First-class daughter

Chapter 1256 The Queen Mother Has Please

Chapter 1256 The Queen Mother Has Please
Chapter 1256 The Queen Mother Has Please
Ning Xue turned her head three times a step at a time, looking at the handsome figure that was gradually walking away, with sad hope that His Highness Eighth Highness would suddenly change her mind and tell her not to report on Prince Heng.

However, from the beginning to the end, the Ministry of Internal Affairs did not look back after his figure disappeared.

She had to drag her painful body to the direction of Shouning Hall. After walking for a while, because she was nervous, she didn't see the person in front of her clearly, so she bumped her head on him.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." She said quickly, and when she looked up, she was startled again, only to see a cold face in front of her.

This person, this person is the formidable hidden guard next to Princess Heng - Leng Mei.

"Where are you going in a hurry?" Leng Mei glanced at her and asked.

"My servant... I went to the Tai Hospital. The medicine did not heal in the past two days. My servant's hometown is from the Tai Hospital. I want to ask him to get some medicine..." Ning Xue pointed to the place in front of her and said.

Ning Xue narrowed her eyes slightly and said, "Keep your eyes open to see the road, otherwise it will be bad if you go the wrong way." There was a hint of warning in this voice, which made Ning Xue's heart tremble slightly.

"Thank you for reminding me, I will take a good look at the road," she said.

She lowered her head coldly and found that one of Ning Xue's headgear had fallen on the ground. When Ning Xue was about to bend down to pick it up, she picked up the headgear first and put it in her hand to look at it.

"Wear the headgear carefully, if you accidentally drop it, you won't be able to get it back." Leng Mei said, and took a step forward to bring the headgear back to Ning Xue's head.

"Thank you Lord Leng." Ning Xue said, lowered her head, and walked towards the Tai Hospital.

Looking at her staggering back with cold eyebrows, he suddenly stepped forward, stuffed a box of ointment into her hand, and said, "This medicine has miraculous effects, you take it!"

Ning Xue looked up, and a coldness flashed in her cold eyebrows and eyes, which made her tremble all over.

She lied to Lengmei that she was going to the Tai Hospital, so she had to go to the Tai Hospital first, and then turned around and walked to the Shouning Hall.

As she walked, she thought, Princess Heng on the one hand, and His Highness the Eighth Highness on the other, neither of them can be offended, now that they are on the verge of riding a tiger, how can they protect themselves?Although the elder brother in the family is hateful, he is also the only male in the Qi family. If he is guilty of beheading, the Qi family will be destroyed.

Thinking this way, he came to the Shouning Hall and asked to meet the Empress Dowager.

After hearing this, Mother Wen waved her hands and said, "The empress dowager hasn't even seen the empress dowager and all the concubines, you are a little maid of the house of internal affairs, hurry back."

"Mommy!" Seeing that Nanny Wen refused to hear about it, Ning Xue remembered His Highness Eighth Highness's advice, she immediately stepped forward, leaned into Nanny Wen's ear, and whispered, "It's about His Highness Eighth Highness and Second Miss Xie. Here, things are not what the Empress Dowager thinks."

Nanny Wen was taken aback, the Eighth Highness and the Second Miss?

"Mommy, this matter is very important. Your Highness said that Mommy will definitely help, right?" Ning Xue said.

"Wait a moment." Nanny Wen walked into the empress dowager's bedroom, came out after a while, and said, "Come in, but you have to make sure that every word you say is true, otherwise, your life will be ruined." Not for long."

"The servant girl guarantees that every word she said is true, and she will never dare to lie in the slightest." Ning Xue said.

She followed Nanny Wen and walked towards the Empress Dowager's Hall. When she arrived in the hall, she knelt on the ground and said tremblingly, "Servant Ning Xue pays homage to the Empress Dowager."

"Nurse Wen said that Ai's family needs to see you, what's the matter?" the Queen Mother asked with a screen between them.

"Empress Dowager, what the servants want to report's like this. Two days ago, the servants spoiled Princess Heng's material. The princess passed the servants on and beat twenty boards. She does something, otherwise, it's not as simple as twenty boards." Ning Xue said desperately.

"Oh?" The Queen Mother asked in a deep voice, "What does Princess Heng ask you to do?"

"Princess Hengqin gave the maidservant a phoenix flower collar, and asked the maidservant to let Second Miss Xie take the collar and wear it on her body anyway. In fact, the second lady wanted plum blossom lingzi at first. Why did this slave give this Phoenix tail flower collar to the second lady. But the servant heard that the second lady was kicked out of the Shouning Palace because she offended the Empress Dowager, and the servant wondered if it might have something to do with the Phoenix tail flower collar of Princess Heng " Ning Xue said cautiously.

"What?" The Queen Mother stood up abruptly, "Say it again!"

"Princess Hengqin asked my maidservant to give the second lady a collar with a phoenix flower. The maidservant did not embroider the pinnacle flower, but the maidservant embroidered plum blossoms. The second lady said that the queen mother likes plum blossoms, so she wore them with plum blossoms." Ning Xue held it tightly. fist, said.

"There is such a thing? Lian Siyue wants you to do this?" The Queen Mother was shocked.

"My servant dare not lie, every sentence is true, if there are false words, this servant is willing to die." Ning Xue said.

The queen mother slowly sat down on the chair, a flash of thought flashed in her eyes.

Nurse Wen at the side took the opportunity to say, "Empress Dowager, think about it carefully, but there is something strange about this matter. Miss Jinran has been by Empress Dowager's side for a long time, and neither Pteris nor... All of a sudden, two things appeared at the same time?"

Nanny Wen has long been a member of His Highness Feng Ye's Eighth Prince, so she has been helping Xie Jinran every now and then.

The Empress Dowager narrowed her eyes slightly, and after a while, she raised her head suddenly and said, "Come here! Bring Princess Hengqin Lian Siyue to the Shouning Hall of the Ai family immediately!"

"Yes." A faint smile appeared in the eyes of Nanny Wen, and immediately led several eunuchs and moms there.

"Wait." The Empress Dowager said, "I can't just bring her here. This time, the Ai family has to exclude other interference and bring her here alone."

"What does the Empress Dowager mean?" Mother Wen asked.

"Waiting for Ai's family to send the Queen and Yun Zheng away before passing on." The Empress Dowager said with a hint of coldness in her eyes.

If Lian Siyue dared to lie like this, she would be killed on the spot!
"Yes, I understand." Nanny Wen said.

Royal Garden.

Lian Siyue was sitting in the pavilion, the wet nurse hugged Chengjun and Wanjun, and breathed the fresh air. When Wanjun saw bright flowers and occasionally heard the sound of birds, he danced with his hands and feet.

"My lord, the little princess is so clever, with bright eyes." The nurse said happily.

Lian Siyue looked at the little girl dotingly, and then at Cheng Jun, the little guy yawned as if bored, and scratched with her little fist, she reached out to hold the little guy's hand.

She seemed to think of something, and asked, "Is the queen mother back?"

"Go back to the princess, the empress went to the Rongyuan Hall, the emperor kept talking, maybe she won't come back so soon." Mother Tai stepped forward and replied.

"Oh." Lian Siyue nodded.

"Princess Wangfei." A slightly vicissitudes voice came, and Lian Siyue looked up, only to see Nanny Wen walking over with a smile on her face, bowing and saying, "My Majesty Wangfei, the Empress Dowager is here to invite you."

(End of this chapter)

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