First-class daughter

Chapter 1279 Dead

Chapter 1279 Dead
Chapter 1279 Dead
Doctor Cai looked left and right, and while no one was paying attention, the drug boy put a note in Xie Jinran's hand, Xie Jinran was taken aback.

Xie Jinran was taken aback, then crumpled the note into a ball, pinched it in the palm of his hand, and said, "I'm going back, Miss Ben is not feeling well, and I don't want to see you."

The note was actually written by Princess Yeluyan of Khitan, asking her to meet.

She had heard that Khitan had asked the emperor for a marriage, and she had taken a fancy to the Sixth Highness Feng Yu, but now that things are changing, she didn't intend to take any more risks.

"But..." Dr. Cai seemed to want to say something else.

"Don't say anything. I don't know what this note said. I haven't seen anything." Xie Jinran categorically refused.

Finally, after seeing the wound on his face, Dr. Cai left with Yaotong.

Xie Jinran sneered, and said, "At this time, I must be more cautious in my words and deeds, otherwise, it will be a waste of all the efforts of the Eighth Highness."

Both Sunflower and Baohua were almost dying of tension, because the second night, the third night, and the fourth night, four nights in a row, when the two sisters passed by that place, they encountered a snow-white The cat can see more clearly this time, and its eyes are like green gemstones, shining brightly.

She seemed to be waiting there specially for them to come over.

The fourth time when they saw the white cat, the two of them rushed towards the cat quickly, but instead, the cat scratched Sunflower's wrist. There was no one there.

"What should I do? Sister, this cat comes every day!" Sunflower covered her scratched hand and said anxiously, "Why don't you report it to the Queen Mother immediately, and say that the cat has not been eradicated and is still haunting you .”

"No." Baohua hurriedly stopped, "The Empress Dowager's spirit has improved a lot in the past two days. If she sees the cat again, she may fall ill again."

"But, what should I do? Come every day, every day, I'm almost sick from fright." Sunflower almost cried.

A flash of thought flashed in Baohua's eyes, and he lowered his voice and said, "Well, this cat always comes here, so let's poison it to death, and it won't come when it dies."

Sunflower nodded, "Sister, it's a good idea. Let's go to Mingonggong medicine, and we say it's used to kill insects and rats. In this way, the cat will die if it eats it."

"Okay, let's do this!" Baohua was still a little apprehensive.

On the fifth day, the two sisters, Sunflower and Baohua, secretly sprinkled insect poison on the fish that the Queen Mother hadn't finished eating, put it where the white cat would come every night, and kept watch in the dark. coming.

This time, instead of catching it, they watched with trepidation.

I saw that the white cat walked lightly, meowed, saw a bowl of fish on the ground, walked over, smelled it, then licked it with its tongue, and ate all the fish into the stomach to go.

Sunflower and Baohua breathed a sigh of relief, and then the cat went into the bushes like it did two days ago.

About half an hour later, the two tiptoed over and looked through the bushes. They were so frightened that their legs gave way, and they fell to the ground together, their faces pale:
"Dead, dead, finally, finally dead."

It turned out that the white cat was lying upright on the ground, revealing its flesh-colored belly, its green eyes bulging, and white foam around its mouth.

"Hurry up, take it away!" Sunflower said hastily.

So, the two sisters took off their cloaks, wrapped the white cat in their arms, avoided the eyes and ears all the way, and arrived at a cold palace far away from the Shouning Palace, and threw the white cat under the tree.

After throwing away, the two hurried back to Shouning Palace, and after looking at each other, they realized that they were already covered in sweat.

After another night, the cat really didn't appear again, and the two were completely relieved.

After a few days, the queen mother ordered people to tear off all the charms in the hall, because she no longer needed this thing.

Then, the queen mother issued a decree to go to Sanqing temple to pay homage in three days. This was also the entrustment of Daoist Qingyun when he left. If the situation improves, the queen mother is asked to go to Sanqing temple to be grateful and completely remove the demons in her heart.

In addition to the Queen Mother, Concubine Lian Shu, Concubine Feng De, Concubine Li, Concubine Xin and others accompanied him, and even Siyue's name was among them.

When Lian Siyue received the edict from Eunuch Lu, she thanked Eunuch Lu.

Seeing Eunuch Lu leaving, Qing Dai said worriedly, "Princess, last time, the Empress Dowager almost imprisoned you last time, and beat her cold eyebrows so severely, will this happen?"

Lian Siyue shook her head and said, "I don't know what kind of medicine the Empress Dowager sells in the gourd, but since Yi's decree has been issued, I have to go, otherwise it will be considered that I hate her in my heart."

"Then, can His Highness go?" Qing Dai asked.

Lian Siyue shook her head and said, "Of course it's not possible. Except for the eunuchs and guards, the Empress Dowager is taking all her family members with her. How can Yun Zheng follow her? If she wants to follow her, she will be left to gossip. "

"Then, princess, you have to be more careful around, servants are always afraid of some trap." Thinking of the suffering Leng Mei suffered, Qing Dai couldn't help but feel uneasy.

At the same time, before going to Sanqing Temple, Night Breeze came back!
The one who came back with him was Ye Hongfei, the master who trained the two of them back then.

After hearing this, Lian Siyue immediately went to the front hall.

When seeing Master Ye Hongfei, Lian Siyue couldn't help being a little surprised. This master was not the gray-haired person as he imagined, but he looked older than Ye Feng, only a few years old, wrapped in a green dress , with a handsome figure, neither humble nor overbearing, Lian Siyue recalled in his mind that he had never seen this person in his previous life.

"Princess, this is the humble and cold-browed master." Ye Feng knelt down on one knee and said.

"Ye Hongfei has seen the princess." Ye Hongfei stepped forward, knelt down on one knee like Ye Feng, and said.

"Master Zheng, you don't need to be polite, please sit down." Lian Siyue signaled the servant to move a chair.

"Thank you, Princess." Ye Hongfei said, and sat down on the chair.

"The reason why this princess asked Master Zheng to come here must have been mentioned by Night Breeze." Lian Siyue said.

"Tu'er Lengmei is distressed by the recurrence of the disease, which is unbearable." Ye Hongfei said.

Lian Siyue nodded and said, "Just now, when Master Zheng bowed to the princess, he faintly asked that Master has a smell of medicinal herbs. I think Master Zheng has also painstakingly developed a prescription for Lengmei's disease these years."

After Ye Hongfei heard this, a flash of surprise flashed in his originally calm eyes. This princess has such meticulous observation skills?

"Yes, the princess is right." Ye Hongfei said.

(End of this chapter)

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