First-class daughter

Chapter 1263 Night Breeze's Chapter Memory

Chapter 1263 Night Breeze's Memories

Chapter 1263 Night Breeze's Memories

At this moment, Night Breeze, a big and cold man, burst into tears, opened his eyes with cold brows, and saw him crying in a daze. :
"Feng, don't cry, we are secret guards, there is no tomorrow, this is what Master told us."

"No! No way!" Night Breeze walked briskly, "I don't believe Master's words, and I have never believed in them! There will be, there will be tomorrow."

"When I was young, the master said that among the disciples, you are the most qualified, and I am the stupidest one. Every time, the master will compare you and me. At that time, I really hated you and envied you. I was afraid that Master would dislike me, so every time I felt tired, I would secretly look at you, thinking in my heart, I must surpass this smartest person, so that... Master will not drive me away. At that time, I'm really afraid that I don't have a place to live." Leng Mei nestled in Ye Feng's arms, with a faint smile on his face, and fell into the long memory.

Night Breeze's heart trembled, and his heart felt like a knife was being twisted.

"At that time, I was Master's eldest disciple. From the day I went up the mountain, there were only brothers and sisters on the mountain. I have never seen a girl. I still remember that when Master brought you to me and asked me to help you train, I was still thinking in my heart that a weak little girl would definitely not be able to persevere, but unexpectedly, you gritted your teeth and persisted." Night Breeze said eloquently.

The situation at that time came to his mind.

The master often said that he was the smartest among the disciples, but also the most stubborn, so the master did not punish him less.

That day, he committed a crime because of his stubbornness, and the master whipped him with a rattan cane, so that his whole body was covered with whip marks, and he was not allowed to eat, so he knelt on the ground.He was particularly unconvinced. Although he was kneeling, his face was full of rebellion.

At this time, the master brought a little girl over. When he saw the little girl with his arrogant eyes, he was stunned. He looked at her for a long time without blinking.

She was dressed in rags, her face was yellow and thin, and she stood beside the master, looking at her. At that time, she was not good-looking at all, her hair was messed up, her shoes were torn, but her eyes were extremely firm. .

"This is your little junior sister. You will take her to train in the future. If you don't train well, and you are so stubborn, let her be punished with you!" Master said, and then turned to her and said, "This is your big sister." Brother, he is the most stubborn, you have to watch him, if he makes a mistake, you will be punished together."

She nodded, without saying a word, she knelt down beside him obediently, with her back straight, straighter than his.

A smile appeared on the master's face, and he nodded quietly.

Hearing this, he became anxious and said, "Master, this is not fair to her. She didn't make any mistakes, so how can she be punished with me? Besides, she just came today, and she was punished to kneel down because of me..."

Xiao Yefeng took a look at the little girl. Seeing that she was so thin, she was afraid that she would faint when she knelt down.

But the master said, "Since you don't want her to be punished, don't make any more mistakes after that." Then he walked into the room.

"Hey, Master! Master!" Xiao Yefeng yelled anxiously, but Master had already closed the door, and said, "That's it!"

"Hey!" He sighed deeply, looked back at the little girl kneeling beside him, opened his mouth, and said, "I'm sorry, but you can't blame me, I didn't know you would Come on, Master didn't say anything."

She knelt quietly, staring straight ahead without blinking, without saying a word.

Xiao Yefeng scratched his head and said, "Why don't you speak? What's your name?"

However, she still didn't say a word, she knelt down seriously, not sloppy at all, when Night Breeze saw this, she was embarrassed to hunch her back, and she couldn't help straightening her back, just like her, Don't dare to be sloppy at all.

After a while, he said, "Don't worry, I won't make trouble and make mistakes in the future, and you don't have to be punished."

She is small, and she seems to fall down when the wind blows. According to the extent of his mistakes every day, being whipped, punished and starved, he is worried that this little girl will become inhuman because of her.

From that day on, Xiao Yefeng really became the most conscientious and hardworking of all the disciples, and he was never punished for his misbehavior. Some juniors joked with him and said, "Senior brother Feng, do you love little junior sister so much that you are afraid that she will suffer?" Ah, you're seriously not like yourself anymore."

Xiao Yefeng was serious, patted his shoulder and said, "That's right, who would want his wife to suffer."

"Hahaha..." The juniors immediately roared with laughter, "Yoyoyo, that little junior sister will become our sister-in-law! Hahaha!"

"Sister-in-law?" Xiaoyefeng's eyes lit up, his heart felt numb, and he jumped off the high rock immediately, and said, "Good call! I'm happy, and today I will secretly tell you the trick master taught me."

"Oh, oh, senior brother will be afraid of guilt from now on, I just don't know if our junior sister will not part with senior brother..."

Several juniors were talking and talking, and their voices gradually disappeared. Only Xiaoyefeng was still beaming and said, "I warn you, my junior sister is mine. If anyone of you dares to think of her, I will definitely pick him off." Tendons in his hands and feet have ruined his martial arts!"

"..." All the juniors were silent.

"Talk! Why don't you talk? Is there someone who covets my junior sister, huh?" Xiao Yefeng asked with his hands on his hips.

"Eldest brother, back." One of the juniors whispered.


He was taken aback for a moment, then looked back, and saw the master standing there with a serious face, and the little junior sister standing beside the master.

"Master, master..." His legs and feet were a little weak, and he glanced at the little junior sister, who was expressionless and indifferent as usual.

"Disturb the morale of the army, go to the punishment hall, whip, punish kneeling, not allowed to eat." Master left after saying a word, turned around and left.

"Master!" Xiao Yefeng became anxious when he heard this, and quickly chased after him, saying, "Master, it's all my nonsense, and it has nothing to do with my junior sister. I am willing to be whipped twice, kneel for two days, and not eat for two meals." .”

However, the master simply ignored it.

"Master!" Xiao Yefeng was so annoyed that he wanted to slap his mouth a hundred times. He slowly turned around and faced the little junior sister, scratching his head with remorse on his face, "Little junior sister, don't worry, don't worry." To be punished, I..."

"Eldest brother, I'm going to the punishment hall." However, before Night Breeze could finish speaking, the younger junior sister had already turned around and walked towards the punishment hall.

(End of this chapter)

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