Chapter 1236
Chapter 1236
However, at the same time, Xie Jinran felt a faint sense of uneasiness, it was too strange, it was too different from what she expected, could it be...

In fact, Feng Jue has already noticed something, and is waiting for the person who poisoned the scorpion to be fooled?

She was thinking of various possibilities in her mind, and when she looked at Feng Jue carefully, the Ninth Prince Feng Yunzheng suddenly said, "Second Miss Xie, do you have something to say?"

"..." Xie Jinran was stunned for a moment. She was extremely annoyed because she lost her composure because she paid too much attention to Feng Jue. She said quickly, "Jin Ran dare not. Jin Ran is just listening carefully to the words of the two Highnesses and the Empress Dowager. The Empress Dowager Empress, Jin Ran will not disturb your conversation with the two Highnesses, so Jin Ran will leave first."

To avoid suspicion, she must avoid suspicion immediately, otherwise it will be easy to show flaws, and this Ninth Highness is not a character to be provoked.

"No, you just need to stay. You are not an outsider. There is nothing you can't hear between our grandparents and grandchildren." The queen mother said.

"Yes, Jinran obeys the order." Xie Jinran bowed.

Feng Yunzheng's indifferent eyes flicked past her, and a barely detectable sarcasm flashed across his face.

"Je'er, on that day, the incident happened suddenly, and it was Chengjun Wanjun's birthday party. Aijia was a little stricter on you. You felt a little wronged, and Aijia could understand. But it turns out, don't be too bitter about your family." At this time, the Empress Dowager said.

But Feng Jue had a nonchalant smile on his face, and said, "Grandmother also loves Cheng Jun and Wan Jun eagerly, and besides, the jade pendant was indeed a gift from my grandson, and my grandson should be the first one to take it for granted." The emperor's grandmother will deal with those who are suspected, so how can Jue'er blame the emperor's grandmother?"

"Yes, Grandmother, Yun Zheng and Siyue are very touched by the fact that you are so devoted to Chengjun and Suijun. When the two brothers and sisters grow up, they will definitely tell them how much Grandmother loves them. Let them remember the favor of the imperial grandmother." Feng Yunzheng took Feng Jue's words and said, "As for Jue'er, he can understand the decision of the imperial grandmother at that time very well, and he was just telling Yun Zheng that fortunately, the imperial grandmother made a decisive decision at that time. Putting him in prison for a while deterred the real poisoners, so that they could leave some loopholes for future investigation."

"Grandmother, what brother Nine Kings said is true." Feng Jue said.

The Queen Mother finally showed a smile on her face, and said, "It's the best if you all think so. Sit down, Madam Wen serves tea."

"Thank you for your grace." The two turned around and walked to their seats.

Feng Jue rarely came to the Shouning Hall before, and he was very unfamiliar with the furnishings here, and he didn't even know the direction of the chairs.

Feng Yunzheng rushed to sit on the chair in front of him naturally, picked up the teacup on the table, put it down heavily, and said, "This tea is really good, it's so tall beside the emperor's grandmother."

Feng Jue heard the sound, stepped forward, and walked over to where the sound was.

"Clang" However, he still accidentally lifted his foot onto the chair. After all, this is the fourth day of his blindness. No matter how good his hearing and keen senses are, he still has no way to adapt to this unfamiliar situation. The place.

Hearing this voice, Xie Jinran raised his head and looked at Feng Jue, only to see that Feng Jue had sat down calmly, looking ahead with his eyes.

Xie Jinran frowned slightly, his eyes first fell on Feng Jue's feet, then on Feng Jue's face.

"This tea is brewed by Jinran, and she can turn it into a scene." The queen mother said, looking very proud, introducing Xie Jinran's brilliance.

After being said by the queen mother, Xie Jinran's attention came back from Feng Jue, and said, "Jinran's tea art is far inferior to that of Princess Hengqin. The skill of making tea, even the princess praised it in every possible way at that time, you praised it in front of His Highness the Ninth Prince, this is called playing with an axe, and Jin Ran was embarrassed to put a big knife in front of Guan Gong."

Xie Jinran had a slight blush on her face, which made her look more non-aggressive, making it difficult for people to doubt this person's ambition easily.

"I'm sorry, Yue'er usually just practiced and she's not very good. Second Miss Xie, don't be fooled by those legends." Feng Yunzheng actually told Xie Jinran not to ask around.

Xie Jinran naturally heard the meaning, his face changed slightly, and he didn't speak any more.

But at this time, the queen mother said, "Speaking of these tea arts, female celebrities, this is what a woman in the back house should focus on doing. Don't often participate in things that you shouldn't be involved in. Our Great Zhou Dynasty According to the regulations, women are never allowed to participate in political affairs, and if they are not caught, it will be a capital offense."

Feng Yunzheng was slightly taken aback, pretending not to understand what the Empress Dowager said, and said, "The emperor's grandmother said that the women of our Great Zhou Dynasty would not interfere in political affairs. This is because you, the emperor's grandmother, have set an example."

In fact, isn't Feng Yunzheng's implication telling the queen mother not to be too lenient?

Sure enough, the queen mother's complexion changed, and she said, "Aijia is the queen mother, so naturally you have to set an example. As princes, you must also remember to tell the princesses in your mansion to keep their duties. Put more effort into the red, especially after having children, don't think about things you shouldn't think about, raise your children well, and the filling of our royal family is also a top priority."

Anyone with a discerning eye will understand that there are only two princes here, one is him, the other is Feng Jue, Feng Jue is unmarried, and only he has a concubine and a child. Lian Siyue was called directly.

It seems that the empress dowager has always been brooding over Yue'er's refutation of her words in the court hall that day, and this brooding is obviously inevitably caused by some people's instigation.

Feng Yunzheng felt very displeased in his heart, no matter who it was, even the emperor, he couldn't bear to say bad things about Yue'er, let alone the queen mother.

However, now is not the time to directly refute.

So, a modest smile appeared on his face, and he said, "The emperor's grandmother reminded me very much that Yue'er often said this, and when my grandson asked him for some opinions, she often kept silent and said You can't break the rules."

After hearing this, the Empress Dowager had a rather different look on her face. After a while, she smiled and said, "It's really good that Yun Zheng can marry this princess."

"Thank you for the praise from the imperial grandmother. Yun Zheng will definitely convey it to Yue'er, so that she will be more cautious in her words and deeds in the future, and will not talk or do things indiscriminately."

(End of this chapter)

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