First-class daughter

Chapter 1255 Feng Ye's Chapter Head Road

Chapter 1255 Feng Ye's Return
Chapter 1255 Feng Ye's Return
Ning Xue was frightened and hurriedly kowtowed, and said, "His Royal Highness, this servant is just a small maid in the House of Internal Affairs, and this servant doesn't know anything, please don't embarrass this servant, Your Highness, this servant doesn't know anything..."

"Yin Huai." Suddenly, Feng Ye called out.

"Yes, Your Highness." Yin Huai stepped forward, with a hint of coldness in his eyes, he stretched out his hand to grab Ning Xue's neck, and said, "You answer honestly what His Highness asks, otherwise, there are a hundred ways to kill you. "

"Cough cough, cough cough..." Ning Xue coughed violently, her face was flushed, and she stared straight at Feng Ye with eyes that wanted to live.

Feng Ye motioned to Yin Huai, and Yin Huai let go of his hand.

"Cough cough cough..." Ning Xue covered her neck with her hands and coughed violently. At that moment, she seemed to experience the feeling of death.

Feng Ye put his hands behind his back and slowly bent down. When Ning Xue raised her head and saw his handsome but cold face at close range, she was so frightened that she fell back and fell to the ground, tears streaming out from her body. up.

"This king knows that you were originally from a wealthy family, but your elder brother gambled and ruined all the money in the family. You had a good marriage and it fell through. Your real name is not Ning Xue, your name is Qi Ying. You are here for Seeking a way to survive, she entered the palace under the false name of the original Ning Xue, and the original Ning Xue unfortunately fell down the mountain and died on the way to worship Buddha with you." Feng Ye said casually.

Ning Xue's heart trembled, her face changed greatly, she looked at Feng Ye in horror, "His Highness the Eighth Prince..." His Highness even investigated this.

Seeing her flustered eyes, Feng Ye said calmly, "You pushed it down, right? You wanted to enter the palace in vain attempt to win the favor of the prince, and from then on, you would ascend to the sky. When the deposed prince Feng Ming was still around, you tried to confuse me. He, but was discovered by the crown princess, and ended up hitting you and driving you out of the East Palace, but the crown prince fell the next day, and the crown princess had no time to take care of you, so you escaped punishment by luck. By an inch?"

"His Royal Highness... Slave, servant, damn it." Ning Xue was trembling all over. Why did Princess Heng and His Highness Eighth Prince be more powerful than the other, and they both grabbed her, a little maid?What should she do?
"Death or life, glory and wealth or the execution of all family members, it's all up to you," Feng Ye said.

"His Royal Highness... what does this mean? The servants don't understand." Ning Xue asked.

"Tell me first, who embroidered the Phoenix tail flowers?" Feng Ye asked.

"Yes, Princess Heng gave it to the servant, and you don't know who embroidered it. The princess gave it to the servant, and the servant can only take it, there is no other way." Ning Xue said.

"Why did she give you the phoenix flower? Explain what you did?" Feng Ye asked again.

"She, she..." Ning Xue stammered, Princess Heng could not offend her.

"Your Highness's time is precious, if you hesitate, then choose death! The fact that you entered the palace as an impostor is enough for you to die a hundred times!" Seeing her hesitation, Yin Huai said immediately.

"Princess Heng asked the maidservant to find a way to get the second miss of the Xie family to wear the phoenix flower. The second lady was very suspicious, so she fell for the trick and wore the phoenix flower. Later, for some reason... was driven away by the empress dowager. "Ning Xue said.

Sure enough it was her.

In order to vent her anger on Feng Jue, she has done this. She is really good to Feng Jue, very good!

But for him...

Feng Ye put his hands behind his back, twirling the jade belt behind his back lightly with his slender fingers, he didn't say a word for a long, long time, the air seemed to stop flowing, the surrounding was terrifyingly quiet, Ning Xue didn't dare to breathe, she was sweating profusely.

Feng Ye looked towards the horizon, and the white clouds in the distance were slowly flowing, like a piece of white velvet spread across the horizon.It's obviously the end of spring, and summer is coming soon, why is the wind blowing in front of me still cold?It made him feel a chill that pierced his bone marrow.

He vaguely remembered that the first time he saw her in Yaocheng, it was also in such a bitterly cold weather.But at that time, when she looked at him with her stubborn and strong eyes, he felt hot in his heart, and a burst of inexplicable emotion slowly flowed through his body.This girl exudes a general air all over her body, but she looks like she is only in her teens, her face still exudes a childish look, but her eyes are unusually mature and calm
"It seems that someone is going to kill you. If you hid in my carriage, they would probably kill me along with you. You said you wouldn't hurt me." Amidst the blood, she said calmly. As calm as she was, he couldn't help but linger on her for a while longer.

You know, before this, he had never been thrilled by any woman, but she had the ability to make him stop.

He originally thought that since she was the concubine's daughter of Lianxiang's mansion, it would be okay for him to beg her to be his concubine.


Things didn't go as he had imagined, and after what happened, he and her came to an opposite position.

"If the wind hadn't been so cold that day, if your eyes hadn't been so firm, if... I hadn't broken into your carriage that day, I wouldn't hesitate to kill you even if I hurt you. The fault is , the wind was too cold that day, I was attracted by your eyes, the moment you bandaged my wound, I thought I had fallen in love with you, but..."

Now, there is no turning back, I am not alone, there are many people behind me...

My mother and concubine, my grandfather, and the child I killed with my own hands...

This road is very dark, but I want to go down, and I also want to see what is waiting for me at the end of the road.
Finally, Feng Ye slowly came back to his senses, looked at the court lady on the ground with a pair of cold eyes, and said, "Now, go to the Queen Mother immediately and tell her the truth of the matter, and you must not lie a single word."

When Ning Xue heard this, she raised her head suddenly, as if she was not sure, she asked, "Your Highness the Eighth Highness, do you want your slaves to report on Princess Heng?"

She vaguely remembered one time, before Princess Heng got married, when she happened to pass by the Imperial Garden, she heard His Highness Eighth Highness and His Highness Sixth say, "I, I want to be like the moon."

When the Eighth Prince said this, there were stars in his eyes, and the smile on his face was brighter than the sun. is this happening now?
Could it be that His Highness the Eighth Prince is in love with the Second Miss Xie now?

"Your Highness, do as you say." Yin Huai picked up Ning Xue who was in a daze, and said, "I'll wait for you here, if you dare to play tricks..."

Feng Ye glanced at Ning Xue again, turned around and left slowly, his tall back was stretched on the ground, leaving a lingering shadow, and his cold voice came: "Don't let me down. "

(End of this chapter)

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