Chapter 1271
Chapter 1271
Grandma Wang turned pale with shock, and said in a panic, "Where did that bitch come from! Get rid of it quickly!"

However, I saw that the cat's tongue licked the earthen pot twice, and after a while it lay straight on the ground and did not move.

Seeing this, the jailer who came to open the door took two steps back in fright, his face was pale, and his eyes fell on the broken earthen jar.

Seeing this, Wang Momo immediately said sternly, "This cat must have suffered from some strange disease, and it died suddenly. It's really unlucky, you guys, dig a hole for this dead cat and bury it!"

"Yes, yes." The two guards hurried over and took the cat away, but when they saw the ants crawling dead on the ground with soup, they were all startled, but what? I didn't dare to say anything, so I took the cat and left.

In the dark, under the shadow of trees.

A guard patted his hand lightly, brushed off the cat hair on it, turned to the man in purple clothes behind, and said, "Your Highness guessed well. Sure enough, the Empress Dowager wanted to get rid of the second lady. Fortunately, His Highness sent a humble official to wait for you all the time." here."

There was a hint of coldness in Feng Ye's eyes, "I am so impatient to get rid of Xie Jinran, the imperial grandmother really has a terrible secret."

"Your Highness, what should we do now? It seems that Mother Wang will not go back to work easily." Yin Huai said.

Feng Ye looked at the three servants who were whispering at the door of the cell, and said, "In order to seize the opportunity to overwhelm my opponent, Nanny Wen, I will definitely not let it go."

"Mommy, now, what should I do now, the soup is all spilled." The maid asked in a trembling voice.

Wang Momo frowned tightly, and said, "We haven't completed the task ordered by the queen mother. If we go back empty-handed like this, we will not gain the trust of the queen mother, and will be punished. It will be difficult for us to be valued again in the future."

"Ma'am, what do you mean..." The maid trembled all over.

A chill flashed in Wang Momo's eyes, and she said, "What the Empress Dowager wants is for Second Miss Xie to die. As for how she died, it doesn't matter. Come in with me!"

She said, walked into the cell, and quietly pulled out the gold hairpin on her head.

With a creak, the prison door opened.

When Xie Jinran heard this voice, she suddenly raised her head. Seeing that the person who came was by the Queen Mother's side, her heart trembled suddenly, and she became vigilant: what is the purpose of coming here at this time?
Wang Momo showed a pitiful expression on her face, and said, "Second Miss, I'm sorry for you."

"Daughter was sent by the Empress Dowager? I don't know, what's the matter?" Xie Jinran asked, his eyes passed by them, he stepped back a few steps involuntarily, and there was a trace of vigilance in his eyes.

Seeing this, Wang Momo thought to herself, this Second Miss Xie is still a bit vigilant.

A smile appeared on her face, and she said, "Second Miss, don't be afraid, it was the Empress Dowager who ordered the servants to come and ask you a few words."

"Is the Empress Dowager still unwilling to believe me?" Xie Jinran asked.

"After listening to the Queen Mother's question, you may be able to understand the painstaking efforts of the Queen Mother." Wang Momo said.

Xie Jinran's curiosity was aroused. She shook her fist at her side, stepped on the ground step by step, and walked in front of Nanny Wang. Nanny Wang smiled, put her hand next to her ear, and said in a low voice , "There is a jailer at the door, Second Miss, come closer, and this servant will talk to you well."

Xie Jinran approached slowly step by step, until he reached the door, put his ears close together, and Wang Momo's mouth moved up, "Second miss, the empress dowager said, she said..."

Suddenly, Wang Momo grabbed the chain tied to Xie Jinran's arm and pulled it back forcefully. Xie Jinran's body staggered forward and hit the cell door heavily, making a cry. .

"Quick, tighten the chain!" Wang Momo commanded in a deep voice with a cold face.

"Yes, yes." Compared to Wang Momo's ruthlessness, the two maids trembled a little. They reacted a little slower before they grabbed the iron chain tightly and pulled it hard.

"Let me go! Let me go! Help, help!" Xie Jinran knew something was wrong, and these slaves were here to kill her, so she screamed loudly.

"Second Miss, stop screaming, who will let you have a good life!" Wang Momo raised the golden hairpin in her hand, walked towards Xie Jinran, raised her hand, and stabbed it fiercely in the direction of her heart !

"Ah!" screamed.

outside the cell.

Seeing that Nanny Wang and the two court ladies did not leave, but entered the cell, Feng Ye ordered in a deep voice, "Go in quickly, and pretend to deliver food to her."

"Yes, Your Highness." Yin Huai jumped out of the shadow of the tree and walked towards the door of the cell.

"Ah, help, help!" At this moment, suddenly, an old woman rushed up, and hugged Yin Huai, a tall and powerful man, and did not let go.

Feng Ye who was standing under the shadow of the tree was stunned when he saw this scene.

is her?

Feng Ye immediately looked around, but saw a vague figure under the shadow of the tree on the other side, and when he was about to see it clearly, that person had already turned and left.

His heart trembled.

"Who?" Yin Huai was also a master of the past, and when someone hugged his waist suddenly, he couldn't help but feel angry. When he was about to raise his hand and slap this person away, he realized that this powerful The nanny turned out to be the strange Thai nanny next to Princess Heng.

His outstretched hand stopped involuntarily. This is a person from Prince Heng's residence. As the saying goes, it depends on the owner to beat a dog. What's more, Madam Tai is one of the most popular people in front of Princess Heng!
Can't beat!Can't beat!
"Mommy Tai, let go!" Yin Huai broke free, and finally broke free from Nanny Tai's grip. This nanny was so strong that a bone on his wrist was scratched and bruised.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she broke free, the Thai mother jumped up suddenly like a wild bear, and rushed towards Yinhuai, shouting, "Master Yinhuai, help, help, the one behind A cat came up to scratch me."

Yin Huai said in his heart, you are a bear-like person, which cat can think of you!

"Mommy, let go, I still have something to do, you scared the cat away!" Yin Huai struggled, but Taimomo refused to let go, and said, "He didn't run away, he was there in the dark Hiding somewhere, hurry up, hurry up!"

Nanny used all her strength to hug Yinhuai tightly. If she could do it, Nanny Tai would naturally be beaten, but...he couldn't do it clearly, and was even hugged by Nanny Tai all at once.

Yin Huai's face was flushed from the suffocation, so he had to use his strength secretly to shake her away several steps.

"Hey, Mrs. Yinhuai, my old lady is afraid, you, why are you desperate to save yourself!" Nanny Tai hurried up again, her hands were about to hug Yinhuai tightly again.

At this time, Yin Huai turned around cleverly, and finally took the life of Nanny Tai.

(End of this chapter)

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