First-class daughter

Chapter 1278 Appearance

Chapter 1278 Appearance
Chapter 1278 Appearance
It was midnight this day.

The entire Shouning Hall was silent. In the middle of the night, when the windbreaker blew past, the charms floated up one by one, making a rustling sound, making it look more desolate than before.

What Daoist Qingyun did today, the Queen Mother's spirit really improved a lot, and she also brought out a lot of silver and jewelry to reward the people around her.

Sunflower and Baohua waited on the Queen Mother till midnight, then they switched with the other two and went back to rest.

The two of them have been suffering mentally for the past two days, because as soon as they relax, they feel tired and yawn incessantly.

And when the two passed a corner, suddenly, a white shadow descended from the wall, made a meowing sound, and then disappeared into the bushes.

The two stepped back immediately, their faces pale for a while, "Cat? White, white cat?" Sunflower was startled.

Baohua quickly covered her mouth and said, "Don't, don't say it. The Queen Mother has been furious these days because of these cats, and even Miss Xie, who was so favored by the second lady, was driven away. Today, Qingyun said It's only a long time, and the Queen Mother also went to bed earlier today, so let's stop talking about seeing the white cat."

"Then, what should we do?" Sunflower said with a trembling voice.

"Let's look for it, catch it, and throw it out!" Baohua said.

"Okay..." Sunflower cheered up, "Tell me, it's been a long time since cats appeared in this palace. They're fine, why do they appear one after another? It always feels weird."

"Don't guess so much, be careful that the misfortune comes out of your mouth, we just need to do our part, and don't tell anyone who saw the cat!" Baohua warned.

The two walked together towards the bushes.

"Meow..." Baohua imitated the meowing sound of a cat in a low voice, but she yelled a few times and got no response.

Sunflower took courage and looked through the bushes, but the cat had disappeared.

"It's gone! What should I do?" Sunflower said.

"It's gone, forget it, Quan Dang didn't see anything, let's go, and look for it during the day tomorrow to see if there is anything cats like to eat, otherwise why would they all run this way?" Bao Hua Said.


The two court ladies left together.

On this day, the Empress Dowager fell asleep until dawn and had no dreams all night. She finally showed a smile on her face and said to everyone, "As expected, the Ai family did not misunderstand Daoist Qingyun. The Ai family had no dreams all night. Today, they are in good spirits. Thinking back, the Ai family didn't go out for a walk several times."

After hearing this, Sunflower and Baohua couldn't help but secretly looked at each other.

After the Queen Mother, Eunuch Lu and others went for a walk in the imperial garden, the two sisters walked quickly to the place where they met the cat the night before, and searched carefully several times, but they did not find any trace of the white cat, nor did they find anything Something that attracts cats to burrow here.

"Sister, what should I do?" Sunflower said.

"I just hope that I just passed by occasionally last night, and don't come here again tonight." Baohua clasped her hands together and prayed.

"Yes, yes, white cat, white cat, don't come again, let me wait for the servant to live a stable life for a few days." Sunflower also hurriedly put her hands together and said.

The two sisters went back as if nothing had happened.

Thank you.

Xie Jinran sat in front of the bronze mirror, with an obvious scar on her forehead, a stab on her shoulder, wrapped in a white cloth, her face was pale, looking at herself in the mirror, she closed her eyes deeply.

I don't know what method the Eighth Highness used, but the Empress Dowager let her go today.

Her uneasy heart finally let go, she doesn't have to die, but her future is gone. Now, she has become the laughing stock of the palace and the population of the capital.

"It's gone, it's gone, it's really gone." Tears rolled down her cheeks, "I've worked so hard to get to this point, but now I have nothing..."

She reached out and touched the scar on her forehead, "Shuyan! Where is the doctor? Where did the doctor go?" She clutched the handkerchief tightly, but there was a pain in her shoulder.

Shuyan hurried in, with a look of embarrassment on her face, and said, "Second, Second Miss, the doctor has come, but..."

"But what?"

"The second lady stopped her, saying that she was not feeling well, and asked the doctor to go to her first, saying that the second lady only had a little flesh injury, so there is no need to bully the doctor all day long." Shuyan said.

"What... Second Aunt, how dare she do this... Does grandfather know? Don't you talk about her?" Xie Jinran said angrily.

"Master, Master knows, but he didn't say anything about the second lady." Shuyan said.

"Hehe..." Xie Jinran smiled, "I just temporarily lost the favor of the empress dowager, and I will make a comeback one day. These people can't wait to show their deceitful faces. When I was in favor, the second aunt was the most fawning one of."

Now, the face has changed too fast,
"This time, it's not just that you temporarily lost the favor of the empress dowager!" At this moment, a majestic and angry voice came.

Xie Jinran looked back and saw his grandfather walking in with an angry expression on his face.

"Grandfather." Xie Jinran stood up, bowed and called.

"Your father's official position has been demoted, and this old man has also been dismissed. You are no longer Princess Zhunyu. The current situation of our Xie family is even worse than before you entered the palace. The adults who had made good friends with this old man were originally today. We made an appointment to play chess, but each made excuses to stop coming. Don’t you understand what happened? You fell out of favor, but it’s impossible to get back in favor. Our Xie family has also become the object of avoidance by others.” Master Xie Frowning tightly, he said indifferently.

Xie Jinran's heart trembled slightly. Her grandfather's tone of voice probably meant that she would lose her place in Xie's family.

This time, I really lost so thoroughly!

Seeing his grandfather leave angrily, Xie Jinran was so weak that he slumped on the head of the bed, lying on the pillow, clenched his teeth, and shed tears.

"Second Miss, Dr. Cai from Kyoto is here." Yin'er said at the door.

"Doctor Cai?" Xie Jinran's eyes showed a trace of doubt, "Which Doctor Cai?"

"The madam doesn't want the second lady to be angry with the second lady, so she went to invite the doctor herself." Yin'er said.

"Let him in." Xie Jinran said.

After a while, a doctor came in, followed by a medicine boy, carrying the doctor's medicine box.

"Second Miss..." Doctor Cai came in and said with a bow, "I heard from Mrs. Xie that Second Miss was injured. I'm afraid there will be scars on her face. Let me take a look for Second Miss."

Xie Jinran took away his hand on his forehead.

Doctor Cai looked around, taking advantage of people not paying attention, the drug boy stuffed a note into Xie Jinran's hand, Xie Jinran was taken aback,
(End of this chapter)

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