First-class daughter

Chapter 1262 You Have a Home

Chapter 1262 You Have a Home
Chapter 1262 You Have a Home
It's just that she didn't understand, why did the Queen Mother suddenly change her attitude after hearing what she said just now?This Princess Hengqin seems to know everything and everything is under her control.

This made her even more afraid and confused.

Lian Siyue glanced at her, and she hurriedly lowered her head, but Lian Siyue seemed to have expected that Ning Xue would not inform Feng Ye, her eyes were clear.

That's right, she deliberately kept Ning Xue, and didn't dispose of Xie Jinran when she left the palace, she just used this trick to lure the snake out of the hole, and then invite you into the urn.

Because Xie Jinran suddenly took out the phoenix flower and the white cat, once the queen mother's anger passed, she would definitely think of what was wrong, and Xie Jinran would try to investigate after returning home.

Therefore, she has to push one more time and use her tricks so that the Queen Mother no longer has any sense of trust in Xie Jinran.

So, with a look of disappointment on her face, she said, "The empress dowager, I really didn't expect that all of this turned out to be Xie Jinran's scheme. In order to drive a wedge between Siyue and the empress dowager, and to make the empress dowager hate Siyue, she didn't care about it." Will the scheme hurt you? Empress Dowager, you are so kind to her, and she repays you like this, it is really irritating!"

The look on the Empress Dowager's face was tense!

Originally, because Nanny Wen was blowing wind in her ear, she also felt that Xie Jinran would not do this kind of behavior suddenly. It was a phoenix flower and a white cat, which coincidentally made people suspicious.

Therefore, when Ning Xue, the court lady, came to say that she was ordered by Lian Siyue to frame Xie Jinran, she believed most of it. Besides, she didn't like Lian Siyue in the first place.

At the beginning, Ning Xue insisted, unwavering, which made her more convinced that Lian Siyue was behind it, but when Ning Xue told the story she was about to compile, she knew that this bitch was lying!
"Strange thing, the second miss of the Xie family, at such a young age, even the queen mother and the concubines don't know about the past, how could Xie Jinran know?" Feng Yunzheng said deliberately puzzled.

"That's right, did someone tell her these past events? Ah, could it be, could it be the descendants of that foreign woman." Xin Bin said in surprise.

The Empress Dowager's heart trembled suddenly. Since Xie Jinran knew the truth about Phoenix-tailed flowers and the white cat, and thus framed Lian Siyue, it meant that Xie Jinran knew the truth about the Phoenix-tailed flowers and the white cat.

Xinbi was right, no one told her, how could she know these things?

"That's right, what Concubine Xin said makes sense. Could it be that someone who knew about it back then used Xie Jinran's hand to deliberately stir up trouble to make the Empress Dowager feel uncomfortable?" Seeing Concubine Xin's words, the Queen Mother fell silent, and also Not to be outdone, he said it immediately, as if he was also very smart.

Even Si Yue's eyes revealed a hint of a smile, that's why she asked her mother, Concubine Xin and Concubine Li, to come to Shouning Palace to pay their respects.

These two people have always been at odds, and they will definitely be unwilling to lag behind each other. In this way, the queen and her don't need to talk much.

"Empress Dowager, could it be... that Xie Jinran has something to do with the woman who harmed you back then?" Concubine Xin said.

"Yes, empress dowager, if this second young lady has any relationship with that woman, then she has ulterior motives to stay by your side, empress dowager! Fortunately, you drove her away." Concubine Li also said.

After hearing these words, the Empress Dowager seemed to gradually settle down in her heart.

"Empress, if the Second Miss of the Xie family is really so scheming, the empress must severely punish her." The empress also said.

The Empress Dowager waved her hands solemnly, and said, "You all go down, the Ai family will thoroughly investigate and deal with this matter."

"Yes, Empress Dowager (Empress Dowager), please take care of yourself, Empress Dowager." Everyone knelt down and prepared to leave.

Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue looked at each other, they had already dug a deeper pit to wait for Xie Jinran, she was about to wake up from the sweet dream she was having.

And Night Breeze quickly helped Leng Mei up. Leng Mei was already trembling all over, his face was pale, and there were big drops of sweat on his forehead.

As soon as Lian Siyue walked out of the gate of Shouning Hall, Lian Siyue saw Feng Ye who was coming in a hurry. His chest was heaving, and his eyes were fixed on Lian Siyue. When he saw that she was intact, he let out a sigh of relief. down.

Lian Siyue glanced at him indifferently, and said, "Did His Highness the Eighth Prince come to intercede for the Second Miss Xie's family? However, I advise His Highness the Eighth Prince not to go to the Empress Dowager now, presumably, she doesn't really want to see you. "

"Are you okay?" Feng Ye asked.

Feng Yunzheng stepped forward, stopped Lian Siyue behind him, looked at Feng Ye with a pair of cold eyes, and said, "Feng Ye, anyone is qualified to ask my Yue'er this question, but you don't, how did it happen, Don't you know?" He didn't address Brother Bawang, but called him by his first name.

What Feng Ye did today, he won't let it go!
No matter who it is, he will not let go of anyone who hurts him even the slightest bit, and he will get it back thousands of times!
"Yun Zheng, let's go." Lian Siyue looked like she didn't want to talk to him at all, no, it was too much to even look at him.

Feng Yunzheng looked at Feng Ye coldly, and left with Lian Siyue, but Lian Siyue was as cold as ice!

"Your Highness, why didn't you tell Princess Heng that you came here in a hurry and almost fell, and you came to Shouning Palace to speak for her..." Yin Huai asked.

"It's not necessary anymore, it's useless anyway, let's go back home." Feng Ye said.

He doesn't know what method she used to keep him unharmed, but he knows that he and Xie Jinran are starting to have trouble, he can no longer let the emotions in his heart control him, he must be sober, sober!
As soon as he left the Shouning Hall, Leng Mei felt a sharp pain in his heart, his eyes darkened, he couldn't hold it anymore, he groaned, and fell into Ye Feng's arms.

"Lengmei!" Night Breeze immediately picked her up.

"Hurry up, take him back to Prince Heng's mansion and tell Dong Shen to come to the mansion immediately." Seeing this, Feng Yunzheng hurriedly ordered.

"Call the doctor Jiang Rong and so on!" Lian Siyue ordered Taimao.

"Yes, Your Highness, Concubine!" Night Breeze's voice trembled, as he walked quickly outside the palace, while looking down at the weak man in his arms, he murmured, "Xiaomei, please don't worry. We are going to get married soon, I have everything ready, just waiting to marry you into the house, from now on, you and I are one, we will be our forever lover and relative. You have a family now, Xiaomei, don’t you Have you always wanted to have a family? Promise me that nothing will happen."

Leng Mei nestled in Night Breeze's arms, her eyes were tightly closed, tears slowly fell from the corners of her eyes, but the pain became more and more unbearable, her whole body was trembling visibly, and it became more and more difficult to breathe.

(End of this chapter)

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