First-class daughter

Chapter 1239 Attack

Chapter 1239 Attack
Chapter 1239 Attack
Nanny Tai pretended to be puzzled, and said with a surprised face, "Miss Ningxue, what do you mean? I don't understand."

Ning Xue raised her head and said, "Madam Tai, it's not good for slaves to take care of them. The brocade sent by the concubine was scratched by a stray cat and even urinated on it. It can no longer be made into summer clothes. Damn slaves, slaves guilty."

"What..." Mother Tai was shocked when she heard this, and said, "Take me to have a look."

"Yes, come with me." Ning Xue brought Mother Tai inside, and Mother Tai saw that the material was too bad to be used.

She looked serious and said, "Miss Ningxue, this is the queen's last material. The princess herself is reluctant to use it, but it was destroyed by wild cats. How can I explain this to the queen?"

Ning Xue was kneeling on the ground, trembling all over, and said, "Mrs. Tai, please think of a way, servant girl, servant girl, I know I was wrong."

Now she regrets very much that she had to take the job from Zhuyun at that time, and told everyone she met that Zhuyun was not healthy and could not do it, so she asked her.

Nanny Tai stared at Ning Xue and said, "Miss Ning Xue broke Yunjin, but she just came back from outside with a lot of worries, she must have asked other people for help."

Ning Xue paused slightly, and said, "Yes, I have already gone to beg the second Miss Xie Jinran next to the Empress Dowager."

"Oh." Mother Tai nodded and said, "The matter has come to this, I have no choice but to ask Miss Ning Xue to come and explain to the princess in person."

Ning Xue shivered and followed Mother Tai all the way to Changchun Palace, and was led in.

She saw from a distance that Princess Heng was teasing the child in the arms of the wet nurse. Although she had a loving smile on her face, she still exuded an aura that made people dare not underestimate her.

"Princess, Ning Xue from the House of Internal Affairs is here." Mother Tai said.

Lian Siyue turned around, and Ning Xue quickly knelt down on the ground, saying, "Princess, please forgive me, slaves deserve to die."

Lian Siyue looked at Nanny Tai and asked, "What happened?"

Nanny Tai took two steps forward, and told Lian Siyue what happened, but Ning Xue didn't dare to raise her head.

After Lian Siyue finished listening, she looked at the person prostrate on the ground and said, "You ruined my concubine's material, but ran to the second lady of the Xie family for help. Why?"

"This..." Ning Xue didn't dare to lie, and said honestly, "Because the slaves damaged the Queen Mother's clothes earlier, please Second Miss Xie think of a way."

"Oh." Lian Siyue nodded, and then his eyes turned cold, and he said, "You broke the master's things three times and four times, isn't it suitable for you to stay in the House of Internal Affairs?"

"Princess, please forgive me, slave, slave... It wasn't intentional." Ning Xue said hastily.

"Especially the Empress Dowager's stuff, don't wear the new clothes, don't wear the old ones, aren't you afraid of being punished if you cheat like this?" Lian Siyue sternly said.

"My servant, my servant, but... But Second Miss Xie also agreed to help, this servant is thinking about the most favored person in front of her empress dowager, since she is willing to help, then..." Ning Xue said tremblingly.

"Second Miss Xie is on your left, and Second Miss Xie is another. It seems that you have a good relationship with Second Miss Xie." Lian Siyue said, "I heard that you are highly regarded by the Shouning Palace, so I must help Second Miss Xie. A lot busy."

"This..." Ning Xue paused, but once she looked up and saw Lian Siyue's cold eyes, she didn't dare to lie anymore, "Second Miss is sympathetic to slaves, so if you need anything in Shouning Palace, please tell me The servant did it."

"Then Miss Xie ordered you to put the poisonous scorpion hidden in the cloak that you sent to the prison to His Highness the Eleventh?" Lian Siyue asked sharply, changing the subject.

"What, cloak, poisonous scorpion?" Ning Xue was stunned, not understanding what Lian Siyue was talking about.

Lian Siyue signaled the nurse to carry the two children down, and then asked Qingdai to bring Fengjue's cloak over.

She glanced at the cloak, took it over, and threw it in front of Ning Xue. Suddenly, the cloak fell apart, and a scorpion with a dagger stuck in her body fell to her feet. She was shocked. , the hairs on his back stood up.

"This is the cloak you gave to His Highness the Eleventh. As far as I know, you are mainly responsible for sewing this cloak. However, after His Highness put it on, he found such a big poisonous scorpion inside. It hurt his life!" Lian Siyue said coldly with sharp eyes.

Ning Xue was shocked, and immediately turned pale with fright, mutilating the prince is a capital crime, she said hastily, "The concubine is very aware, the slaves don't know about all this! The cloak is made by the slaves, and it is also the slaves. It was sent to His Highness the Eleventh, but the servant never poisoned His Highness the Eleventh with a scorpion! The Eleventh Highness and the servant have no grievances or enmity, and they have never met each other. The servant really has no reason to harm him. This poisonous scorpion, the palace No, this servant is a maid of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and this servant has no place to deal with this poisonous scorpion."

"It's not you, who could it be? This cloak is in your hands, and the things in your hands often make mistakes. This princess can't trust you. Come on, grab this Ning Xue immediately and send it to Eleven Your Highness, go forward and let Eleventh Highness come down to solve it!" Lian Siyue said sharply.

"Yes!" Nanny Tai and Qing Dai came over and pulled Ning Xue up from the ground.

"Prince Concubine, I am wronged. Although the servant has faults, the servant will never have the courage to do such a big thing of beheading!" Ning Xue kowtowed and said in a crying voice.

"It wasn't you, who would it be? Who approached you when you made this cloak?" Lian Siyue asked.

Ning Xue racked her brains and suddenly thought of someone, but she didn't dare to say it all at once.

"Escort her to the Ministry of Punishment, and then inform the emperor, poisoning the prince will lead to death, and the nine clans will be punished!" Lian Siyue said.

"Shuyan!" Ning Xue said, "My maidservant remembered that in the past few days, Shuyan, who was next to Miss Xie, came several times. That Shuyan also lends a helping hand."

Lian Siyue showed a faint smile in his eyes, and said, "It seems that you are not stupid, thinking of suspicious people."

"What is the meaning of the words of the concubine? The servants don't understand?" Ning Xue was stunned for a moment.

"Mommy Tai." Lian Siyue called out.

As soon as Ning Xue raised her head, she saw the mighty Nanny Tai coming over, picked Ning Xue up from the ground, and dragged her to a dark room in the side hall like a chick , whispered in her ear, "Prick up your ears and listen carefully!"

Ning Xue was terrified, she looked around, but saw a person kneeling in the dark, trembling all over, her eyes suddenly opened, that figure was clearly Shuyan!

(End of this chapter)

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