback for a moment. Hearing this laughter, he slowly raised his head and glanced at Emperor Zhou Cheng. This laughter...

When Emperor Zhou Cheng looked over, he immediately lowered his head again and didn't look any further.

(End of this chapter)

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