Chapter 1274
Chapter 1274
As Xie Jinran said, he put the ball of paper into his mouth, screamed forcefully, and then swallowed it abruptly, and then, two lines of tears rolled down, and he choked up, "Lian Siyue, so what if I'm in such a mess? His Highness will never leave me, and I am satisfied."

After the imperial physician left, Xie Jinran leaned against a corner of the cell, slowly closed his eyes, and thought about the various possibilities of the development of the matter.

After the imperial physician left the cell, he went to Prince Yu's mansion to meet Feng Ye, and brought Xie Jinran's words to him, "Your Highness, I have already brought the news to the second lady, and the second lady said she knew, but please remember to protect yourself first, Your Highness the Eighth." , she said, His Highness is willing to plan for her, she is already satisfied, even if it is for His Highness, she will go through fire and water."

Feng Ye nodded, stuffed a priceless night pearl into the imperial physician's hand, and said, "Go down."

"Yes, Your Highness."

After a while, Yin Huai came into the study and said, "Your Highness, after the white cat and Phoenix tail flower appeared, the Empress Dowager asked Lu Gonggong to arrange for a mage to enter the palace to exorcise evil spirits."

Last night, the white cats and phoenix flowers that suddenly appeared in the Shouning Hall were arranged by Feng Ye. One was to test how the queen mother would react, and the other was to delay Xie Jinran. He knew that since the queen mother If there is a murderous intention, he will not let her go easily.

"Exorcism?" Feng Ye frowned, and said, "It's really not what I expected."

He remembered that a few years ago, the empress dowager also said that there was an evil spirit in the Shouning Palace, so she went to the famous Sanqing Temple and invited Taoist Qingyun to come to the palace to drive out the evil spirits.

And it just so happened that although Daoist Qingyun and Abbot Jiu had different beliefs, they were friends for many years, and Feng Ye often went to Jiuhua Temple because he was familiar with Daoist Qingyun.

"Father always believed in Daoist Xuanwei, but Grandmother really believed in Daoist Qingyun."

"Yin Huai, I want to go to Sanqing Temple immediately, before Eunuch Lu." Feng Ye got up and said, he already has a way to save Xie Jinran.

"Yes, I will prepare right away." Yin Huai turned and walked out.

Half a moment later, Feng Ye quietly set off from Prince Yu's mansion and hurried to Sanqing Temple, and arrived at Sanqing Temple before Eunuch Lu arrived.

After Eunuch Lu arrived, the Taoist boy at the door saw that it was the empress dowager, so he hurried in to report.

After a while, Daoist Qing Yun went out to greet him in person, shook the dust whisk in his hand, and said, "Poverty Taoist has been waiting for your father-in-law for a long time."

Eunuch Lu was taken aback, "The Taoist priest knows that the Sa family is coming?"

Daoist Qingyun pointed to a tree at the entrance of the Taoist temple, and said, "This tree gave advice to the poor Taoist. It told the empress dowager to send someone to look for the poor Taoist. Therefore, the poor Taoist has been waiting early in the morning."

Eunuch Lu clasped his hands together and said, "The Taoist priest is wise, the Sa family did come here under the order of the Queen Mother, and the Taoist priest is needed for something."

Daoist Qingyun pinched his fingers, calculated, and said, "Is the Empress Dowager troubled by four-legged plush animals?"

When Eunuch Lu heard this, he couldn't help being amazed, this Daoist Qingyun not only figured out that he would come, but also figured out the reason and purpose of his coming.

He really is an expert.

"Master Daoist, you've hit the point." Eunuch Lu said fairly.

"Eunuch Lu enters the Taoist temple to rest for a while, and the poor Taoist enters to change into Taoist clothes. Please wait a moment, Eunuch." Daoist Qingyun said.

"Master, please."

Daoist Qingyun walked into the back of the Taoist temple, and after many twists and turns, he arrived at the door of the room where he practiced.

Pushing open the door and entering, I saw a stern and slender figure sitting cross-legged on the ground with a straight back. He walked over, bowed slightly, and said, "Your Highness, Eunuch Lu is really here, and Pindao is about to enter the palace immediately."

Feng Ye slowly opened his eyes, stood up, faced Daoist Qingyun, and said, "Daoist, everything is troublesome."

Qingyun Dao said, "Pindao has always admired the Eighth Highness, and if he has heard about the affairs of the court, Pindao believes that the Eighth Highness is the most virtuous person. Pindao is willing to stand by His Highness and help the Eighth Prince Your highness will help."

Feng Ye cupped his fists and said, "Thank you."

After a while, Daoist Qingyun left Sanqing Temple and went to the palace, Feng Ye left from Sanqing Temple later.

Daoist Qingyun arrived at the back of the Shouning Palace to meet the Queen Mother.

The Empress Dowager's originally dignified face was slightly pale, with a cloth belt on her forehead, she looked weak.

"I pay my respects to the Empress Dowager, the Empress Dowager." Daoist Qingyun said with a flick of his whisk.

The queen mother slowly opened her eyes, and when she saw Daoist Qingyun, she immediately sat up straight and said, "Qingyun, you are finally here."

At this time, Eunuch Lu stepped forward and whispered a few words in front of the empress dowager.

When the Queen Mother heard it, surprise appeared on her face, and she said, "You have already calculated that Aijia will come to you, and you even know why Aijia is bothering you?"

Daoist Qingyun looked around and said, "Empress Dowager, please forgive me for speaking bluntly."

"But it doesn't matter." The Queen Mother said, she dreamed of Concubine Liu last night, and also dreamed of the well that had been filled long ago, where Concubine Liu was buried in that well.

After waking up from this dream, she almost collapsed. When she woke up this morning, she felt weak, nauseated, unable to eat, groggy, and the sound of cat meowing always appeared in her mind.

This auditory hallucination tormented her, so that when she heard the meowing of the cat, she asked someone to find the cat. However, the maids and eunuchs searched for it, but there was no sign of the cat at all, which made the whole Shouning Palace feel uneasy. Anxiety, the feeling that everyone is in danger.

When she came to the position of queen mother, she had taken more than one or two lives in her life, and she didn't pay much attention to the others.

However, Concubine Liu was the only one whom she would never forget, and would often show up to torture her.

One, because Concubine Liu's death was so tragic, I can still recall the foul smell after her death. When the body was picked up, everyone around vomited wildly. This kind of smell is a rare smell. In the palace for a long, long time, secondly, in her rotten stomach, there is a child who is also rotten but can be seen.

Although she was the killer, that scene was really - cruel.

At that time, there was another concubine, who was someone close to her, who was also the one who conspired with her to kill Concubine Liu. As a result, the concubine went crazy on the spot when she saw Concubine Liu's death.

For a long time afterwards, people always said that when she heard the cry of the child in the middle of the night, she invited several groups of Taoist priests to enter the palace to practice it. After a long time, the crying gradually disappeared.

However, Concubine Liu's death has always been the most taboo thing in the palace, and this terrifying feeling has always remained in the hearts of those who saw this scene back then.

So, after so many years, even though she has become the empress dowager, she is still troubled by Concubine Liu's death.

(End of this chapter)

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