First-class daughter

Chapter 1275 Awesome

Chapter 1275 Awesome
Chapter 1275 Awesome
Once you think about it, you will have a serious illness and do it again.

Daoist Qingyun held his fly whisk in his hand, murmured, walked along the outside of the Shouning Hall, and then knelt down in four directions, east, west, north and south.

After a while, he came to the Queen Mother's side and said, "Your Majesty, there are serious evil spirits in the Shouning Hall, and it is necessary to drive out evil spirits with poor methods."

"Yes, yes, to exorcise evil spirits, you should start preparing." The queen mother held the handkerchief tightly and said, she was tired by the dream last night, and her legs and feet are still weak today. She wants to stand up now, but she still can't stand up.


Daoist Qingyun set up an altar for the practice in the Shouning Hall, and ordered the maids and eunuchs to prepare the things for the practice, and then knelt down in front of the altar, folded his hands together, and chanted.

The Empress Dowager stood aside with the support of Eunuch Lu and Sunflower, and Daoist Qingyun walked in front of her and knelt on the ground, holding incense in his hand, and also chanted.

The entire Shouning Hall was filled with incense.

The maids and eunuchs all stood where they were, not daring to move at all, for fear of delaying the actions of Daoist Qingyun and ruining the important affairs of the empress dowager, so they didn't even dare to breathe.

After a while, Daoist Qingyun flicked his whisk, and suddenly high flames sprang up from the altar in front of him.

The queen mother clenched Eunuch Lu's hand and couldn't help taking a step back.

After a while, he took out the talisman and pasted it on several key places in the Shouning Hall. On each talisman, terminology was written in chicken blood.

After finishing all this, Daoist Qingyun returned to the Empress Dowager and said, "Empress Dowager, the poor Taoist has already done it, and used these spells to block the invasion of evil spirits. The Empress Dowager only needs to complete two things to be protected from evil spirits again." Spiritual troubles."

"Which three things?" The Queen Mother asked, with a hint of impatience in her voice.

"First, the empress dowager must be a vegetarian for ninety-nine and eighty-one days, and must not touch any meat; second, the empress dowager must not kill. Pindao just saw blood on the empress dowager's hands. This is a bad reminder, so The empress dowager must never kill any more, whether it is livestock or a human being, even an ant has to give it a chance to survive. Thirdly, recite the scriptures three times in the morning, noon and evening. If these three points are achieved, the empress dowager will no longer be tortured. I am troubled by evil spirits." Daoist Qingyun said.

After hearing these three points, the Queen Mother couldn't help being secretly surprised. She did kill recently, and the cat ordered people to kill several of them. She still needs to wake up and kill Xie Jinran now. Otherwise, today will be another time. Killing, and killing people.

"Forgive me for speaking bluntly, if the empress dowager can't do these three things, the evil spirits will go back and come back to haunt the empress dowager again." Taoist Master Qingyun said bluntly.

"Master Dao, the Ai family will do what you say." The queen mother felt relieved that she had found a way to get rid of the evil spirits, and said.

"Empress Dowager, these are the beads that Pindao specially enshrined to you. You can carry them with you, and they can also ward off evil spirits." Daoist Qingyun offered a string of round beads with both hands, and said.

"You have a heart." The queen mother finally let out a sigh of relief, and said.

Changchun Palace.

Today Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue came into the palace together, carrying Chengjun and Wanjun brothers and sisters back to Prince Heng's mansion.

The empress was so reluctant to give up, so she wiped away her tears.

Feng Yunzheng smiled and said, "Queen, you are the master of the harem."

The empress wiped away her tears and said, "The lord of the harem, I'm just the grandmother of Chengjun and Wanjun here, and I'm still feeling guilty about what happened last time."

"Mother's queen." Lian Siyue comforted the queen when she saw the queen's inseparable appearance, "If mother's queen wants to inherit and withdraw from you, Yun Zheng and I will bring it in for you to see. It's just, mother's wife I love them so much, I do everything myself, and the queen mother has to go to Rongyuan Hall to take care of the emperor every day, we are afraid that the queen mother will be too tired."

The queen stretched out her hand, grasped Lian Siyue's hand in her palm, touched the back of her hand, and said, "Compared to you, my hard work is nothing. Besides, I am willing to do so. When you go back this time, you have to Cultivate well, you have suffered in childbirth, and you haven't stopped recently, you know?"

Lian Siyue nodded and said, "Queen mother, don't worry, I will cultivate well, besides..." She looked at Feng Yunzheng with affectionate eyes, and said, "With him watching, Siyue is about to be killed. It's getting fatter."

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law spoke their own words, and the two children were held by the wet nurse, and both of them yawned and fell asleep.

At this time, Feng Yunzheng said, "Shouning Palace seems to be very lively today."

The queen said, "You just entered the palace today, you don't know it yet, don't talk about the excitement, the empress dowager will be angry if she finds out."

Lian Siyue revealed a slight smile on her lips, and said, "Yun Zheng, he was joking."

The queen's face darkened, and she said, "Anyway, be careful, the queen mother invited the Taoist priest to come here to practice, and when you go out, don't make Mr. Wan cry."

"Yes, queen mother, don't worry." Lian Siyue said.

After a while, the husband and wife left the Changchun Palace together with the wet nurse, Qing Dai, Nanny Tai and other court ladies and maidservants.

When he was about to enter and leave Zhengyang Gate, he met Daoist Qingyun, he had gray hair and beard, he looked like a fairy, with a slight flick of the whisk in his hand, he bowed and said, "Please refer to Your Highness, Wangfei. "

"The Taoist priest is here to do things for the empress dowager, so there is no need to be polite." Feng Yunzheng said.

Lian Siyue looked closely at Daoist Qingyun, with an easy-going expression on his face, and said, "Daoist, I don't know why the empress dowager is bothered? Is the empress dowager okay? We are juniors , always pay more attention.”

Daoist Qingyun observed the Hengqin Wangfei with his eyes, and felt a sense of pressure, and said, "The empress dowager is only physically unwell, so she is not in a good mood. In fact, there are not too many problems. What I do for the empress is just to get rid of the demons in my heart."

Lian Siyue nodded and said, "The Empress Dowager will be kind to others all her life, and God will bless her for sure. Thank you for your hard work."

Feng Yunzheng asked, "I don't know what way the Taoist priest gave the emperor's grandmother to get rid of her demons?"

Daoist Qingyun bowed and said, "Recite the scriptures, don't kill, and stick the spell."

Feng Yunzheng nodded, and said, "I used to hear that the Daoist leader obeyed his name, and this time there is a Daoist leader, the emperor's grandmother will definitely get better."

"His Royal Highness and the concubine have won the award, and the poor Taoist also made a small contribution. The poor Taoist will step down first." Qingyun Dao said long.

"Go, Daoist." Lian Siyue said with a slight smile on his face.

Daoist Qingyun turned to leave, only to feel a chill down his spine, and suddenly felt that the two couples were very good.

(End of this chapter)

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