First-class daughter

Chapter 1246 The Mystery of the Pteris Flower

Chapter 1246 The Mystery of the Pteris Flower

Chapter 1246 The Mystery of the Pteris Flower

"Yes, the servants will leave." Several maids bowed and retreated without knowing what happened.

After the maids left, the Empress Dowager regained her composure. She sat on the bed, and Nanny Wen wiped the sweat off her face, and said, "Find an excuse to get rid of these maids."

"Yes, Empress Dowager." Nanny Wen understands that the Empress Dowager has always been dignified, and if this kind of thing is spread, it will be extremely detrimental to the Empress Dowager, so these maids can only blame themselves for their misfortune, but they just happened to see the Empress Dowager losing her composure.

"Have you found the cat?" asked the Queen Mother.

Nanny Wen shook her head and said, "I searched around, but found nothing, probably some kind of stray cat came to Shouning Hall."

The queen mother turned cold and said, "Tomorrow, I will check all the surrounding area. If I find any shadows of cats, I will throw them out. The Ai family doesn't even want to see the shadows of cats."

"Yes, the servant will do this tomorrow morning." Nanny Wen said.

The queen mother closed her eyes deeply, recalling some long-ago events in her mind, and murmured, "The Ai family saw her just now."

Nanny Wen clapped her hands.

"Concubine Liu, her face is rotten, she said she would come to claim the lives of Ai's family."

Mother Wen was shocked when she heard this.

"Mommy, do you think the Ai family has not lived too long? People who have been dead for decades have come to claim the life of the Ai family." The queen mother slowly opened her eyes and said.

"Empress Dowager!" Nanny Wen hurriedly knelt down and said, "You are just dreaming, then Concubine Liu is already dead, and you are the high and mighty Empress Dowager, she can't fight you in life, and even more so when she's dead!"

After hearing this, the queen mother gradually revealed a gleam of light in her eyes, "Yes, the Ai family is still alive, the Ai family is the queen mother, and her Concubine Liu has already turned into bones, what is the Ai family afraid of her?"

"Yes, Empress Dowager, it's all over, and the only people who knew about it back then were the maidservant and you, so don't worry." Nurse Wen said comfortingly.

The Empress Dowager thought the same way, and slowly let go of a big stone in her heart. Just looking at the window, she still felt apprehensive when she thought of the white shadow that didn't know the truth just now.

"Queen Mother, it's just late at night, so you can rest for a while." Nanny Wen said.

The queen mother nodded, lay down slowly, and said, "Remember, look around tomorrow, and if you find any traces of cats, get rid of them immediately. The Ai family will never see cats in this life, especially white cats!"

Back then, when Concubine Liu was hung up from the bottom of the well, the rotten white cat on her body was covered with maggots and exuded a foul smell. She saw it and vomited wildly. She couldn't forget that for many, many days. Scenes and smells.

"Yes, this servant has remembered." Nanny Wen waited for the Queen Mother to fall asleep before leaving the bedroom.

Changchun Palace.

Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue sat in the room, it was already midnight, but neither of them fell asleep, Feng Yunzheng was flipping through the scrolls by the candlelight.

Lian Siyue was studying the copybook, which was "Luo Shen Fu".

After a while, a calm voice came from outside the door, "Your Highness, Princess."

Lian Siyue put down the brush and said, "Come in!"

The door was pushed open, and Leng Mei walked in, the clothes on his body were a little wet, holding a wet white dress in his hand, walked up to the two of them, and said, "Your Highness, Wangfei."

"How?" Lian Siyue asked.

"Everything is going according to plan. The humble official is hiding in the Shouning Palace, meowing like a cat, just pretending to be Concubine Liu, and pulling a fake face on her face. It seems that the Queen Mother has been stimulated." Leng Mei said.

After hearing this, Lian Siyue said, "You burn the white clothes, go back and rest, it's enough." Next, just wait and see the good show.

"Yes, I will resign from my humble position." Bowed and said coldly.

Lian Siyue covered her mouth with her hands and yawned, Feng Yunzheng put down the pen and ink in his hand, walked over, hugged her horizontally, and said, "Rest."

Lian Siyue leaned against his arms, closed her eyes, nodded, and said, "Well, don't wake me up tomorrow, I want to sleep well."

"No, go to bed after breakfast." Feng Yunzheng whispered next to her ear, and kissed her earlobe with his lips.

"I close my eyes and don't care about you." She asked.

"I have a mouth." Feng Yunzheng said, with clearly malicious intentions in his tone.

Lian Siyue's cheeks were slightly flushed, and she hugged his waist tightly, Feng Yunzheng laughed out loud, lowered her head and kissed her lips, the two of them fell on the bed together, the curtain fell, and the clothes faded on the bed Beside the bed, the temperature inside the tent rose.

It rained all night, and it didn't stop until the next morning.

The queen mother was frightened at night, she couldn't sleep well, she got up early, and she didn't look very well.

Here, Xie Jinran heard that the queen mother got up so early, so she also got up early, put on the ferntail collar, then picked up the snow-white cat and walked into the queen mother's bedroom. The cat thought of a name, called: Xuetong.

"Second Miss, this cat is so cute. It has been lying on its stomach obediently since yesterday, without making any noise. The Empress Dowager will definitely like it, and she will like you even more." Hair bun, said.

"The Empress Dowager has treated me with many kindnesses, and I shall do my best to serve her."

Xie Jinran looked at himself in the glasses and was very satisfied, then got up, walked out with the white cat in his arms.

Inside the hall.

The empress dowager's forehead was wrapped around her head, with a ruby ​​inlaid in the middle. She leaned on the chair, closed her eyes and meditated, while the maids beside her knelt on the ground and beat her sore legs.

"Jin Ran pays respects to the Empress Dowager, all blessings to the Empress Dowager." At this time, Xie Jinran's gentle voice sounded.

The queen mother heard this voice, and slowly opened her eyes, only to see Xie Jinran, wearing a fern tail collar, holding a snow-white cat in her hand, looking at the queen mother with a smile.

"Ah!" The Empress Dowager suddenly turned pale, she fell off the chair in fright, and pointed at Xie Jinran with trembling hands.

Xie Jinran was taken aback for a moment, showing puzzled eyes, hurried over and said, "What's wrong with you, Empress Dowager?"

"Ah! Slut, get out! Get out!" The queen mother suddenly turned pale, trembling all over, tightly covering her eyes with her hands, and screamed.

"Empress Dowager..." Xie Jinran was stunned, and stood there holding the snow-white cat, dazed, not knowing what was going on.

What's the matter, empress dowager?She has always been kind and kind to her, what now... Xie Jinran felt an ominous premonition in his heart.

"Get out! Get out immediately!" The queen mother squeezed the handkerchief tightly, her face was pale, and she gasped!

When Mother Wen heard the movement, she hurried in, "The Queen Mother..."

When she saw the phoenix flower on Xie Jinran's body and the white cat in her hand, she immediately turned pale, that's terrible!This second young lady violated two big taboos of the empress dowager at the same time!
Concubine Liu's favorite thing besides the white cat is the phoenix flower. Back then, her clothes, including the accessories, all had traces of the phoenix flower!

(End of this chapter)

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