First-class daughter

Chapter 1280 Of course not

Chapter 1280 Of course not

Chapter 1280 Of course not

"Of course not! Lian Siyue can only die in my hands in this life, and no one else can." Feng Qianyue's gloomy tone has an unresolved plot, and every time he says the word Lian Siyue , It's like going through a sea of ​​swords and fire, and a trip to hell.

Xie Jinran showed a puzzled look on his face, and said, "Since it's not for burning her to death, then why..."

The rough and uneven flesh on Feng Qianyue's face was beating faintly, and he said, "Why? When the time comes, I will tell her myself, I will definitely tell her myself."

With some doubts, Xie Jinran left the pharmacy with the medicinal materials. Dr. Cai told her quietly that there was a treasure in the medicine bag, which made her face and forehead look more festered, and it might be useful for her to see the empress dowager.

Inside the pharmacy.

There was a hint of sarcasm in Feng Qianyue's eyes, and the corners of her evil lips were raised, revealing a half-smile.

"When the fish is hooked, we have to firmly grasp the fishing rod, throw the line out at the right time, and then retract the line at the right time." Empress Dowager Renyi said.

"The fishing rod is in my hands, but my Fu'er... I don't know where it is and who raised it." Feng Qianyue has been looking for a child these days, but he doesn't know where Feng Yunzheng put him .

"Fu'er, you can't be like me, who was called a slut born and raised by a slut since childhood." He slowly clenched his fists.

Fu'er, wait, father will definitely reunite with you.

Empress Dowager Renyi stood aside, seeing the determination and pain in his eyes, she stepped forward, stretched out her hand to embrace him, patted his head, and said, "You were not born as a slut, and your mother was not a slut." People, she is noble and beautiful, no worse than any prince's mother and concubine!"

She often said this sentence in front of Feng Qianyue, hoping to heal the imprint deep in his heart when he was a child.


On the second day, inside the Sanqing Temple.

Before dawn, Lian Siyue got up, because the empress dowager got up early and was ready to chant sutras.

Chanting sutras in the morning and saving the dead in the afternoon, for seven consecutive days without interruption.

Qingdai and Mother Tai groomed her up, and after taking a bath and fasting, she went to the temple.

The Empress Dowager knelt on the ground, wearing a dark blue gown with multicolored Zhai patterns, and the cat paw prints on her face were covered with gouache and rouge, but it was hardly visible.

She closed her eyes, clasped her hands together, and muttered something, while Daoist Qingyun and two disciples bowed to the side.

Concubine Feng De and Concubine Lian Shu respectively knelt behind the Empress Dowager, followed by Lian Siyue, Concubine Li, and Concubine Xin.

All the servants and guards were waiting outside the door.

Inside the Taoist temple, incense was lingering, only the sound of people chanting scriptures could be heard, and even Biyue listened attentively. What the Empress Dowager recited was "The Great Sutra of Nine Serenity Eradication of Sinful Hearts":
Such living beings, suffer all kinds of evil karma, all from their own minds, delusion upside down, ignorant of inaction, all sins originate from the heart...

Yun Yun.

The chanting didn't end until almost lunch time. This was the first time for Concubine Li and Concubine Li to go out to chant sutras with the Queen Mother. They delayed a little in the morning and came without breakfast. They read all morning. It's hungry.

When he was about to go to have lunch, the Taoist boy outside said, "The Empress Dowager, Princess Yeluyan of Khitan has arrived at the foot of the mountain, and I came here to ask the Empress Dowager if she could open the door to welcome her in. Princess Yan said, she asked about the elegant name of Sanqingguan, So I came to pay my respects, but I didn't know that the Empress Dowager was here, so I asked to see her at the foot of the mountain."

"It's a coincidence, we've only been here for a day, and she also came." Concubine Feng De said.

"From the perspective of this Palace, I'm afraid it's not a coincidence. Didn't this Khitan ask for a marriage? It's good to say that the Sixth Highness is right. Although the emperor has not issued an imperial decree, he has already agreed verbally. I'm afraid that I came here to please the Queen Mother in advance. What about your majesty?" Concubine Lian Shu said.

"..." Concubine Feng nodded, and said, "Sister is right, this Yeluyan is a foreigner after all, she wants to please the Empress Dowager, and establish a good relationship with all the emperors."

After hearing this, the queen mother thought for a while and ordered, "Let her go up the mountain."

"Yes, Empress Dowager." Xiao Daotong turned and went down the mountain.

"Let's move to the dining hall to have dinner first, and let her go to the dining hall to meet." The queen mother ordered.

"Yes, Empress Dowager, this way please." Taoist Master Qingyun bowed with a whisk in his hand.

Even Siyue's eyes showed a hint of doubt, Yeluyan came to Sanqingguan?Did she come by coincidence, or did she have a purpose?If you come, what is the purpose?
Because it happened suddenly, she was thinking while walking.

"Princess Hengqin, are you still used to having you accompany me here?" In the dining hall, after the queen mother sat down, the rest of the people stood in front of her, she suddenly asked Lian Siyue.

Lian Siyue saluted, bowed, and said, "There is nothing unaccustomed to the Queen Mother's words. On the contrary, it is quiet and quiet. I read the scriptures in the morning and evening, and I feel very peaceful in my heart. Thank you, the Queen Mother, for willing to bring Siyue here, so that Si Yue Yue has a chance to let go of distracting thoughts in her mind."

The Empress Dowager nodded and asked, "When you were in the room these two days, what sutra did you recite?"

Lian Siyue knew that the Empress Dowager was testing her, one was to see if she was really chanting scriptures, the other was to see if her heart was sincere.

"Empress Dowager, what Siyue is reciting is, "Taishang Yuhua Cave Chapter, The Wonderful Sutra of Raising Death, Saving the World and Ascension to Immortals"

Tai Shi was born at the beginning, the truth is lost in the dark, nothing is transformed, the purple cloud comes to welcome, and the roundness returns to the true..."

Lian Siyue recited this long scripture in one breath, finishing it in one go.

The queen mother saw that she couldn't make mistakes. She didn't expect that a young person could recite such a long scripture.

"That's right, let's all sit down," said the Queen Mother.

"Thank you, Queen Mother." Then everyone sat down according to their seats.

At this time, Yeluyan and his party had already arrived at the Taoist temple. Yeluyan led the nuns and maids with him into the dining hall, knelt on the ground, and said, "I learned that the empress dowager and all the empresses are here. , Kowtow to the Empress Dowager, kowtow to all the concubines...Princess Hengqin."

"You don't need to be too polite, get up." The Queen Mother raised her hand and said.

Yeluyan stood up and said, "Yan'er is bothering you, please forgive me, Empress Dowager."

Lian Siyue's eyes fell on Yeluyan's face. She found that although she was painted with makeup on her face, she looked bright and attractive, but she also had some medical skills. After careful observation, she found that there were bloodshot eyes in her eyeballs, and the color was tinged. yellow.

At the last full moon banquet held by Chengjun and Wanjun, she heard that she was sick, and she saw that she was not sick, but today, her body and spirit are not as good as that time.

Her eyes fell on the mother next to Yeluyan again, she lowered her head and stood aside obediently.

"Since we're here, let's have dinner together. Some people here are probably starving." At this moment, the Empress Dowager suddenly said something relaxed.

Everyone laughed.

"Then I won't be polite." Yeluyan also said with a smile.

"You go and sit there." The queen mother pointed to the seat next to Lian Siyue and said.

"Yes." Yeluyan came over, and Princess Chaoheng nodded lightly.

"Princess, please." Lian Siyue said politely.

It took about an hour for lunch to end. After the end, the Empress Dowager would go back to her room to rest.

"Princess Hengqin, can I sit in the room?" Yeluyan said when Lian Siyue was about to go back to the room, "The room that the Empress Dowager ordered Daoist Qingyun to prepare for me hasn't been packed yet, and I just finished lunch , and don’t want to leave.”

A slight smile appeared on Lian Siyue's face, and said, "Princess, please."

"Thank you." Yeluyan said, the eyes clearly meant to breathe a sigh of relief, Lian Siyue pretended not to see it, and walked towards her wing together with Yeluyan.

Mother Tai and Yeluyan's mother walked side by side behind the two masters.

Nanny Tai glanced at Yeluyan's nanny, and Nanny Tai also glanced at Nanny Tai, and Nanny Tai raised her chin immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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