Chapter 1238
Chapter 1238
Ning Xue plopped, knelt down on the ground, and said, "Second Miss, Ning Xue wants to ask Second Miss to help figure out a solution!" Her face was pale and anxious.

Xie Jinran trembled slightly and asked, "What happened?"

"It's like this..." Then, Ning Xue told the story of the wild cat scratching the Xiaojunwang and the Xiaojunzhu's brocade and urinating, "Second Miss, please help me out, these brocades are extremely precious, if they are taken by Princess Heng I know, I'm afraid I can't afford to pay for the lives of slaves."

"The little princess and the little princess are trembling brocade?" Xie Jinran felt a little vigilant in his heart when he heard this, and said, "Why did the wild cat damage the things of Princess Heng? Where did the wild cats from the Ministry of Internal Affairs come from?"

"Yes, originally, this was the work entrusted to Zhu Yun by Princess Heng. Because of the generous bounty, the servant was temporarily obsessed, so she took this work from Zhu Yun. Unexpectedly... it became like this .”

If it happened again, she would not be envious of Zhuyun, nor would she be envious of the bounty.

Xie Jinran heard this, and immediately felt that Ning Xue was really eager for quick success, which would obviously be detrimental to herself, but it was not good to immediately separate herself from her relationship, so she could only say: "This is the end of the matter, and such a precious brocade has become so dilapidated. , I can't do anything, I think you should go directly to the Prince Heng to apologize."

When Ning Xue heard it, she immediately felt hopeless. She hurriedly hugged Xie Jinran's feet, kowtowed vigorously, and said, "Second Miss, please, I have been in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for eight years, and finally got to where I am today. If If this matter is known by the Changchun Palace and Princess Hengqin, the servant's status will not be guaranteed, and she will be punished with a stick. The servant does not want to do this. Since the second lady has helped the servant once, let's help him again. In the future, the servant will be more obedient If you say it, I will do a good job for you."

Xie Jinran frowned, bent down, pulled Ning Xue's hand away, and said, "Ning Xue, listen, it's for your own good, but also for my own. If you listen to me and do things for me, Don't say it a second time, if someone listens to it, not only may your life be lost, but it will also implicate me, understand?"

She has always been cautious and low-key, if other people criticized her for buying the maids in the palace, once the rumors spread and the empress dowager found out, she would probably be disappointed with her.

"My maidservant knows, my maidservant knows, but, this time, Second Young Miss will help my maidservant again." Ning Xue was unwilling to be punished, so she had to hold tightly to Xie Jinran, the life-saving straw.

"Ning Xue, the words have been made very clear. You should not come to me. You should go to Princess Heng to admit your mistake. I helped you once because it was not easy for you alone, and the empress dowager's lapel buckled me. There is a way to fix it, but this brocade is broken, and I have no other way, so let's go."

Xie Jinran didn't want to entangle with Ning Xue any longer, so he turned around and walked into the Shouning Hall.

"Miss Jinran, Second Miss..." Seeing this, Ning Xue crawled over on her knees.

"Miss Ningxue, if you know current affairs, you should know that our second young lady is just someone she likes next to the Queen Mother. She can help you the first time, but can't help you the second time. You are so hard to push, isn't it? Do you make it difficult for her?" Yin'er came over and said, stopping Ning Xue from continuing to shout.

"Slave..." Ning Xue was at a loss, but Xie Jinran refused to help, so she had no choice but to leave first.

After she left, Xie Jinran began to feel uneasy.

Feng Jue was still safe and sound in the poisonous scorpion cloak, which already made her feel strange, but now the brocade of Princess Heng's pair of children was broken again, and it happened to be broken in Ning Xue's hands.

Is this a coincidence, or is there some premeditation?
Her heart trembled, and she called out, "Yin'er, hurry up to the Zhengshitang and ask His Highness the Eighth Highness to come to the Shouning Palace, and just say that I have something important to discuss, and he must come."

"Yes, Second Miss, this servant will go right away." Yin'er said.

"Miss Jinran, the queen mother has got up, please go over." At this time, the nuns in the hall came over and said.

"Okay, I'll go right away." Xie Jinran immediately suppressed the anxiety on his face, and walked in with a bow.

In any case, the empress dowager is very attached to her now, she must make good use of this relationship!
Ning Xue returned from Shouning Hall empty-handed, flustered, not knowing what to do.

I couldn't help but start to blame Xie Jinran in my heart. A few days ago, Shuyan beside her often came to the House of Internal Affairs, saying that she came to see the craftsmanship. In fact, she revealed a lot of things about the palaces to her.

Now, she needs help, but this Jinran girl has become ruthless, driving her away again and again, as if afraid of having anything to do with her.

In the past, Shuyan was asked to go to the House of Internal Affairs, why is she not afraid of other people's gossip?
This Ning Xue was not an honest person, so the more she thought about it, the more unhappy she became.

After returning to the House of Internal Affairs, she saw the burly Nanny Tai standing next to Princess Heng, her heart trembled suddenly, and she hurried over.

Mother Tai saw Ning Xue, with a smile on her plump face, and said, "Miss Ning Xue, you are back, the concubine sends you over here to see how the little princess and the little princess's Xia Chang are doing." It's like that, I asked Miss Zhuyun, and she said that this job was entrusted to you."

Ning Xue's heart skipped a beat, she walked over, bowed, and said, "Mother Tai, yes, yes, because Zhuyun is not feeling well recently, please ask me to complete this matter, Mother Tai made a special trip ,Thanks for your hard work."

After hearing this, Nanny Tai smiled even deeper, and said, "No problem, no problem, as long as the clothes are well made, so that the little princess and the little princess can wear them comfortably, it doesn't matter who makes them, the princess cares about this."

"Yes, the concubine is open-minded, it's the blessing of the servants." Ning Xue bent down, not daring to look at Nanny Tai, thinking about how to say that the brocade was broken.

"This batch of cloud brocade was personally selected by the empress, and it was given to our princess. The princess was reluctant to use it, and wanted to leave it to the little princess and the little princess. Therefore, they are very precious. When Miss Ningxue is sewing clothes, do you want to buy them?" Pay more attention, if there is any damage, neither you nor I can bear the responsibility." Mother Tai seemed to be urging.

But Ning Xue broke out in a cold sweat when she heard these words, and didn't even dare to answer the words.

"Let's go, Miss Ningxue will lead me to have a look." Mother Tai said.

"Yes..." Ning Xue tremblingly led Mother Tai to the direction of Xiufang. As she walked, she reached the gate of Xiufang, but suddenly her knees softened and she said, "My lord, please forgive me. what."

Mother Tai looked surprised, and said, "Miss Ningxue, what's wrong with you, you kowtow suddenly, it really frightened the old man."

(End of this chapter)

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