First-class daughter

Chapter 1244 Confused

Chapter 1244 Confused
Chapter 1244 Confused
Xie Jinran took the collar with phoenix flowers, put it in his hands and looked at it carefully, and said, "The phoenix flowers are lifelike, and they are really beautiful, even more beautiful than this plum flower collar."

After hearing this, Ning Xue showed a smile on her pale face, and said, "Second Miss, don't blame the servant girl for making her own decisions."

Xie Jinran picked up the collar of the phoenix flower, and said, "You have to rest, I'll go first."

Ning Xue watched Xie Jinran walk away, her face became tangled, her hands tightly clutched the bed sheet, and seeing that she was about to walk out of the room, she suddenly shouted, "Second Miss, stop."

After a sneer flashed across Xie Jinran's face, he turned around and asked, "What else?"

"You, don't take the phoenix flower, you should take the plum blossom." Ning Xue said, her eyes flushed.

"Oh? Why?" Xie Jinran had a hint of doubt on his face, but there was a slight coldness in the corner of his eyes.

"Well, this phoenix-tailed collar is actually not made by the servant girl. It belongs to Princess Hengqin. The servant girl must find a way to keep Meihua Lingzi and let the second lady take away the phoenix-tailed flower collar. The servant girl thinks, she is so Do it, maybe there is some conspiracy, maybe there is something wrong with the ferntail flower collar, after the second lady puts it on, something bad will happen, and it will cause disaster. The servant thinks, the second lady treats the servant like this Alright, I really don't dare to lie to the second lady." Ning Xue said.

Xie Jinran was stunned for a moment, looked at the phoenix collar in his hand, with a look of surprise on his face, and asked, "What did you say? Why did Princess Heng ask you to give me this phoenix collar?"

"This, the maidservant is not too clear, I just said that you must let the second lady take away the collar of the fern flower, and teach the second lady a good lesson." Ning Xue said.

Xie Jinran focused, looked at Meihualingzi again, walked up to Ning Xue suddenly, raised her hand, slapped Ning Xue on the face, and said, "Ning Xue, Princess Heng is upright and kind, because you were The concubine held a grudge after hitting twenty boards, trying to provoke my relationship with her, you are so brave!"

Ning Xue was slapped by this slap, and she immediately tilted her head to one side, which affected the wound on her buttocks. The pain made her burst into tears, "Second Miss, this servant did not lie to you, this servant really did not lie to you, Princess Heng... ..."

"Stop talking! I don't think anyone is allowed to say anything about Princess Heng in front of me. Yin'er, put on these two flower collars." Xie Jinran said, took the phoenix flower collar and left After going out, Meihua Lingzi stayed behind.

"Second Miss, Second Miss..." Ning Xue shouted.

But this time, Xie Jinran didn't stop.

After walking out of the House of Internal Affairs, she looked at the floral collar in her hand again.

"Second Miss, why don't you just believe it? Maybe Ning Xue didn't lie, after all, you are more familiar with her." Yin'er asked puzzled.

"There was no movement at Feng Jue. Immediately afterwards, the brocade that made the clothes of the little princess and the little princess broke, and Ning Xue was brought into the Changchun Palace, and she was beaten twenty times. It's not a coincidence. It's a trick. Heng Since the prince and concubine worked so hard to set up this situation, how could Ning Xue only get [-] slaps.

In addition, I noticed just now that when Ning Xue spoke just now, her words flickered a few times, which shows that she has already promised something in front of Princess Heng.Just now she deliberately wanted me to choose the plum blossom collar instead of the ferntail flower collar, but I chose the ferntail flower collar, there must be something wrong with the plum blossom collar. "Xie Jinran said.

"Second Miss, you are so smart." Yin'er threw herself at Xie Jinran in admiration.

"The Eighth Highness also said that now we need to be cautious in every step, and we must not take it lightly." Xie Jinran said.

"Then what's wrong with this plum blossom collar?" Yin'er looked left and right and said.

Xie Jinran picked up the plum blossom lingzi and put it on the tip of his nose to smell it, then looked at it, and suddenly pulled it hard, only to hear a slap, and a round pill fell to the ground.

"Ah, it really is the plum blossom collar that has the problem." Yin'er turned pale, and bent down to pick up the pill, "Second Miss, what is this?"

Xie Jinran took the pill, looked at it carefully, put it in his nose and sniffed it, with a look of coldness in his eyes, and said, "No matter what it is, it can't be a good thing. If you hide a pill in your collar, When I wear it on my body, it hurts my body, and I don’t know who to cry about.”

"Is this Princess Heng repaying her in her own way? Fortunately, the second lady is quick-witted and has seen through their scheme." Yin'er said with a sigh of relief.

Xie Jinran touched the other fern-tailed collar up and down. There was nothing in it, and there was no peculiar smell, and said, "Tomorrow, I will present the fern-tailed collar."

The two master and servant walked towards the Shouning Palace, Yin'er asked, "Second Miss, why don't you show this pill to the Queen Mother? It is said that Princess Heng has something to plot."

Xie Jinran said, "So what if you look at it. Since she did this, she has already found a substitute. I might as well pretend to be fooled to make her happy. When I find out that the result is not what she thought, I will be disappointed again."

"Second Miss is wise." Yin'er said, "Second Miss also said that she wants to stay with the Empress Dowager, but have you decided what to keep?"

"..." Xie Jinran shook his head and said, "Let me think about it again."

"Second Miss can definitely think of a good way." Yin'er said.

After the master and servant returned to Shouning Palace, Xie Jinran went back to his residence, put away the ferntail flower collar, and prepared to wear it when he met the Queen Mother tomorrow.

"Princess Heng is here." At this moment, the eunuch's voice came from outside.

Xie Jinran was slightly taken aback, "Come here so soon? It seems that she wants to see which collar I am wearing. Since she wants me to wear a plum blossom collar, then I will put the plum blossom collar on. If it is taken out, there will be no problem, and I will wear the phoenix collar tomorrow."

"Yes, Second Miss." Yin'er hung the plum blossom around her neck and hung it down. The plum blossoms were blooming, delicate and charming.

"Let's go and have a look." Xie Jinran got up and walked out.

When walking into the Empress Dowager's bedroom, she saw Lian Siyue standing in the hall waiting for the Empress Dowager to summon her, while outside the hall were her maidservants and mother-in-law, one was Qing Dai, the other was Lengmei, and the other was Tai Nao Mama, Xie Jinran noticed that the extremely indifferent maid had no expression on her face, and she shivered slightly when she saw it.

She walked over and said respectfully, "Princess, you are here."

"Second Miss." Lian Siyue looked at Xie Jinran, and when his eyes fell on the plum blossom, he paused for a moment, and said, "Second Miss's demeanor and charm are very suitable for this plum blossom. She is noble and proud, and complements each other."

(End of this chapter)

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