Chapter 1245
Chapter 1245
Hearing Lian Siyue's praise, Xie Jinran pursed a faint smile, and said, "The princess is over the top, the princess is so pure and beautiful that she can bear the word "high, clean and arrogant."

At this time, Nanny Wen came out and said, "Wangfei, the queen mother said that she is tired today, so it is not convenient to meet her, please come back another day."

Lian Siyue listened, with a hint of disappointment in his eyes, and said, "In this case, let the queen mother rest well, Siyue will leave, and come back to pay her respects at another day."

Xie Jinran saw that Lian Siyue was shut down in front of the empress dowager, but there was a secret joy in his heart.

Lian Siyue walked to the outside of Shouning Hall, Qingdai, Nanny Tai, and Leng Mei were waiting at the door, they left together with their master, walked to the corner, Lian Siyue nodded to Leng Mei, Leng Mei understood, After looking around, he turned around and turned back.

After Lian Siyue left, Xie Jinran returned to his residence, tore off the plum blossom collar and threw it on the ground, with a trace of coldness in his eyes.

"Meow" at this moment, a meow sound suddenly came from outside.

She froze for a moment and signaled Yin'er to open the door.

I saw a court lady standing at the door, holding a snow-white cat in her hand, bowed, and said, "Second Miss, His Highness Eighth Highness asked his servants to bring this cat here, and said that this cat will be your companion."

Xie Jinran looked at the cat, its whole body was snow-white, without any stray hairs, and its brown eyes were like glass, beautiful and noble.

She was overjoyed and asked, "Why did His Highness the Eighth Prince give me a cat?"

The maid said, "I don't know, my maidservant, just now when my maidservant was away, His Highness the Eighth Prince gave this cat to my maidservant and asked my maidservant to send it in."

Xie Jinran reached out, hugged the cat, and gently stroked its body. Its fur was smooth and soft, and it was very well-behaved. Its small head rubbed against her palm.

"Second Miss, His Highness Eight is showing more and more attention to you." Yin'er couldn't help but feel happy for her young lady.

A blush appeared on Xie Jinran's cheeks, so it's all right. Although he still couldn't get rid of the other woman in his heart, he was willing to give her face and care about her feelings on the surface. She also felt relieved, and it was not in vain. Step cautiously, think before and after.

Holding the cat in her arms, she suddenly thought, "Yin'er, this cat has such a precious appearance, what do you think of keeping it as a companion for the Queen Mother?"

Upon hearing this, Yin'er immediately said, "Second Miss, this is a great idea."

"Boom" At this time, there was a burst of thunder outside, and soon heavy rain fell. Xie Jinran looked at the sky outside and said, "It's late today, and I will send it over early tomorrow morning."

"Boom! Boom!"

Thunderstorms in spring are particularly numerous, and thunder after thunder roars.

The Queen Mother was startled awake, opened her eyes suddenly, she sat up slowly, she just had a dream, a long and bloody dream.

When Mother Wen heard the noise, she hurried over, "Queen Mother, are you awake?"

"Ai's family is dreaming." The Queen Mother said.

Nanny Wen quickly poured a glass of water, walked to the window, opened the curtain, and handed the water to the Empress Dowager's hand.

When the queen mother took the water and was about to drink it——


Suddenly, a cat meowed, very shrill.

"Ah!" The Empress Dowager was startled and yelled out in fright. The cup in her hand fell to the ground, and her face turned pale immediately.

"Cat, cat..."

Immediately, Mother Wen was startled when she heard the shrill meowing. How could there be a meowing sound in Shouning Palace?The Empress Dowager never allowed cats to appear nearby, had something to do with a dead person.

"Meow..." The cat meowed louder and louder.

The queen mother couldn't help turning pale and trembling all over. She grabbed Nanny Wen's hand, gasping for breath, rising and falling, and said, "Nurse Wen, it's a cat. Where did the cat come from? Where did the cat come from? You, Go and have a look, go and have a look, if you see it, kill it immediately, burn it to death! Go!"

"Yes, yes! This servant will go and have a look right away." Nanny Wen hurried out, and the Empress Dowager leaned her back against the head of the bed, sweat dripping from her forehead, her face was pale.

Cats, cats, cats are what she hates the most in her life!
At this moment, the window suddenly opened automatically with a snap, she sat up abruptly, and looked at the window——

I saw a white figure standing there with her hair hanging down, her face seemed swollen and swollen after being soaked for many days, she pulled the corner of her lips, revealing a weird smile.

"Ah!" The queen mother rolled down from the bed in fright, her hair was scattered, her face was terrified, and she made a sound almost whimpering, "You, you..."

There was only a bang, and the door of the sleeping hall was slammed shut, scaring the Queen Mother almost to a sudden cardiac arrest.

The white shadow came in and approached the queen mother step by step, the water on her body fell drop by drop, the queen mother widened her eyes, staring at her big raised strides while stepping back.

"Bitch, bastard! You made me so miserable. I spent so long at the bottom of the well, and my child was stillborn. He is so pitiful, so pitiful..." Bai Ying floated over slowly. , Speaking of stern words, the rotten flesh on that face fell off one by one, exuding a disgusting stench.

"You, Concubine Liu, it's you, and it's you who are so proud of yourself that you offend Aijia, and Aijia wants to punish you." The queen mother said tremblingly.

The thunder outside became louder, the lightning struck, and the white light shone on the white shadow's face, making it even more frightening.

"Hmph, bastard..." Bai Ying walked in step by step, and suddenly, there was another loud noise in the sky, and there was a boom——

"Bang!" A gust of wind passed by, and the vase next to it fell to the ground with a bang, hitting the Empress Dowager's feet.

The white shadow suddenly opened his hands and rushed towards the queen mother, "Today, I'm here to kill you!"

"Ah!" The queen mother closed her eyes tightly and screamed in fear.

"Empress Dowager, Empress Dowager!" At this moment, Nanny Wen and several court ladies hurried in and ran to the Empress Dowager's side, "Why are you sitting on the ground!"

"Has she left? Has she left? Has she left?" The queen mother tightly covered her eyes with her hands, and her sharp cry scared a few servants. Except for Nanny Wen, no one had ever seen such a high-ranking queen mother.

"Empress Dowager! Empress Dowager!" Regardless of the difference between master and servant, Mother Wen clenched the Empress Dowager's hand with both hands, tightly pinching her tiger's mouth.

The Queen Mother felt a pain, and finally opened her eyes.

"It's all right! Queen Mother! Nothing!" Nanny Wen said hastily.

The Empress Dowager looked into the hall with flustered eyes, and sure enough, there was nothing left, the window was closed, and the disfigured Concubine Liu was gone, and her heart slowly calmed down.

"Go down, no one is allowed to mention today's matter!" Nanny Wen warned several court ladies.

(End of this chapter)

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