First-class daughter

Chapter 1254 Don't Worry

Chapter 1254 Don't Worry
Chapter 1254 Don't Worry
At the same time, at the end of the letter, Xie Jinran said:

"Your Highness, Jin Ran is at your disposal. If His Highness says to forget about it, then Jin Ran will grit his teeth and swallow his breath. He will not mention today's affairs and wait for His Highness peacefully; if His Highness still If I want to go forward, no matter the mountain of swords or the sea of ​​fire, Jin Ran will follow closely; if His Highness does not let me go forward, then Jin Ran will always wait in place, no matter how long it takes."

He got up, folded the letter, and pressed it under a book.

"His Highness Eighth." Seeing Feng Ye was about to go out, Yin Huai hurried over and asked.

"Prepare the carriage, the king will enter the palace again."

Shouning Palace.

The Empress Dowager finally woke up leisurely until the next day, and when she opened her eyes, the white cat flashed in her mind, she sat up suddenly, her face turned pale, and she clutched the quilt tightly, "Cat! Cat!"

Nanny Wen hurried over and comforted her, "Queen! Queen! Wake up, it's okay, it's okay! The white cat escaped, was caught by the eunuchs, and was beaten to death on the spot! Yes, it's already buried!"

Hearing Madam Wen's words, the Empress Dowager finally calmed down.

"Queen, it's okay. It's been so many years. You are the queen, so you don't have to be afraid of anything." Nanny Wen said in a low voice.

"Where's Xie Jinran?" The Queen Mother asked with a downcast face.

"Second Miss Xie has left Shouning Hall and returned to Xie's house." Nanny Wen said.

The queen mother frowned, touched her face, and saw that the marks from the cat's claws were still painful.

"Ma'am, the imperial physician said, don't touch it or touch it with water, the scratches will be cured after applying medicine," said Nanny Wen.

"Bring the bronze mirror and show it to me." The queen mother ordered.

"Yes!" Nanny Wen quickly brought the bronze mirror over.

The queen mother looked in the mirror and saw three bloodstains on her cheeks, which were so clear and shocking!She felt uncomfortable for a while!

She, a high-ranking empress dowager, suffered such an injury on her face, how decent it was, and when it was spread, everyone didn't dare to say anything publicly, but they would definitely have a lot of guesses in their hearts!
Thinking of this, the Empress Dowager hated Xie Jinran.

With a look of disgust on her face, she said, "The moldy thing is not enough embroidered with phoenix flowers, and it is holding a white cat, which caused Aijia to be terrified and lose all manners! Now that Aijia thinks about it, he regrets leaving it She stays by my side! Aijia originally thought about holding her and Ye'er's wedding earlier, but now it seems that this is God's warning to Aijia not to act too hastily."

After she woke up from a coma yesterday, the first thing she said was to stop Feng Ye and Xie Jinran's marriage first!
"Empress Dowager, Second Miss Xie has already left, and it's quiet here, so don't think too much about it, I'm worried that you will have a headache again," said Nurse Wen.

The queen mother got up, got up from the bed, and said, "I don't want to, I don't want to!"

"Empress Dowager, I heard that you were injured. The Empress, Concubine Feng De, Concubine Lian Shu, Concubine Hengqin and others have been waiting outside the hall." Nanny Wen said.

Thinking of the scars on her face, the queen mother said, "Pass on the words, the Ai family will rest for the next few days and not see anyone. It is really embarrassing for a queen mother of the Ai family to be seen by the juniors like this!"

"Yes, Empress Dowager, servants and servants will go now." Nanny Wen said.

She turned and walked out of the Queen Mother's bedroom.

The empress who was waiting outside the hall and others hurried forward, and the empress asked, "Mother, how is the empress?"

Mother Wen bowed to the queen and said, "The empress, ladies and gentlemen, the empress dowager asked the servants to tell the masters that she is not feeling well and it is inconvenient to see her, so please go back first, and call her old lady again in the future. "

The empress looked melancholy and said, "Empress mother is not feeling well, and many disturbances are also afraid of disturbing the peace of her old man, but can Madam Wen tell me how her mother is doing now?"

"You don't have to worry, Empress Dowager, Empress Dowager is in good health." Nanny Wen said.

Lian Siyue stood at the back, her eyes quietly fell on Nanny Wen, a flash of thought flashed in her eyes, but she slowly lowered her head and didn't take another look.

The Empress Dowager was gone, so everyone had no choice but to leave. Before leaving, they brought all the gifts and supplements brought by Qing Wen. Everyone wanted to seize this opportunity to please the Empress Dowager. Now that the situation in the court is complicated, no one dares Take it lightly.

After leaving the Shouning Palace.

The queen and Lian Siyue walked together, and the empress asked, "Yue'er, I heard that Xie Jinran was kicked out of the palace early in the morning. I really don't know why it suddenly became like this?"

These old events, such as the matter between the Empress Dowager and Concubine Liu, may not be very clear to the former Concubine Liang and the current Empress, so it is not surprising that she can't figure out the specific reasons for this.

"Mother, the second Miss Xie's cat has scratched the Empress Dowager. If the next offense is committed, the Empress Dowager will be angry. It is reasonable." Lian Siyue said lightly.

The empress turned her head and glanced at her. From her eyes, she seemed to read something. She stepped forward to hold the hand of the daughter-in-law here, and without asking any further questions, she only said, "Be careful in everything."

"Yes, queen mother," Lian Siyue understood what the queen meant, and the tacit understanding between the two did not need to be said.

Ministry of Internal Affairs.

When Ning Xue opened the door with her painful body, she raised her eyes and saw the person in front of her, her feet went limp, she fell to the ground, and tremblingly said, "Eighth, Your Majesty, this servant did not see you , and ran into His Highness, the servant deserves to die, the servant deserves to die!"

Ning Ningxue was trembling all over, and her mind was spinning rapidly. She didn't know why the Eighth Prince came to visit suddenly.

"Raise your head." Feng Ye said coldly, the voice made Ning Xue tremble, and hurriedly kowtowed, "I don't dare, I don't dare!"

"Raise your head." Feng Ye's voice seemed to come from underground.

Ning Xue trembled, and slowly raised her head, "Your Highness, servant..."

Feng Ye held a phoenix flower in his hand and asked, "Are you familiar with this flower?"

When Ning Xue saw the Pteris flower, her face turned pale for a while, and said. "Slave, I have seen it before, this is a Phoenix tail flower."

A deep coldness appeared on Feng Ye's face, and he said, "So you know it's a phoenix flower?"

Ning Xue tremblingly said, "Yes, servant girl, servant girl knows."

"Who showed off the phoenix flower on Xie Jinran's body?" Feng Ye asked.

Ning Xue kowtowed in fright and said, "His Royal Highness...""

(End of this chapter)

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