First-class daughter

Chapter 1257 Aggressive

Chapter 1257 Aggressive
Chapter 1257 Aggressive
Lian Siyue was stunned for a moment, and said, "The Empress Dowager didn't want to meet her in the morning, and now she's sending me to go. I think I'm in a much better mood. Mommy, please lead the way."

"Please, Concubine Wang." Nanny Wen lowered her head and said with deep meaning in her eyes.

Lian Siyue got up, walked a few steps, turned around again, straightened the clothes on Chengjun and Wanjun, and then followed Sister Wen to Shouning Hall, Qingdai and Sister Tai also followed He followed, but was stopped by Nanny Wen, who said, "The empress dowager only sees the concubine, you two don't have to go."

"This..." Qingdai and Mother Tai glanced at Lian Siyue.

"The empress dowager must have something important to summon me. You are here to take care of the little princess and the little princess. Take them back after half an hour." Lian Siyue ordered.

"Yes, the princess, servants and servants are obeying."

Qingdai and Mother Tai watched Lian Siyue walk away, both of them showed a hint of uneasiness on their faces.

"Nurse, I, why do I have a strange feeling in my heart?" Qing Dai said.

"Don't think about it, this is the palace, the queen mother summoned the princess openly, nothing will happen." Taimo said.

Qing Dai nodded, and said, "Nurse is right, I was worrying too much."

Walking all the way in the direction of the Shouning Hall, the corner of the left lip of Nanny Wen, who was walking in front of her, raised slightly, she glanced behind her out of the corner of her eye, a faint smile crossed the corner of her lips, and soon she straightened up again. Back up and keep going.

And Lian Siyue followed behind, with a calm expression on her face, but she felt an inexplicable uneasiness in her heart, and she stopped suddenly while walking.

Nanny Wen at the front made progress, but seeing Lian Siyue suddenly not leaving, she was taken aback for a moment, then turned around and asked, "Princess Wangfei, what's wrong with you?"

"I suddenly remembered that the medicine powder that Cheng Jun and Wan Jun wanted to take is still in my hand, I want to send it back, you just wait here, I will come whenever I go." Lian Siyue said.

"Wangfei, let the servants do the running errands, Xiangqin, you run for the princess." Mother Wen ordered.

"Yes, mother." Xiangqin walked in front of Lian Siyue, bowed, stretched out her hand, and said, "Please Wangfei empress to hand over the medicine powder to the servant, and the servant will send it back for you."

Lian Siyue smiled and said, "That's fine, then you can run for my princess."

As she spoke, she spread her hands, put a packet of medicinal powder into Xiangqin's hand, and said, "You hand this packet of medicinal powder into the hands of my maidservant, Qingdai, and entrust her that this medicine must be taken within two hours."

"Yes, this servant has remembered." Xiangqin took the small packet of medicine powder from Lian Siyue's hand and said.

"Yes, princess." Xiangqin took the powder with both hands, and walked towards Changchun Palace.

"Nurse Wen, let's go." Lian Siyue said.

"Yes, princess." Nanny Wen said.

All the way to Shouning Hall, Lian Siyue walked in, but——

As soon as she walked in, the palace gate of Shouning Hall was slowly closed, Lian Siyue was taken aback for a moment, looked back, and asked, "Nurse Wen, you're fine, why did you close the palace gate?"

At this time, the submissive expression on Nanny Wen's face had changed, her eyes were even a little careless, and she said, "My lord, this is what the empress dowager meant. If you have any doubts, you should ask her, the old man. As slaves, we can only do what the master says."

"A slave like Wen Nanny is indeed a good slave." There was a faint smile on Lian Siyue's face, but seeing this smile, Wen Nanny shuddered inexplicably.

How is this going?Instead of being nervous, Princess Heng appeared extremely calm.

"Please come inside the princess." Nanny Wen said, ignoring the nervous feeling in her heart.

Lian Siyue lifted her foot and walked inside, she was very quiet along the way, she could hear her own footsteps clearly, every step seemed to be stepping on her own heart.

But Mother Wen turned around, walked out, and whispered to the mother beside her, saying, "Go and inform His Highness the Eighth Highness that Princess Heng has arrived at the Shouning Hall, and the palace gate is closed."

"Yes." The nanny took the order and trotted away.

Nanny Wen turned around and saw the figure of Lian Siyue walking farther and farther away, the corners of her lips were slightly raised, and the expression on her face was somewhat ferocious.

Even when Siyue walked to the Empress Dowager's bedroom, the eyes of the nuns and maids at the door were not as friendly as before, "Princess, wait a minute, this servant will report right now."

Lian Siyue stood waiting at the door of the dormitory. After a while, the dormitory door opened, and two senior nuns came forward, bowed slightly, and said, "Princess, please forgive me. The empress dowager ordered you to search Search your body."

"Search?" Lian Siyue listened and said, "Okay, please go ahead."

So, the two nuns stepped forward and stretched out their hands to search the body.

"However, my concubine has been unwell for the past two days, and she fainted once last night, the two nuns should be careful." Lian Siyue said lightly.

When the two nuns heard this, they slowly retracted their outstretched hands, looked at each other, and then knelt down together, saying, "Princess, please forgive me, this servant is rude, and this servant should kneel down to carry out the order of the empress dowager. "

"Come on." Lian Siyue glanced at the two servants kneeling on the ground, opened her hands, and said, "Come on, search carefully."

"Yes." The two of them didn't dare to be contemptuous anymore, they knelt down and searched Solian Siyue's body.

After a while, the two said, "Princess Wangfei, please come inside."

Lian Siyue raised her feet, crossed the threshold, and walked in, and saw the queen mother was sitting on a chair, with several court ladies and eunuchs standing beside her, the queen mother was looking at her with sharp eyes.

On the ground at the side, Ning Xue was kneeling, trembling and sweating profusely. When Ning Xue saw her, she immediately averted her eyes.

Lian Siyue knelt down and said, "Siyue pays respects to the Empress Dowager."

The queen mother kept her mouth shut and didn't say a word, her eyes seemed to be born on Lian Siyue's body.

Lian Siyue said again, "Siyue pays respects to the Empress Dowager."

"Come here, tie up Princess Heng and Lian Siyue to Ai's family!" Suddenly, the queen mother sternly said.

"Yes!" Several eunuchs and mothers who had been prepared for a long time immediately stepped forward to Lian Siyue's side, took out the rope in their hands, and said, "Princess, stretch out your hand!"

Seeing these servants, Lian Siyue glanced past them, with a trace of deep coldness in his eyes, which made these servants take two steps back inexplicably.

She looked up at the queen mother, and said, "My queen mother, I don't know what mistake Siyue made to make you so angry, can I ask your queen mother to express it?"

"Hehe." The empress dowager sneered, pointed at Ning Xue on the ground, and said, "Princess Heng, I ask you, do you recognize this person?"

(End of this chapter)

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