First-class daughter

Chapter 1240 Not So Cheap

Chapter 1240 Not So Cheap

Chapter 1240 Not So Cheap

"Shua!" There was only a sound of a whip and a scream of humming, Ning Xue was so frightened that she trembled all over.

"Tell me, what's the matter with the poisonous scorpion in the cloak of His Highness the Eleventh?" A cold voice came, and Ning Xue heard it, wasn't it the voice of His Highness the Eleventh?

When she was delivering the cloak, she heard his voice up close, so it was very familiar.

"Slave, I recruited you. Well, that poisonous scorpion was put into the cloak by your servant. Yes, it was ordered by my second lady." Ning Xue heard Shuyan's confession.

When Ning Xue heard this, a stone in her heart fell to the ground. She looked at Mammy Tai with sweat profusely, "It's not a servant girl. The servant girl said it. It wasn't the servant girl who did it. Did you hear it?"

"Your Highness, Your Highness, please forgive me. This is what the Second Miss wanted. The slaves didn't want it because they were afraid of being beheaded, but the Second Miss said that Ning Xue was sewing the cloak. She sewed the scorpion in without telling her. If it really happens, it's Ning Xue's responsibility, and we won't blame it on us, servant girl, servant girl finally took the risk! Your Highness, spare your life, Your Highness, spare your life!"

When Ning Xue heard Shuyan's words, her face turned pale immediately, and her whole body suddenly collapsed in Taimao's hands.

What, then Second Miss Xie... actually hurt her so much!
At the beginning, when she was willing to help, she was grateful, but now it seems that she did this for no purpose at all, it was to make her a substitute for the dead!

Ning Xue remembered the events of those few days again, Xie Jinran also asked about the cloak, and Shuyan came to her a few days ago, also talking about the cloak.

Now, she finally understands!
Mother Tai slammed the door shut, and then pulled Ning Xue out.

"Shuyan" who was kneeling on the ground slowly stopped howling, wiped her mouth, stood up, and wiped the sweat from her head.

But Ning Xue, who didn't know the truth, was ashamed, like a person who had lost her soul, she let Nanny Tai throw her away, trembling all over.

"Bang!" Nanny Tai threw her on the ground violently, her head hit the ground, and she suddenly recovered.

Looking up, Lian Siyue who was sitting in front of her looked like a death-defying Satan, which made her tremble all over and knelt down again.

"Miss Ningxue, if it weren't for our concubine and concubine's perceptive and in-depth investigation, today, you would really be a scapegoat, and even if you have a hundred chapters, you won't be able to explain it clearly." Qing Dai looked at her sweating face, Said.

"My lord, my lord is wise, thank you my lord, thank you my lord." Ning Xue kowtowed like garlic, but at the same time, her heart was full of resentment and dissatisfaction towards Xie Jinran.

"Today you went to ask her to help Yunjin, did she reject you decisively, and expressed dissatisfaction with you taking the initiative to ask her?" Lian Siyue asked.

"Yes." Ning Xue nodded.

"Do you know why?" Lian Siyue picked up the tea in front of her, took a sip, and said.

"...Slave..." Ning Xue dared not say it.

"That's because she's worried about having anything to do with her after the incident is revealed, so she can alienate you, so that you can cleanly take the blame and let her get away with it." Qing Dai said from the side.

Ning Xue's face was ashen, yes, Second Miss Xie really didn't want to see her today, no matter what she said, she ignored her.

Looking at it now, it was really for Ning Xue to take the blame.

This seemingly gentle and polite Miss Xie Er turned out to be such a person.

"Prince Concubine, now that Shuyan has confessed, it means it's not the servant's fault. Is the servant all right?" Ning Xue clenched her fists tightly and asked.

"No matter what, this cloak always caused an accident in your hands. You have to be responsible. Moreover, you also destroyed the brocade that this princess carefully selected to sew summer clothes for the little princess and the little princess. How can you be innocent at all? " Lian Siyue said.

"My concubine, please spare my life, my concubine, please forgive me..." Ning Xue cried and begged. At this moment, she really hated Xie Jinran, a duplicity person!Even if she jumped into the Yellow River, she couldn't wash herself off.

"Hey..." After a long time, Lian Siyue sighed and said, "It seems that you have been deceived by others, and this princess is not a person who does not distinguish between right and wrong, but I need you to do something, otherwise, this culprit is eleven Your Highness, His Ninth Highness, the Empress and this concubine will all investigate, even if you haven't cast a scorpion, you can't be alone."

"Yes, yes!" Ning Xue kowtowed again, and said, "Please tell me, my wife, please, my servant, I will definitely do it."

Lian Siyue glanced at her slowly, and said, "Come here, Ning Xue of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, because she was not doing well, she destroyed the empress's award of Yunjin. This crime is inevitable. Drag her down and beat her twenty times."

"My lord concubine..." Ning Xue hurriedly thanked her when she heard this, and said, "Thank you lord wangfei, thank you lord concubine, slaves are grateful!"

"Don't be too happy." Lian Siyue said, winking at Nanny Tai.

Nanny Tai nodded, walked in front of Ning Xue, bent down, and pinched her chin with such force that Ning Xue felt that the bones of her jaw were about to dislocate.

"Princess wants you to do something. If you do it well, the twenty boards are a gift. If you can't do it well, you will be punished. With this cloak and brocade, it's easy to give you another death penalty." Mother Tai Said.

Ning Xue quickly nodded her head vigorously, "This servant obeys orders, and this servant will do everything according to the orders of the concubine."

Only then did Nanny Tai let go of her hand, and said, "Drag on, let's hit!"

"Yes!" A few eunuchs came over and took Ning Xue off.

After a while, there was a crisp sound of boards outside and Ning Xue's restrained cry.

"Princess, I don't understand something." Qing Dai asked, listening to the board outside, puzzled.

"What's the matter?" Lian Siyue seemed to have noticed that the maid beside her had doubts.

"Since we already know that the Eleventh Highness was killed by the Second Miss of the Xie family, why not directly sue the Emperor and the Empress Dowager?" Qing Dai asked.

"Xie Jinran acted very meticulously. He must have made a careful plan before making the move. Besides, the queen mother is so dependent on her and trusts her now. She may not use the trust of the queen mother to exonerate herself. Therefore, revenge must be taken step by step. To destroy a person, one must peel her away little by little, so that she can experience the feeling of regret." Lian Siyue said.

"My servant understands, the eldest miss wants to make the empress dowager lose her trust in the second miss Xie first, and then attack her step by step." Qing Dai said.

"The Eleventh Highness she caused was blind, and could only live in the darkness. She couldn't see the beautiful spring weather. How could she be so cheap!" Lian Siyue said fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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