Chapter 1253

Chapter 1253

However, Xie Jinran kept his eyes tightly closed, his face pale, as if he was about to die.

Mrs. Xie's knees gave way, she fell to the ground, and murmured, "You also said that the wedding between you and His Highness the Eighth Highness will be held early, how happy the whole family is, but..."

Mrs. Xie's eyes darkened——

"Madam! Madam!" All the servant girls rushed over and lifted her up, "Doctor, doctor!"

For a moment, the Xie family fell into chaos.

When Xie Jinran woke up, it was already the second day. She got up with some difficulty, and saw the familiar scene around her. What caught her eyes was no longer the bustling palace, but her boudoir in Xie's family.

What happened yesterday is still vivid in my mind, and my heart shudders when I think about it.

"Second Miss, are you awake?" Shuyan happened to walk in with a basin in her hand.

Yin'er, who was dozing by the bed, was woken up, and quickly sat up, asking, "Second Miss, are you feeling better? Dr. Ling prescribed the medicine and stewed it on the stove, and this servant will bring it to you. Oh, and the ointment for smearing the face, the second lady once applied it when she was asleep, according to the time, she can apply it again now."

"Where's my mother?" Xie Jinran asked, and as soon as he spoke, the wound on his forehead hurt for a while.

"Second miss, the madam is here. Seeing the appearance of the second miss, I cried three or five times, and now I have a headache, so I went back to the Yurong Courtyard for some time. The servant girl will go to inform the madam, saying that the second miss is awake." Shu Yan Put the basin on the table and said.

"No need." Xie Jinran shook his head, closed his eyes, showing a trace of fatigue.

"Second miss, you haven't eaten for two days, eat something, this servant has prepared your favorite food." Shuyan said.

Xie Jinran glanced at the food, but he had no appetite at all.

In one day, she fell from heaven to hell, and she was in such a mess. Now, everyone in the palace is probably talking about it, ridiculing her and laughing at her in secret.

She suddenly remembered something, and said, "Have you heard anything about my wedding with His Highness the Eighth Prince?"

Yin'er and Shuyan looked at each other and lowered their heads at the same time, neither of them dared to speak first.

Xie Jinran's heart sank, and he said tightly, "Say it! I'm asking you, tell me!"

"Second Miss, you'd better have something to eat first." Yin'er said cautiously.

"Say!" Xie Jinran snapped.

Yin'er and Shuyan knelt on the ground with a plop, and said, "Come on, there's news that the Xie family should not prepare for the marriage for the time being, because the Queen Mother was surprised and her health is not good. Two, the second is that the face of the second young lady is not clean, so it is not suitable for a big wedding."

"The face is not clean?" Xie Jinran raised his hand and touched his face, "You said my face is not clean?"

"Second miss, the ointment is here. This servant will wipe it on for you. After a while, it will be clean and you can hold a big wedding." Yin'er brought the ointment and said.

Xie Jinran looked at the ointment quietly, clenched her fists and trembled. Although her appearance was not as good as that of Lian Shiya who rose to fame back then, Xie Jinran was still a beautiful person. Now, the palace said that she The face is not clean!

Her heart is almost bleeding!

"Bring the bronze mirror, I'll take a look." Xie Jinran said.

"...Yes." Yin'er took the bronze mirror with some hesitation.

When Xie Jinran took the bronze mirror, her hands trembled slightly, and she looked into the mirror, her face turned pale immediately:
The swelling on the face has subsided, but there is a scab on the forehead, like a caterpillar, crawling from the corner of the eye to the middle of the forehead, which looks very ugly.

"..." She hugged the mirror tightly, gritted her teeth, and tears rolled down her cheeks, "It's gone! My dream wedding is just gone!"

"Second Miss, you, don't worry too much, your face will definitely heal, not to mention others, the scars on the face of His Majesty the Eleventh are much bigger than yours, and now there are no more scars?" Son comforted.

"Yes, yes!" Shuyan also said hastily, "Besides, it's only a temporary delay, and His Highness the Eighth Highness has not regretted it. When the second lady's face recovers, the big wedding will definitely be held!"

"Crack!" Xie Jinran slammed the bronze mirror to the ground, smashed it to pieces, and said loudly, "Don't you understand? This is just an excuse. The Queen Mother won't hold the wedding in advance. It will take more than two years, more than two years, what a long time! It became like this overnight, who knows what will happen two years later?"

Xie Jinran has now fully realized what it means to be impermanent in the world!She didn't dare to extend the time for so long.

Then he got off the bed abruptly, and threw the food brought by Shuyan, the medicinal juice and plaster brought by Yin'er, all on the ground.

"Second Miss, Second Miss, be careful not to hurt yourself, it's not your fault, it's that Princess Heng is too vicious, don't punish yourself." Shuyan and Yin'er hurried over and said anxiously .

Under the pull of the two maids, Xie Jinran finally slumped on the ground, gritted his teeth, and said word by word, "Lian Siyue is not over yet! It's not over yet!"

She lay on the ground, crying while laughing!

In any case, she must find a way to regain the Queen Mother's favor!After the empress dowager's anger subsides, she will return her innocence!

She sat up, regained her composure, and said in a deep voice, "Bring a pen and paper, and bring me a handwritten letter to Prince Yu's Mansion to His Highness Eighth Prince. Today in the palace, there is no chance to say many things."

Xie Jinran deserves to be Xie Jinran, she won't be knocked down by Lian Siyue immediately, she will try her best to start all over again.

In the past, as the second young lady of the Xie family, she was not valued as much as the eldest sister, nor was she favored as much as the third sister. She had no choice but to be humble.

However, didn't she slowly and quietly turn the situation around step by step?

She wasted so much time in the past, and she is not in a hurry now. One day, the current situation will be reversed.

"Yes, Second Miss." Yin'er hurried to get a pen, ink, paper and inkstone.

Xie Jinran walked to the desk and quickly sent Feng Ye a letter, she told Feng Ye that if he wanted to make a breakthrough, he could start with Ning Xue.

She was taking a gamble to see if Feng Ye valued her own future more, or Lian Siyue more!She has no way to enter the palace now, Feng Ye must come forward.

The letter was quickly delivered to Feng Ye's hands.

Feng Ye sat in front of the desk, his eyes fell on Xie Jinran's letter, and he said what Ning Xue told her. It turned out that Lian Siyue had made these arrangements.

(End of this chapter)

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