First-class daughter

Chapter 1277 Rest

Chapter 1277 Rest
Chapter 1277 Rest
In the afternoon, the weather was extremely muggy.

in the small house.

Feng Qianyue lifted up his robe, and Empress Dowager Renyi held a silver needle in her hand. Her fingers moved along the position of his calf, inch by inch, and then stopped at an inch below the kneecap, and stuck the needle in.

Back then, when Yeluchu wanted Feng Qianyue to self-mutilate, he cut off his muscles and bones, that's why he became lame.

After one needle was inserted, three needles were inserted side by side.

When it was pierced, there was only a slight tingling sensation, but Feng Qianyue's forehead was covered with sweat.

"Back then, Emperor Xiandi had a powerful general beside him, who was known as the number one warrior in Khitan. Later, he was shot by three arrows in the leg to save Emperor Xian. Emperor Xiandi found a famous doctor to give him acupuncture. Later, his legs and feet also improved. Let me try it on your leg. , will it work?" said Empress Dowager Renyi.

"Thank you for thinking of me." Feng Qianyue said.

The Empress Dowager Renyi paused slightly when she heard this, picked up the handkerchief in her hand, wiped the sweat off his face, and said, "I owe you for making you think that you are really a bitch, and you were scolded to grow up. "

"Yes, no matter what, I never thought that my mother would be..."

"Mommy..." A deep voice came from outside.

"what's up?"

"The humble officer saw that the second miss of the Xie family has been released from the palace and has returned to Xie's house." The hidden guard outside the door said.

"Fortunately, this chess piece has not been eaten, so we have a chance to take advantage of it." Feng Qianyue said.

"Mother, mother, it's not good, the princess, she committed suicide, she, she bled a lot, and now she is unconscious!" Dolma hurried over, knelt on the ground, crying loudly, "The Queen Mother , save the princess..."


Empress Dowager Renyi stood up abruptly and walked out quickly, with a hint of anger on her usually calm face.

Feng Qianyue reached out and pulled out the needles on the kneecap one by one, and put them aside.

It's so small here, it's so hot, and the road still has to go, even without a pair of good legs.

Empress Dowager Renyi hurried back to Yeluyan's room. As soon as the door opened, there was a smell of blood. Looking around, the maid was cleaning the blood beside the bed, while Yeluyan was lying on the bed with her eyes closed tightly, her wrist It was already wrapped in white cloth strips, and a trace of blood oozes from the cloth strips.

"Ahem..." Yeluyan coughed a few times, her face turned paler, and she looked very weak.

Empress Dowager Renyi walked over a few steps and asked, "Why do you want to seek death?"

Yeluyan's eyes were filled with tenacity, and she said, "I understand, Mammy wants me to marry the sixth prince because of that deposed prince, and that deposed prince is my enemy! I will never compromise."

"Okay, then you can go back." Queen Mother Renyi said.

A look of disbelief suddenly appeared on Yeluyan's face, "Really?"

"The Ai family never tells lies. Now you can clean up your wounds and go away. Don't hurt yourself anymore. A twisted melon is not sweet." Empress Dowager Renyi said.

"Then, what about you, Grandmother? Aren't you going back?" Yeluyan asked.

"The person I once loved is here. I haven't officially met him yet, so I can't go back anyway." Queen Mother Renyi said.

"But." Yeluyan said worriedly, "This is the capital, not Youzhou. There are guards outside the Xiangjun mansion where we live. The risk is very high. The emperor's grandmother should go back with me, besides, the emperor has already issued an oral order. , this marriage is almost certain, if I leave, the emperor of Zhou will be angered, and if the emperor's grandmother stays, then they will definitely cause trouble for you."

Empress Dowager Renyi stretched out her hand, took Yeluyan into her arms, and said, "You have called me the emperor's grandmother since childhood, but in fact, I was not yet old enough to be an emperor's grandmother at that time, and even now, what I should do in this life I have done everything, and I have experienced everything that should be experienced, and now the imperial grandmother wants to make up for some regrets in her youth."

"Grandmother, who was the person you loved?" Yeluyan always thought that Grandmother was a very cold and powerful woman. In her world, there was only Youzhou, war, overwhelming power, and noble status. But I didn't expect that she was also a person with a story.

"He..." Empress Dowager Renyi's eyes slowly revealed a trace of long-term memories, and said, "I have been in the capital for so long, and I have never seen her. I thought that if you marry Feng Yu, the emperor's grandmother Then I have a better chance to get close to him. The imperial grandmother wants to take a good look, does he still remember me? Is he still as ruthless as before, and are the teeth marks on his wrist still there?"

Yeluyan's heart trembled slightly when she heard this, "Grandmother, are you talking about..."

Empress Dowager Renyi covered her lips with her hand, helped her to lie down, and said, "Hey, you were injured just now, don't ask, just lie down and rest, heal the injury on your hand earlier, and go back to Youzhou go.

"...Grandmother." Yeluyan was reluctant to leave Empress Dowager Renyi behind.

"Go to sleep." The Empress Dowager Renyi took the quilt for Yeluyan, told Zhuoma to wait for the maid to say a few words before leaving.

Although Yeluyan was concerned about Empress Dowager Renyi, she still decided to leave, so she took and changed her medicine cooperatively, just thinking about getting better soon.

Prince Heng's Mansion.

Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue came back from the palace with a pair of children.

"The later Pteris flower, the white cat, and Daoist Qingyun must all be related to Feng Ye. In the past, Wei Ru was good, and he took that woman's life in order to protect himself. Now his attitude towards Xie Jinran is completely different. It seems that he and she have reached an agreement." Lian Siyue said.

"I'm very happy." Feng Yunzheng said, "It seems that he has really understood my painstaking efforts in giving away the pair of golden mandarin ducks, and he did a good job."

Lian Siyue smiled and shook her head, "Every time you do these things, you always act like a child."

Feng Yunzheng came over, took her hand, put it on her lips and kissed it lightly, and said, "Don't you like it?"

Even Siyue blushed slightly, and the maids beside her also showed a little smile on their faces.

"Yue'er, don't you like it?" He was like a child asking for sweets.

"I like it!" Lian Siyue said.

Feng Yunzheng smiled with satisfaction.

"However, I don't want Xie Jinran to be safe and sound. After all, our sister's eyes are the most precious thing in the world. Every time I see his eyes, which are clearly invisible, he smiles to prevent us from worrying. I I'm not happy in my heart." Lian Siyue said slightly.

"Of course, let's return it to him in his own way." Feng Yunzheng gently held Lian Siyue's hand, but there was a slight coldness in his eyes, "I said it originally, the emperor's grandmother You should rest."

(End of this chapter)

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