Chapter 1252
Chapter 1252
Nanny Tai's voice was like a bell, so loud that even Siyue felt her ears hurt, she couldn't help reaching out her hand to dig her ears, a smile appeared in her eyes, she might live to be more than a hundred years old with such vigor. Years old.

When people passing by heard Taimao's voice, they also looked over, and their eyes fell on Xie Jinran's face.

Xie Jinran quickly lowered his head, covered his face with his hands, and said, "I got hurt a little."

"Injured?" Lian Siyue said with a regretful expression in his eyes, "Miss Xie has such a beautiful face, and she is going to get married soon, and now she has suffered such an injury, it would be a pity to leave scars. I see that you have a wound on your forehead, and I have some scented glue on it, I will ask the servant to take it and apply it to you."

"Thank you, Princess, for your concern." Xie Jinran said, with a slight smile on his face, but the fist in his sleeve was tightly clenched, and his nails were about to be pinched into his palm.

Presumably the fact that the queen mother was furious and injured her has already spread throughout the palace, and it is even more impossible for Siyue not to know, and now deliberately asking in public is deliberately humiliating her!
Lian Siyue, you are really ugly with your mouth, I will remember it deeply in my heart.

"No, you and I will be sisters-in-law sooner or later, and we should have a relationship with each other." Lian Siyue said with a slight smile on her face.

"Then Jinran will leave first." Xie Jinran said,

"Let's go." Lian Siyue waved his hand.

As soon as Xie Jinran turned around, she clenched her teeth tightly and trembled all over.

The smile on Lian Siyue's face was even worse. Seeing that Xie Jinran had left the House of Internal Affairs, her smile gradually froze.

"Go and see Ning Xue." She ordered.

"Yes, Wangfei." Qing Dai took the order and walked inside.Lian Siyue turned around, ready to leave.

However, when he turned around, he saw a figure—Feng Ye.

She paused, and said, "The Eighth Highness came to look for Miss Xie Er, she just left, if you go after her now, you can catch up with her quickly."

"No, I'm here to look for you." Feng Ye stood opposite him, his handsome and flawless face was slightly lonely, and the purple brocade robe wrapped his tall and tall body, and his whole body was not as unruly as before. Tamed.

Lian Siyue was startled, and said, "The Eighth Highness came to look for me, and I don't know why."

"This is not a place to talk, why not talk while walking." Feng Ye said.

But Lian Siyue stood still and said, "There is no place that you and I can't talk about. If His Royal Highness doesn't want to talk, I won't bother the world to listen. I'm leaving."

"Wait!" Seeing her walking away, Feng Ye sighed deeply in his heart. Now, she doesn't even give him a place to talk. Ever since her mother, she has become even more cruel to him. No, there is no room left.

"His Highness, let's talk." Lian Siyue stopped and said.

"Pterissus...why is the imperial grandmother so disgusted with the phoenix?" He was really curious about this point, he thought about it for a long time, and went through the things he knew about the imperial grandmother in his mind, always I can't figure out why the emperor's grandmother is so excited because of a phoenix flower.

Lian Siyue saw Feng Ye's eagerness to know the reason, but he didn't have the energy to study Feng Qianyue back then, so he naturally wouldn't collect old materials about an old man.

And when Concubine Liu's incident happened, Feng Ye hadn't even been born yet, so it was impossible to know the secret of the Pteris flower, let alone the secret of the white cat.

"No comment." In the end, Lian Siyue gave him these four words.

"I'm really curious. I just want to know. I won't do anything to you because of it, and you won't tell me?" Feng Ye asked.

"Yes, it's a secret." Lian Siyue said, such an important secret can be used in the future, so naturally she won't tell anyone.

"What about Brother Nine Emperors? Does he know?" Feng Ye asked.

"This is our common secret." Lian Siyue said firmly.

"..." Feng Ye smiled, he felt that he had kissed him many times.

"Now that I have said it, I would like to advise His Highness Eighth. If you are determined to be an enemy of His Highness Eleventh, then you are my enemy. Since you are an enemy, don't reveal unnecessary feelings to disturb yourself. If If you want to be a heartless person, you should be a heartless person through and through, and you'll be happier." Lian Siyue's words were both a reminder and a warning.

"His Highness, take your leave." Seeing that Qing Dai had come out, Lian Siyue nodded to Feng Ye, and left beside him.

"Let me ask you, is there no room left?" Feng Ye asked.

"His Highness Eighth Highness asked too much about this question." Lian Siyue said and left.

When turning around, Feng Ye's eyes darkened, and there was a hint of coldness in his eyes!
Xie Jinran walked all the way to Zhengyangmen. When she left the palace, she didn't even have a sedan chair. After walking all the way, she was already dizzy from exhaustion.

Apart from Zhengyangmen, they boarded Xie's carriage and went all the way home.

When Mrs. Xie saw Xie Jinran with such injuries on her face, she screamed out of fright and slipped to the ground, "Jin Ran, Jin Ran, you're fine, you, what's wrong with you?"

"Mother..." Xie Jinran's eyes suddenly went dark, and she fainted on the ground.

"Ah, Second Miss!" Yin'er yelled loudly, and Madam Xie was also taken aback, and hurriedly ordered, "Hey, what's the matter? Hurry up, go and invite the doctor."

Soon, Xie Jinran was hurriedly carried into her boudoir by a group of servants, and the doctor came in a hurry.

Mrs. Xie finally had a chance to ask Yin'er what happened.

Yin'er knelt in front of Mrs. Xie, couldn't help crying, and said, "Madam, it's like this, Second Miss, she..."

Therefore, Yin'er told Mrs. Xie about what happened in Shouning Palace.

"What?" Mrs. Xie turned pale when she heard this, and asked with a trembling voice, "Didn't it mean that Jin Ran is favored by the Empress Dowager, and even those court ladies would look at Jin Ran's face? She also said that as long as the master If the disaster relief is effective, the empress dowager will vigorously promote her, and our Xie family will shine brightly. Why do we suddenly...dislike Jin Ran?
My goodness, what the hell is going on? Mrs. Xie was timid, but she turned pale after Yin'er said this. She walked quickly to the bed and looked at the unconscious Xie Jinran.

Sure enough, she had a wound on her forehead, her cheeks were swollen, and her originally beautiful face looked a bit distorted now.

"Jinran, Jinran, wake up, wake up and tell mother that what Yin'er said is not true." Mrs. Xie was sitting by the bed, saw Xie Jinran with her eyes closed tightly, and said while crying.

(End of this chapter)

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