Chapter 1258 Can't Go Back
Chapter 1258 Can't Go Back
Lian Siyue glanced at Ning Xue, and said, "Go back to the Queen Mother. This is the maid of the House of Internal Affairs. Two days ago, she destroyed the brocade gifted by the Queen Mother, and Siyue beat her on the board as a punishment."

"Is it just playing with the board?" asked the queen mother, her face somber.

"Yes." Lian Siyue replied.

"However, this servant said, you gave her a collar with phoenix flowers and told her to let Xie Jinran wear it. Why did you give her this collar with phoenix flowers? Lian Siyue, what are you thinking?"

The queen mother was eager to know whether Lian Siyue knew the reason why she rejected Pteris chinensis and what happened to Concubine Liu back then.If Lian Siyue knew the truth about Concubine Liu's death that year, no matter what, she couldn't keep her anymore.

"Empress Dowager, there is nothing wrong with this. Siyue has never given anything to this court lady, nor has she had any personal relationships. Siyue doesn't know anything about phoenix tail flowers, plum blossoms and chrysanthemums. Siyue is busy taking care of children all day long. What's the purpose of her slander." Lian Siyue said, looking very calm.

"My lord, how can you say that you don't know? You obviously asked the servant to do this, and you also said that as long as the servant succeeds, the servant will be promoted." Ning Xue said hastily.

Lian Siyue's eyes sank, with a stern expression, she said, "You slave, how has this princess ever had a relationship with you in private? I've heard that you and Xie Jinran, the second miss of the Xie family, have always been very close. , Second Miss Xie takes good care of you. Because of Second Miss Xie Jia, you have become the most popular person in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Even the head aunt of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will look at your face. Many people in the Ministry of Internal Affairs have heard this is you."

"Well, that's just a slave talking for a while." Ning Xue said hastily.

"No, it's not, Empress Dowager, this, this Phoenix tail flower collar is really given to the maidservant by the empress dowager, and it is also what she wants her servant to give to the second young lady no matter what, empress dowager, she is lying." Ning Xue said quickly.

"Full of nonsense!" Lian Siyue glared at Ning Xue, "I'm not familiar with the Second Miss Xie Jia, why did you give her things for no reason?"

"Empress Dowager, I dare not tell lies, please trust me, I am not telling lies." Ning Xue kowtowed to the Queen Mother repeatedly.

The queen mother looked closely at Lian Siyue and said, "It seems that you are not going to tell the truth."

With a surprised look on Lian Siyue's face, he said, "Empress Dowager, do you believe this servant's lies and don't you believe what Siyue said?"

"Come on! Tie her up, do you hear me!" Suddenly, the Queen Mother didn't listen to her like a moon, stood up abruptly, and shouted sharply.

No matter what she did to this slave, she could find an excuse to execute her, but she had to be more cautious in getting rid of Lian Siyue.

"Yes!" A few eunuchs and court ladies stepped forward, without any explanation, and tied up Lian Siyue's hands. The rope on her hands was locked tightly, and a red mark was drawn on her wrist. Pain came.

Lian Siyue frowned.

"Speak!" The Queen Mother sternly said, "Why did you give this servant the collar of the fern tail flower!"

Lian Siyue raised her head, neither humble nor overbearing, said, "Empress Dowager, Siyue did not do this, how can Siyue admit it?"

"For the sake of Cheng Jun and Wan Jun, the Ai family, as long as you tell the truth, why do you want to give this phoenix flower collar, the Ai family can forgive you, and pretend that nothing happened." The queen mother said coldly said.

She sat on the throne of the queen mother, and she also killed many people, stepping on the blood all the way up, if this matter has nothing to do with Lian Siyue, this slave will naturally not mention her for no reason, so, she will not Believe what Lian Siyue said.

Compared with this slave, the person she cares more about is Lian Siyuedao.

"What Siyue didn't do, I will never admit it, please let the empress dowager learn from it." Lian Siyue said, still neither humble nor cheated.

"Since you refuse to admit it, show your determination over there and let the Ai family take a look." The queen mother changed the subject and said, "Come here, let's serve tea."

"Yes! Empress Dowager." Nanny Wen picked up the stove that was burning hot water, poured a full glass of water into the quilt, carefully lifted it up, and sent it to Lian Siyue's bound hands, saying, " Wangfei, this is a gift from the Empress Dowager, you can take it."

Lian Siyue took a look at the full glass of boiling water, and she understood what the Queen Mother meant, she wanted her to hold this glass of hot water.

"If you hold this glass of water and stand still for an hour, Aijia will believe your words. If you can't persist, it means that you are deceiving Aijia, and Aijia will never let you go lightly." The queen mother said .

"Hehe..." Lian Siyue smiled, looked at the Queen Mother with a pair of clear eyes, and said, "Isn't the Queen Mother afraid of being tortured? You are the most admirable person in this harem."

The queen mother's eyes flickered slightly, but she immediately said leisurely, "If you continue, the tea will be cold."

After finishing speaking, Nanny Wen put the cup in Lian Siyue's hand, and said, "Princess, it's the order of the empress dowager, take it!"

Winter Palace.

The place where the concubine Xian lived in the past has now become a cold palace.

It was dilapidated and dilapidated, with thick dust everywhere, and the bustling scene of that year was not seen at all.

Not only here, his grandfather Xu's family is also withered now, and there is not much left.

This is the price he paid on the basis of chasing the throne.

At this time, Yin Huai hurried over and said, "Your Highness, Mother Wen sent someone over."

"Come in." Feng Ye said in a deep voice.

After a while, an old nanny walked in, whispered a few words into Feng Ye's ear, and left in a hurry.

Feng Ye slowly closed his eyes, just now that person was sent by Nanny Wen, saying that she had been summoned by the imperial grandmother to enter the Shouning Palace.

He held a piece of jade in his hand and looked forward, the sweat from his palm slowly flowed out, soaking the jade.

He understands the behavior of the imperial grandmother very well. He is a kind-hearted imperial grandmother on weekdays, but at critical moments, he is a very relentless empress dowager!

Since Siyue used the collar of the phoenix flower as a chess piece, Xie Jinran was kicked out of the palace within a day, so the phoenix flower must be very taboo to her.

Now, the maid mentioned Lian Siyue's plan, no matter what, the queen mother will interrogate her severely.

In this way, he broke her plan.

There was a desolate smile on his face, and he said, "One time, even once, you stand by my side unswervingly, I can't bear it."

He smiled, but two lines of tears slowly flowed from his eyes, and the fists in his sleeves were clenched tightly. The light shone on his face, but there was a trace of bloodthirsty evil spirit.

"I know that the moment I step into the Ministry of Internal Affairs, we will never go back!"

(End of this chapter)

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