Chapter 1272
Chapter 1272
This time, Nanny Tai managed to miss nothing and fell to the ground. She touched the sweat on her head with her hand, but she smiled and said, "Master Yinhuai, you are so fast. The wild cats are coming, the wild cats are coming!"

In the distance, Feng Ye's eyes fell on her, and his eyes gradually became cold. This woman obviously came to stop Yin Huai's actions on purpose. So, that vaguely leaving figure just now was her?or him?
Taking advantage of this gap, Yin Huai quickly ran into the cell, but just as he reached the door, he heard a scream from inside.

He paused, a chill spread from the soles of his feet to the top of his head, and shivered all over his body. After a few steps to the door of the cell, he was shocked——

The person who screamed was not Second Miss Xie, was Mother Wang who was ordered to come here!

I saw that she was rolling on the ground, with a hairpin sticking out of her shoulder, the hairpin pierced deeply into the socket of her shoulder, blood flowed all over the floor, her face was pale, and her mouth was wide open.

"Mommy, Mommy..." The two maids quickly threw away the iron chains in their hands, and quickly walked up to Mommy Wang, "Mommy,"

Yin Huai looked at Xie Jinran again, and when the iron chain was loosened, she staggered backwards and fell to the ground suddenly. It turned out that there was also a hairpin stuck on her shoulder, almost in the same position as Wang Momo.

However, the insertion was not as deep as Nanny Wang, so it didn't look that serious.

Her face was pale, she opened her mouth wide, exhaled and inhaled forcefully, and held the golden hairpin tightly with her hands, then her eyes darkened and she fell down!

Just now, Wang Momo suddenly took out the golden hairpin and pierced it towards Xie Jinran's heart. Unexpectedly, Xie Jinran had already taken precautions. At the same time, she also stabbed the needle into Wang Momo's body fiercely.

Moreover, because young people have great strength, Wang Momo is naturally no match for Xie Jinran.

"Ah!" Wang Momo screamed in pain.

After a while, the jailer who was going to deal with the dead cat hurried back. As soon as he entered the cell, seeing the bloody scene in front of him, he was so frightened that he dropped the knife in his hand.

"This...what's the matter?"

"Hurry up, take the nanny out and return to the Shouning Palace, hurry up!" the two maids said hastily.

"Yes, yes!" This was the person in front of the Empress Dowager. The two guards did not dare to ignore them, and quickly came over and carried Wang Momo out. Xie Jinran, who was unconscious inside the prison door, was ignored.

Yin Huai stepped forward quickly and said, "I'm offended!" He reached out and grabbed Xie Jinran's wrist to check her pulse, and then put his hand on the tip of her nose.

"Fortunately!" Second Miss Xie was not dead, he breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately said to the other jailer left behind, "This is Miss Xie, whom the Empress Dowager loves the most. If anything happens, no one can afford it. Hurry up and notify the hospital."

"Yes, yes, I will go to the humble position!" The jailer ran out quickly.

Yin Huai glanced at Xie Jinran who was on the ground, took out a life-saving pill from her bosom, and stuffed it into her mouth. As a hidden guard, he would carry this life-saving pill with him.

After feeding the medicine, Yin Huai took another look at Xie Jinran, and then walked out quickly!
Going all the way to the place where I met Feng Ye, I described what happened in the cell, and said, "It seems that the second young lady was clever and realized Wang Momo's intention to kill her, so she preemptively attacked and killed Thailand first. Mammy subdued."

Feng Ye's brows relaxed slightly, a smile appeared on his face, and he said, "Spread this news immediately, the more people know about it, the better!"

"Yes, Your Highness, I understand the humble job!" Yin Huai knew that Feng Ye wanted to make this matter a big deal, so that the queen mother would not be able to hide or hide what the queen mother wanted to hide. Miss's life, delay time, and then find a way to save it.

Yin Huai took two steps, then turned around and said, "Your Highness, that Nanny Tai just now..."

"This king knows that she has already left. It seems that some people have been standing behind me, treating me like a pawn, and moving forward." Feng Ye said flatly.

Shouning Palace.

Just as the queen mother was about to take a rest, she heard a panicked voice from outside saying, "Madam queen mother, it's not good, something happened."

She frowned tightly, and said, "What's the matter? It's flustered, making people flustered."

"Mother Wang, Mother Wang..." The little eunuch outside the door stammered nervously.

Mother Wang?The queen mother was taken aback, and quickly signaled the maid to take up the curtain, and she asked, "What happened?"

"Nurse Wang was stabbed in the body by the second Miss Xie with a gold hairpin, and now she has lost a lot of blood and passed out."

"What?" The Queen Mother stood up abruptly, "Wang Momo was stabbed by Xie Jinran? What's going on?" That bowl of medicine was so strong that it easily poisoned a lizard to death. How could it be so?
The eunuch outside the door said, "The slave doesn't know the specifics yet."

"The palace maids Sunflower and Baohua who are accompanying you, let them come quickly." The queen mother had no pajamas at all, so she immediately put on her clothes.

After a while, the two maids, Sunflower and Baohua, walked over with small steps, knelt down on the ground with a plop, and said in unison, "Empress Dowager, forgive me, slaves deserve death!"

"What happened, tell me!" the Queen Mother snapped.

"Yes!" So, the two maids explained how the crock was knocked into the air by the cat, and that Nanny Wang originally planned to stab Xie Jinran to death, but Xie Jinran stabbed half of her life instead.

"What..." The queen mother took a step back, a look of shock flashed across her face.

Originally wanted to deal with this matter in a low-key manner, and didn't even pursue the matter of Feng Jue's cloak, but she was afraid that time would be dragged on, and Xie Jinran's mouth would not keep the door open, so she wanted to solve the matter quickly .

But I didn't expect that Xie Jinran actually hid in the past, not only dodged in the past, but also made things worse, hurting her slaves!

The queen mother paced in the room, and said, "Second miss of the Xie family, Xie Jinran, doesn't know what is good or bad, and stabbed the nanny sent by the Ai family. It is an unforgivable crime. Stab to death immediately!"

"Yes! This servant will pass on the order!" The two maids got up and walked out quickly.

Only then did the queen mother realize that her palms were sweating a little, and her back was also wet.

All these years, the wind has been going smoothly, and she sits on the queen mother, sitting steadily.

But suddenly, things started not to go smoothly. Nightmares, phoenix flowers, and wild cats came one after another. The two most reliable servants around me, one was blind because Lian Siyue scalded him with boiling water, and the other was seriously injured!

Why, she actually had an ominous premonition, as if the sky was about to change slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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