First-class daughter

Chapter 1235 Can't help being disappointed.

Chapter 1235 Can't help being disappointed.

Chapter 1235 Can't help being disappointed.

When Emperor Zhou Cheng looked over, he immediately lowered his head and didn't look any further, for fear that his father would see that he was observing him secretly.

"Cough, cough, cough..." Suddenly, Emperor Zhou Cheng coughed violently again, clenched his hands into fists, and clenched his mouth tightly.

Feng Degui walked over quickly, and hurriedly supported him, saying, "Your majesty, you are too excited. The imperial doctor said that you must gather energy and maintain the dragon's body, and you must not be loud or loud."

Feng Yunzheng raised his head, and indeed saw his father's distressed appearance. With the support of Feng Degui and his mother, he sat back to the original place, and the curtain was slowly drawn, and his figure was isolated. Then, the curtain He coughed continuously from behind the tent, which sounded very depressing.

The imperial doctor outside heard this voice, trotted in hastily, and began to diagnose and treat him.

"Brother Nine Kings..." Feng Jue couldn't see, so he could only shout softly.

Feng Yunzheng moved closer to him, taking advantage of the confusion and no one was paying attention to them, whispered, "Father is coughing, and seems to be unwell."

"Is it serious?" Feng Jue asked hastily.

Feng Yunzheng glanced at the busy figure behind the curtain, and said, "Seriously."

After a while, Feng Degui came out, bowed to Feng Yunzheng and Feng Jue, and said, "Your Highness, the emperor suddenly felt unwell, he said please leave first and come back later."

"Yes, father, my son is resigning. May father and dragon body be healthy soon, long live long live long live." The two prostrated on the ground and said in unison.

Then Feng Yunzheng got up first, stretched out his hand, took Feng Jue's wrist, helped him up together, turned around, and the two left Rongyuan Hall side by side.

Several palace maids filed in with medicine cups and water in their hands. It seemed that the atmosphere was very tense.

Walking to the entrance of the main hall, Feng Yunzheng turned his head, glanced at the direction of the curtain, and thoughtfulness flashed in his eyes.

His father's laughter was hearty and full of energy just now, he really didn't look like someone who had been ill for a long time. At that moment, he even suspected that his father was not sick at all, but immediately, he started coughing again, blushing, Rong Yuan Hall fell into a tense atmosphere,

"What really happened?"

"Brother Jiuwang, did you find anything?"

Feng Jue heard Feng Yunzheng's doubts and asked.

"Oh, it's nothing, it's not a particularly important matter, I'll tell you later when there are results." Feng Yunzheng said.

The two left Rongyuan Hall side by side, but because Feng Jue's eyes were inconvenient and he couldn't see, they walked slowly. Feng Yunzheng's footsteps were deliberately amplified so that Feng Jue could hear them.

Hearing this voice, Feng Jue showed a smile on his face, silently understood Feng Yunzheng's intention, and said in a low voice, "If brother Jiu Wang hadn't arrived in time just now, I'm afraid my brother would have to spend a lot of trouble It's all Feng Degui's flattery, so troublesome."

"Your sister asked me to come here." Feng Yunzheng said, "It was in time, and, although the color of your eyes has changed, it's hard to see if you don't look carefully. Your eyeballs and eyelids are always moving. , can’t easily see the problem.”

"No matter what time my sister is, she always plans ahead and is very thoughtful. I used to be with the Lian family. When I was the grandson of the Lian family, I admired my sister's intelligence very much. At that time, we were suppressed by Aunt Xiao, and the old grandmother didn't care too much. I'll see, but my sister insisted on making a bloody way. At that time, she also said that she would fight for the whole family to me. I was afraid that I would disappoint her expectations, because I worked so hard, and I was afraid that she would be disappointed.

But unexpectedly, in the end, I am not the grandson of the Lian family, and the Lian family does not need to be given to me. In the end, the entire family of the Lian family is gone. "Feng Jue had a melancholy expression on his face, and a trace of emotion flashed in his eyes."

"..." Hearing these words, a proud smile appeared on Feng Yunzheng's face. What Fengjue didn't know was that at that time, he had also been reborn and was silently watching the siblings.

When they walked outside, the long-awaited Shouning Hall Wen Nai came forward, Feng Yunzheng sneered softly, and said, "As expected, Father is not the only person who wants to see you today."

Just when Feng Jue was about to ask who else was there, Nanny Wen bowed with a submissive smile on her face, and said, "Your Highness Ninth, Your Highness Eleventh... I am here to declare His Highness Eleventh at the order of the Empress Dowager." Go to Shouning Hall."

Feng Jue was slightly startled, and said, "I don't know why the imperial grandmother summoned her grandson."

Feng Yunzheng stood aside, quietly looking at this wen wen.

"The Empress Dowager said that His Highness suffered some grievances in the prison for the past two days, and today she caught a cold and felt worried, so she wants to see you and has something to say to you." Nanny Wen bowed and said .

"It just so happens that this king also has something important to meet with the imperial grandmother and the eleventh imperial brother, let's go together." Feng Yunzheng said, and glanced at Wen Nanny.

For some reason, Nanny Wen was frightened by His Highness Ninth Prince's eyes, and her back felt a little chilled. His Highness Ninth Prince's appearance exuded a fairy air, although indifferent and alienated, these eyes made people feel even more frightened, just like that Princess Heng, The eyes of the two always give people a feeling that they can easily see through the world.

"Your Highness, please." Nanny Wen lowered her head and said.

Originally, Miss Jinran meant to let His Highness the Eleventh go alone, but unexpectedly, she also ran into His Highness Ninth. Now... what should I do?

"Eleventh Brother, let's go this way, you are not feeling well today, let's walk slowly." Feng Yunzheng said with a slightly raised voice.

Feng Jue understood, looked ahead with a pair of eyes, clasped fists with both hands, and said, "Thank you, brother Jiu Wang, for your understanding."

Nanny Wen followed behind Feng Yunzheng and Feng Jue, secretly raised her eyes, and glanced at the two of them.

All the way to the Shouning Hall, Feng Yunzheng and Feng Jue walked into the hall, knelt down in front of the Empress Dowager together, and said, "Grandson pays respects to the imperial grandmother."

The queen mother showed a loving smile on her face, and said, "You two came together, it's better, let Aijia take a good look at you, get up quickly."

"Yes, thank you, Grandmother." The two said in unison.

Xie Jinran stood beside the Queen Mother with her head slightly lowered, but in fact, from the moment Feng Jue came in, she had been secretly observing him carefully, thinking that Yin'er's information might be wrong, but she didn't find that Feng Jue There were signs of scorpion poison on Jue's body, on the contrary, he looked healthy, in good spirits, and his figure was still tall and straight.

What exactly is going on?Why is there nothing?The original goal was not achieved, Xie Jinran didn't dare to feel very disappointed, a plan was planned in vain, she must find out what went wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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