First-class daughter

Chapter 1259 Not a Good Master

Chapter 1259 Not a Good Master

Chapter 1259 Not a Good Master

Standing in the darkness, Yin Huai looked at Feng Ye with both eyes, and there was a touch of distress in his eyes. His Highness had planned for the throne for many years. He thought it was inevitable, but he never thought that until now, he has lost a lot. His mother, concubine, and grandfather , and unborn children, leaving one by one, if you give up, it will not be easy.

His heart was moved, he knelt down on his knees, and said, "Your Highness, I hope that I will accompany you through life and death, and never leave!"

Feng Ye looked at the hidden guard kneeling beside him, and said, "If this king needs his subordinates to be ready to die at any time, then this king really can't be considered a good master, and a good master will definitely let his subordinates I see hope. Yin Huai, this king has made you feel uneasy."

"Your Highness..." Yin Huai's eyes were hot, but he didn't know what to say.

"You have followed me for many years, and you have never been like this before. It don't have much confidence in me anymore, do you?" Feng Ye asked.

"You should be damned, you..." Yin Huai raised his head and said, "You will never forget the moment when His Highness walked in front of you. If it wasn't for Your Highness, your life would be like mud. Because of His Highness." For the first time, I feel that I am a person, and I feel that I am being treated as a human being for the first time, so I will follow you no matter what."

Feng Ye said, "Get up."

He looked at this bleak and cold palace, and scenes of the past flashed in his mind.

The person sent by Nanny Wen just now said that as soon as she entered the Shouning Palace, the imperial grandmother ordered someone to close the gate of the palace, while the queen accompanied her father in the Rongyuan Hall, and Feng Yunzheng left the palace, that is to say, Now she needs to face the embarrassment of the emperor's grandmother alone.

He slowly clenched his fist in the sleeve, and poked his fingers into his palm vigorously, but the expression on his face became even colder.

Ming An Palace.

Feng Yunzheng put down a jar of wine, and said to Feng Jue, "I was worried that you would feel bored in the residence, so I brought you a jar of good wine to drink with you."

Recently, King Ming An said to the outside world that he was suffering from wind and cold and felt a little unwell, so he declined to receive guests and rested in the mansion.

Dong Shen is stepping up the research and development of the medicine to restore eyesight, but this is difficult and cannot be accomplished overnight.
Feng Jue sat on a chair, wrapped in a light blue brocade robe, and the white jade crown on her head exuded a lustrous luster, making this picturesque face even more handsome and noble.

It's just that those beautiful eyes have no focus, and I don't know where to look. What makes Feng Yunzheng feel a little heavy is that the color of his eyes is lighter than before. If things go on like this, others will soon discover his Eye problems.

If this matter gets out, it will be greatly detrimental to Feng Jue.

Feng Jue couldn't see it, so naturally he couldn't feel the expression on Feng Yunzheng's face. With a smile on his face, he said, "I smelled the smell of wine from a distance, and I thought Sijiu knew that I was greedy and took the wine." Come on, I didn't expect it to be Brother Nine Kings."

"Then let's have a drink or two, haha." Feng Yunzheng laughed heartily, hiding the uneasiness in his heart.

"Okay, my brother will accompany you." Feng Jue got up, stretched out his hand and groped forward, Feng Yunzheng wanted to reach out to help, but finally put it back in a hurry, and sat down quietly in front of the table.

Feng Yunzheng sat down opposite him, and Sijiu led the maid to bring some appetizers.

"Good wine!" Feng Jue took a sip from the wine glass and exclaimed in admiration.

"Recently, news came from Ningde Mountain Villa. Ling Yue'er also wrote a letter and sent it over. She gets along well with Aunt Huang. Aunt Huang likes her very much. There is a kind of happiness in her words." Feng Yunzheng While drinking, he brought up Lian Lingyue.

Feng Jue's hand holding the wine glass paused slightly, and his fingers tightened involuntarily, holding the wine glass.

"The Lian family has collapsed now. Although Prince Heng's mansion is backing her up, it is still her sister's and her husband's home. From the outside, it seems that there is always a sense of injustice. Your sister means that the emperor has no children under her knees. If she can accept Lingyue as a righteous daughter, then no one will object to your marriage with her, and neither the emperor's grandmother nor father will say no." Feng Yunzheng said.

"It's a pity..." Feng Jue said with a look of disappointment on his face, "I, a blind person, can't live three feet away. I need someone to take care of me for the rest of my life, not to mention the promise to her for the rest of my life, just to take care of her." She doesn't have the ability."

"Eleventh Brother..." Feng Yunzheng put down his wine glass, took Fengjue's hand, and said, "Don't be discouraged, you must trust Dong Shen, and Lingyue's letter also revealed concern for you in words, but the girl Jiajia, sorry to make it too clear."

"I originally thought that she accompanied Aunt Huang to Ningde Mountain Villa, and I could also take the opportunity to visit Aunt Huang to see her, but now, I'm afraid that she will be very sad if she sees me as if I can't see anything. And if she is sad, I will feel even worse." Feng Jue couldn't bear to think of Ling Yue seeing him when he was blind.

Inside the Shouning Hall.

Nanny Wen put the scalding hot tea on Lian Siyue's hand, and suddenly a hot feeling came over her.

However, Lian Siyue picked up the tea with both hands, her eyes turned cold, and she splashed ginger tea on Nanny Wen's face without hesitation. On the ground, covering her face and rolling, "Queen Dowager, Queen Mother, save this servant, save this servant, the face of this servant..."

All I saw was that Nanny Wen's face was reddened by the boiling water, and blisters appeared in several places, and she couldn't open her eyes.

The servants next to him didn't expect Princess Heng to do this, so they took two steps back in fright, and no one dared to move forward.

Only Nanny Wen was rolling on the ground in pain, while Ning Xue was so frightened that she collapsed on the ground, she didn't dare to move, she looked at Lian Siyue timidly, and thought to herself: What on earth does the princess want to do?Back in Changchun Palace, she had told her to wait quietly, she did not dare to disobey, but after waiting for two days, the Eighth Highness came!

Ning Xue reached out and touched the headgear in her hair... What should I do now?
"I hurt this slave to death, I hurt this slave to death, Empress Dowager, you have to be the master of this slave!" Nanny Wen knelt on the ground, covered her face tightly with her hands, and cried loudly.

"You!" The Queen Mother stood up abruptly, "Presumptuous! How dare you hit Aijia's servants in front of Aijia, you don't take Aijia seriously!"

She never expected that Lian Siyue would be so courageous to disobey her face to face, which made her even more determined to punish her severely.

"Xiao Luzi, Xiao Haizi, put Lian Siyue, the rebel, on the ground to Aijia, it will weigh fifty slabs!"

Fifty boards?That's enough to kill a person half-life!The queen mother is punished severely.

"Empress Dowager!" Lian Siyue took a step forward and said, "Siyue doesn't know what she did wrong to receive such a heavy punishment, just based on a few words from this slave? People can believe it!"

"Huh." The queen mother snorted coldly, and said majesticly, "You poured boiling water on the Ai family's confidant servant, how could the Ai family allow you to be presumptuous! Come on! Fifty sticks!"

"Yes, Empress Dowager!" Two eunuchs stepped forward, pulling Lian Siyue to walk outside the bedroom.

Here in the imperial garden.

Qingdai and Nanny Tai were about to take the nanny back to Changchun Palace. At this time, the maid Xiangqin came over and gave a pack of medicinal powder to Nanny Tai, saying, "The princess asked me to bring it here, and said Just now, I accidentally took away the medicine powder that Xiaojun Wang and Xiaojun chief were taking."

Nanny Tai glanced at the medicine bag, it was not the little princess's and the little princess's.

"Okay, thank you." Qing Dai quickly took the powder and said.

"The medicine has been delivered, so I'll go first." Xiangqin brushed her body and said.

As soon as Xiangqin left, Qingdai immediately lowered her voice, and said, "Nurse, you carry the little princess king and the little princess back home, nurse, hurry to Rongyuan hall, find a way to meet the empress, I'll look for Lengmei! Tell her to find His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince."

(End of this chapter)

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