Chapter 1237
Chapter 1237
When Xie Jinran heard Feng Yunzheng's words, his heart trembled slightly. What His Highness Jiu said meant something, was he talking about her?Could it be that she noticed something?Obviously, she has always been cautious in her words and deeds, never revealing any flaws.

"Okay, I'm looking for you today, and I'm here to say something about myself. The emperor's grandmother already understands what you two are thinking, and that's enough. What should you do? Go ahead, the old man of the Ai family, don't worry about it." I'm pulling you to talk." The Queen Mother said.

"Yes, Grandmother, grandson will leave." Feng Yunzheng and Feng Jue both stood up at the same time and said.

"Go, Ai's family is going to rest." The queen mother got up, Feng Yunzheng and Feng Jue bowed and watched the queen mother leave.

Then, the two left Shouning Hall together, and when they got outside, Feng Jue's sedan chair was already waiting, and when he got on the sedan chair, Feng Yunzheng gave him a hand.

The sedan chair was lifted up, and walked towards Changchun Palace, Feng Yunzheng walked aside.

When they arrived at the gate of Changchun Palace, the sedan chair was kicked down, Feng Yunzheng said, "You all step back."


After everyone retreated, Feng Yunzheng helped Feng Jue and walked into the hall together, Lian Siyue had already pushed back the irrelevant people.

Seeing Feng Jue coming in, she immediately ordered Qing Dai and Mother Tai to move the chairs over.

Seeing this scene, the empress suddenly felt a little strange, and asked, "What's wrong with Jue'er?"

"Mother's Queen." Feng Jue bowed to the Queen, nodded, and said, "Jue'er's eyes are a little sick, and there is something immoral, please don't blame the Queen Mother."

The queen's heart trembled, and she asked, "Your eyes are sick? What does this mean?"

"Queen, Jue'er was stung by a poisonous scorpion. The scorpion poisoned her eyes and hurt her eyes. Now she is blind." Lian Siyue said from the side.

"What..." The queen's heart suddenly rose to her throat, her back felt chilly, and she looked at Feng Jue in disbelief, "I was blind, Cheng Jun was fine on the day of the full moon banquet, how could it become like this What the hell happened? Why do you seem to be hiding something from me.”

"I told Brother Nine Kings and Sister-in-law Wang not to tell my mother about this, because I was afraid that my mother would misunderstand what I meant, so I told you personally." Feng Jue sat down with Feng Yunzheng's support, and said, "That day, the queen mother's cloak was delivered to the gate of the prison, and the son put it on. The next day, he found a palm-sized poisonous scorpion in the cloak, but it was too late, and the son was already poisoned. Fortunately, God Open your eyes, I didn't die from poisoning, but my eyes were blinded by it."

"There's a poisonous scorpion the size of a palm in the cloak?" The queen felt a chill on her skin when she heard this, "This... the cloak was made by the Ministry of Internal Affairs for you, but I never tampered with the cloak. Son, please believe this."

"Mother, if Jue'er didn't believe you, he wouldn't have said these things to you in front of me and Yunzheng. We have already decided that someone is using the mother's hand to poison Jue'er and provoke us at the same time. Moreover, if it is investigated, the mother will be thrown into limbo and even stabbed to death for the crime of poisoning the prince on her back." Lian Siyue explained on behalf of Feng Jue.

The queen breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Je'er is willing to believe in me, I am very relieved, but this schemer's heart is very vicious, if the scheme succeeds, King Ming An dies, and I will be thrown into limbo. After removing the queen, you and your husband will also be implicated!"

As he said that, even the Queen's back broke out in a cold sweat.

"The matter has been overdue for a few days, have you found anything?" She asked hastily.

"..." So Feng Yunzheng told about the fact that someone pretended to be Nanny Li to buy poisonous scorpions and that Ning Xue was getting close to Shou Ning Palace.

After hearing this, the queen said with an angry face, "How dare you pretend to be someone close to me!"

"Mother, sent the cloak to the prison that day, but mother specifically ordered the Ministry of Internal Affairs to do it?" Lian Siyue asked.

The empress shook her head, and said, "The matter of Cheng Jun's resignation is firmly in my heart, and I have forgotten the matter of the cloak. The next day Jue'er came to thank you, and it was the Ministry of Internal Affairs who sent it to me. In the past, I felt that there are a few maids in the Ministry of Internal Affairs who are very good at observing words and expressions, but who knew that the cloak was tampered with! I must thoroughly investigate this matter, Yue'er, where have you all gone?"

"..." Lian Siyue looked back at Qing Dai.

Qing Dai stepped forward and said, "Princess, Zhu Yun has just been here and talked to the servants about something."

After Lian Siyue heard this, a smile appeared on her face, she stood up, and said, "Queen Mother, Yun Zheng, Jue'er, please wait a moment, someone will come looking for you soon."

Ministry of Internal Affairs.

As soon as Ning Xue walked into the Xiufang, when she was about to continue cutting the summer clothes of the little princess and the little princess, she picked up the fabric and was shocked. Those exquisite brocades turned into a pile of tatters, and there was a smell of urine Smell.

She screamed in fright, and suddenly looked up and looked around, only to see a huge fat cat jumping out of the window with a sound, she ran over quickly to see that there was still a puddle of urine on the window!

"This dead cat!" Only then did Ning Xue know that it was the wild cat that scratched the piece of brocade and even urinated on it! "It's fine, why did the Ministry of Internal Affairs come to such a big wild cat?"

Seeing that this precious brocade has become like this, she will definitely be punished, she trembles with fright, what should I do, what should I do now!
On the other side of the window, Zhu Yun saw Ning Xue's panic-stricken appearance, and a smirk appeared on her face, ah, little bitch, it's up to you what to do this time!
That's right, she brought this wild cat in her arms. While Ning Xue was going out, she put the cat on the brocade, and the cat's sharp claws scratched it, causing the brocade to break!
And this method was taught by the natural girl Qingdai, she turned and left in a hurry, and went to Changchun Palace to inform Princess Heng.

And Ning Xue didn't know it, she paced back and forth inside, "Sister Xie and Miss Jin Ran!"

Thinking of this, she hurried out of the House of Internal Affairs and walked towards the Shouning Hall of the Empress Dowager.

When he arrived at Shouning Hall, Xie Jinran frowned slightly when he saw Ning Xue. She was a little displeased. She had told her not to come to her without her order to avoid gossip. This Ning Xue was still reckless. Xie Jinran was naturally displeased when he was found.

But in fact, she wanted to get rid of the matter of the cloak. After all, the cloak was sent by Ning Xue at that time. If people found out that she had a close relationship with this Ning Xue, it might cause some bad consequences.

"Why did you come here in a hurry? Didn't I give you an order? There is nothing needed in Duan Shouning Hall, so don't run over."

(End of this chapter)

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