First-class daughter

Chapter 1247 What Did You Do Wrong?

Chapter 1247 What Did You Do Wrong?

Chapter 1247 What Did You Do Wrong?

And this second lady, wearing a collar with phoenix flowers and holding a white cat, came to pay her respects to the Empress Dowager, but the Empress Dowager only dreamed of Concubine Liu last night, and even saw the phantom of Concubine Liu!
She is... crazy!
"Queen, what, what's wrong, Jinran doesn't know what he did wrong." Xie Jinran was completely at a loss.

"Ah! Go away, go away!" The queen mother casually picked up the vase beside her and slammed it on Xie Jinran's head.

Only a "bang" sound was heard, the vase was smashed on Xie Jinran's forehead, fell to the ground and shattered, agreed with Xie Jinran's mouth and let out a scream, she covered her forehead suddenly, and the blood immediately flowed down It flowed between the fingers, a bright red.

"Second Miss!" Yin'er was startled.

This, what happened?
Well done, Second Miss has always liked the Empress Dowager, how could the Empress Dowager have such a heavy hand on Second Miss all of a sudden?Bleeding came directly.

But this originally docile white cat, seeing this scene, was frightened, suddenly jumped up, and rushed towards the Queen Mother. With a sound of two cat paws, it scratched three times on the Queen Mother's face. Deep bloodstains come.

"Ah!" The Empress Dowager screamed suddenly, her face was pale, her eyes turned white, her eyes went dark, and she fainted on the ground.

"Ah, Empress Dowager! Empress Dowager!" Seeing this, Nanny Wen was frightened out of her wits, and hurried to the front of the Empress Dowager. When she saw the bloodstains on her face, she was so frightened that she sat down on the ground. It was such a deep wound!
"Quick, hurry up and call the imperial physician, and help the empress dowager to the bedroom!" Nanny Wen, still in shock, ordered loudly.

"Yes, yes!" All the nuns and maids were so frightened that they didn't dare to breathe, and hurriedly lifted the queen mother from the ground.

But Xie Jinran couldn't care about the blood on her face, she hurriedly knelt over and asked, "Nurse Wen, what's the matter, Empress Dowager..."

"Miss Jinran, you, you..." Nanny Wen swallowed the words on her lips, how could she speak about Concubine Liu?This is the secret that the empress dowager must keep for the rest of her life!
"Nurse Wen..." Xie Jinran's face was covered with blood, but his face was pale, and there was panic in his eyes.

"Second Miss, don't say anything, pack up your bags, and go back to Xie's house," said Nanny Wen.

"This..." Xie Jinran was puzzled.

And Nanny Wen has already walked quickly into the Queen Mother's bedroom to serve her.

Xie Jinran's whole body went limp, and he slumped on the ground. Worse, this white cat scratched the Queen Mother's face. This is already a big taboo, and the Queen Mother probably won't forgive her!

How to do?
This is how to do ah?

Xie Jinran, who has always been determined, felt confused at this moment. At the same time, there was a burst of pain on his forehead, and the blood kept dripping down, staining the ferns in front of his lapel red, and his face was also blood red. It hurts dizzy.

Yin'er was already dumbfounded, and fell to the ground, unable to recover for a long time.

And that white cat...

Xie Jinran looked around, and he had already jumped outside!

"Second, Second Miss, what, what should I do? What should I do? You, your forehead is broken, there is a big hole, the blood, the blood can't stop!" Yin'er looked at Xie Jinran's forehead tremblingly.

"..." Xie Jinran felt dizzy for a while, his mind was buzzing, his eyes were occasionally dark, and his strength was slowly fading away.

"Help me, help me up, call, call the imperial doctor!" Xie Jinran stood up from the ground, and Yin'er hurried to help her, her legs were trembling.

The two masters and servants supported each other, they were extremely embarrassed, and there was no brilliance to speak of before.

Xie Jinran was dizzy, and when he stumbled to the entrance of the hall, his feet suddenly went limp, his eyes went dark, he closed his eyes and fell to the ground.

"..." Yin'er was startled, with a frightened expression on her face, she shouted loudly, "Second Miss, Second Miss! Wake up, wake up!"

However, Xie Jinran was lying on the ground with her eyes closed, her beautiful face was already covered with blood, which looked very scary.

"Second Miss...Second Miss... What's going on, what's going on?" Yin'er finally burst into tears out of fear.

At this time, several imperial doctors heard about the injury of the Empress Dowager, and hurried in from outside the palace.

Seeing this, Yin'er quickly knelt on the ground, grabbed the sleeve of one of the imperial physicians, and begged, "Emperor physician, imperial physician, show my lady quickly, she was injured, she was smashed by a vase, bleeding profusely, servant girl I'm afraid she will die!"

However, the imperial physician withdrew his sleeve forcefully!
Now to save the queen mother, there will be a reward for saving the queen mother, whoever is stupid enough to save this person on the ground first.

"Doctor, don't go, don't go, my second young lady is the empress dowager's favorite person, please save her!"

Yin'er hurriedly knelt and cried and chased after her.

However, the few imperial physicians ignored them all and rushed into the Queen Mother's bedroom.

"Second Miss, Second Miss..." Yin'er was afraid that Xie Jinran would die like this, so she stretched out her hand to check her breath, it was okay, she was still angry!
There were several maids and nurses who came and went, they were very familiar with each other, and they were very respectful to the second lady, but they all seemed to have not seen Xie Jinran, and they only cared about the queen mother!

Because these people have seen that Xie Jinran was injured by the Queen Mother, if they go to save her, wouldn't it be the same as going against the Queen Mother directly?

So now, no one will pay attention to the second miss of the Xie family who had to be spoiled by heaven yesterday. Although they don't know what happened, the empress dowager will suddenly change her temperament and hurt the second miss.

"Second Miss, Second Miss..."

There was no way, and Yin'er also realized the fact that no one would take care of them. She knelt beside Xie Jinran, calling her name, and at the same time wiped the blood on her face with a handkerchief.

However, the more blood was wiped off, the veil was immediately stained red.

"Second Miss..." There was no other way, Yin'er had no choice but to run back to her residence, took some ointment to relieve pain and stop bleeding, then stumbled back to Xie Jinran's side, then took out the ointment tremblingly, and wiped it on the blood together with the blood. On Xie Jinran's wound.

She didn't understand either, she didn't care about so much, she wiped her tears while she was crying, and she was really nervous and scared. She didn't know what happened, but she knew that the second young lady had completely angered the Queen Mother this time, and the person who angered the Queen Mother... The result must be unimaginable.

"Mother, Queen Mother..." In a daze, Xie Jinran made a voice, "Queen Mother, Jin Ran, what did Jin Ran do wrong?"

(End of this chapter)

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