Chapter 1261
Chapter 1261
"You!" The queen mother did not expect that Lian Siyue asked such a question suddenly.

"The empress is here! Concubine Feng De is here! Concubine Lian Shu is here!" At the same time, the eunuch's announcement came from outside the palace.

The queen mother was taken aback. Originally, she didn't intend to make this matter public. After all, it was related to the death of Concubine Liu, so she closed the palace door and interrogated Lian Siyue in private. But she didn't expect that not only Yun Zheng had arrived, but now even the queen and several others The princesses are also here.Now, if this matter continues to be dug deeper, if Concubine Liu's past events are uncovered, her position in the harem will also be threatened.

She held the handkerchief tightly, and said, "Let them in."


But Lian Siyue's eyes revealed a slight smile, the queen's timing was really good, and she came very timely.

After a while, under the leadership of the empress, Concubine Feng De, Concubine Lian Shu, Concubine Xin, Concubine Li and others walked in together. Seeing the scene in front of them, they were all slightly stunned.

The queen knelt down first, and the others also knelt down, saying, "The concubines are waiting to pay their respects to the empress dowager."

The queen mother put on that majestic posture, raised her hand, and said, "Get up." She covered the scratched blood on her face with a veil, and said.

Several nuns hurriedly lifted up a screen to separate the Queen Mother, and then she put down the veil.

"Yes." Everyone got up.

The queen looked at Feng Yunzheng, Lian Siyue and his wife, at Ning Xue who was kneeling on the ground, and at the scarred Lengmei, then at the queen mother, lowered her head and said, "Queen mother, what happened here?"

"You came just in time." The queen mother said coldly, "When Ai's family was young, there was a woman from a foreign land who accidentally won the late emperor's favor. One day, that woman gave Ai's family a phoenix flower. The family saw that the phoenix flower was so beautiful, so they ordered people to move it into the bedroom of Ai's family. They looked at it every day, and often went to spend money to smell the fragrance of the flower. After a while, Ai's family suddenly slipped, and the At that time, the bitter meat in Aijia's stomach had been in the stomach for more than three months. Aijia was so sad that he asked people to remove all the brightly colored utensils in the bedroom. As a result, musk was found in the phoenix flowers! It turned out that the woman He wanted to make the Ai family lose their child, so he used this trick. But what if the Ai family knew the truth, the Ai family's child was gone.

From then on, Aijia didn't want to see anything related to Pteris vulgaris, as soon as he saw it, no matter how much time passed, Aijia's heart ached, and he would suffer a serious illness afterwards. "

Lian Siyue couldn't help but glance at Feng Yunzheng after hearing the queen mother's explanation that she didn't want to see Pteris vulgaris, both of them had imperceptible smiles in their eyes.

As expected of an old fox who has always been old, he easily put his sins back then on the so-called foreign woman.

If it wasn't for Feng Qianyue's little habit of collecting people's privacy and using it back then, so as to find out the secret of the Queen Mother's past, even Siyue would have believed what she said today.

"I never thought that my mother would have such a wronged experience when she was young. My mother, you have suffered." The empress said.

"That's right, Queen Mother, did you let the first emperor cut off the head of that foreign girl? Such a vicious person cannot stay in this world." Concubine Feng De also said.

"God has eyes, that woman fell ill later and died in the cold palace." The queen mother said, pulling the handkerchief in her hand.

"This result is really satisfying! Queen Mother, don't be sad about this anymore, be careful of hurting your body." Concubine Lian Shu said.

"It's hateful!" The queen mother suddenly raised her head and said, "Some people somehow know about the past of Ai's family, and even deliberately use Pteris vulgaris to remind Ai's family of the painful past and make Ai's family suffer the pain of longing. .”

"Who is so bold to do such a thing, the queen mother must not spare her!" Concubine Xin said angrily.

"..." The Empress Dowager raised her head slowly, pointed in the direction of Lian Siyue, and said, "The maid of the House of Internal Affairs said it was her! It was Princess Hengqin."

"What..." Everyone was shocked.

Ning Xue knelt on the ground and quickly lowered her head.

"Imperial Grandmother clearly understands such a long past, even the Empress Dowager, Concubine De and others don't know about it, so how could Siyue know about it? This court lady must have deliberately framed it!" Feng Yunzheng said while protecting Lian Siyue.

The empress stepped forward a few steps, walked in front of Ning Xue, with sharp eyes, and asked, "You said that? What's going on here?"

Ning Xue seemed to be very scared, she didn't dare to look into the Empress's eyes, and said the matter again tremblingly.

"Nonsense!" Lian Siyue reprimanded immediately, "This princess has never ordered you to do such a thing, and this princess doesn't know that Phoenix tail flowers are a taboo for the empress dowager!"

She took two steps forward, grabbed Ning Xue from the ground, turned around, turned her back to the side of the Queen Mother and all the empresses, faced Ning Xue, paused her eyes, and said something with her mouth talk.

"Oh, oh yes, it's like this." Ning Xue stammered while looking at Lian Siyue's mouth, "Princess Heng said that she knew the story of the empress dowager who lost her child because she was murdered back then. Therefore, knowing that the empress dowager doesn't want to see the phoenix flowers, she deliberately asked the servant to give the phoenix flowers to the second miss of the Xie family, so that she could plant the second lady and make the empress dowager hate the second lady."

"What did you say?" The queen mother was taken aback when she heard Ning Xue's answer. This was a story she made up temporarily, how could Lian Siyue know in advance?This Ning Xue actually said that now. In this way, it is a lie that Ning Xue said that Lian Siyue ordered her to frame Xie Jinran!

A sneer flashed across Lian Siyue's eyes.

But pretending to cry out anxiously, she pushed Ning Xue away and said, "You, you are bloody, how did this princess ever teach you to say that!"

"Wangfei, Wangfei did let the slaves do this." Ning Xue said.

"Shut up!" The Queen Mother suddenly roared, "You bastard slave, who taught you to do this? You even wronged Princess Hengqin!"

Feng Yunzheng naturally knew the reason for the queen mother's roar, but the queen and others looked at each other in blank dismay. What's wrong?Why did the Queen Mother suddenly help Princess Heng again?
"Quickly, why are you hesitating when the empress dowager asks you something?" Feng Yunzheng asked at the right time.

"Yes, yes..." Ning Xue suddenly climbed to the front of the screen, cried bitterly, and said, "The empress dowager, please forgive me, servant girl, servant girl, this servant girl lied, this servant girl wronged Princess Hengqin, she never ordered this servant girl to do anything, yes, It was the second miss of the Xie family, who ordered the servants like this before she left. Besides the Phoenix tail flower, she, she actually told the servants that the concubine gave her a white cat and asked her to hold it to see the queen mother. Empress.

The servant girl had never seen a white cat before, so she didn't dare to talk about the cat just now, for fear that she might miss something.She also said that if the servant does not do what she said, she will tell the story of the servant who broke the Queen Mother's clothes, and let the servant be punished, the servant..."

After Ning Xue finished speaking, she secretly glanced at Lian Siyue.

This was ordered by Princess Heng. She said that no matter who comes to her and asks about the Phoenix tail flower, she should tell the person truthfully that this is Princess Heng's plan, and then go to the Queen Mother to sue her. shape.

When the time was right, she made a counter-claim that she was instructed by that person to deliberately frame Prince Heng and Princess Heng.

Ning Xue originally thought that the person who came to her to report on the princess would be Sister Xie and the Second Miss, but she never expected it to be His Highness the Eighth Highness.

Ning Xue didn't have the guts to speak of His Highness the Eighth Highness in front of the Queen Mother, so she bit the Second Miss, so that the Queen Mother could believe it without hurting the Eighth Highness.

(End of this chapter)

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