First-class daughter

Chapter 1281 The Clingy Guy

Chapter 1281 The Clingy Guy

Chapter 1281 The Clingy Guy

When Ye Feng heard it, he was very surprised, "Master, have you been trying to find a way to cure Lengmei? You already knew?"

Lian Siyue smiled and said, "Yefeng, you and Lengmei have a good master, this is your blessing."

"Master." Night Breeze knelt down in front of Ye Hongfei, grateful and guilty, "I thought you were cruel, and you gave the two of us to His Highness and then ignored you, and I told Lengmei that Master didn't treat us as disciples." Son, it turns out...Master didn't leave us alone."

"You silly boy, you have the highest talent in terms of martial arts, but in other respects, you are just like the rocks on our mountain, always incomprehensible." Ye Hongfei smiled and shook his head.

Night Breeze felt very grateful in his heart, "Master... this apprentice is wrong."

"Okay, you are my first disciple after all, don't cry anymore." Ye Hongfei said.

"Yes, yes, my disciple was wrong." Night Breeze kowtowed quickly and said.

"I don't know how the princess knows that Caomin has been developing the prescription?" Ye Hongfei turned to Lian Siyue and asked.

"My princess heard Night Breeze talk about Leng Mei and his childhood story that day, and learned that when Leng Mei picked it up, her face was pale, her body was thin, and her mouth was often bloodshot. This was exactly the same as Leng Mei's later symptoms of.

I thought, when Master Ye picked her up, it was when she fell ill, so Master Ye knew about Lengmei's illness.

As for Master Ye developing a prescription for Lengmei, I was just guessing at first, because Ye Feng said that since taking Lengmei away, Master has become obsessed with herbal medicine and often went to the mountains to collect herbs, so he left the training of apprentices to him This big brother does it.

Just now I smelled the medicinal herbs on Master Ye's body, and I became more convinced of this idea. Master Ye is a caring person. "

Ye Hongfei nodded and said, "The concubine's conjecture is not wrong. When she picked up Lengmei, she suffered from heartache. There are only her brother, sister and an aunt in the family. The rest of them died because of this illness. I saw that she was weak. So I took her back to the mountain to practice martial arts to strengthen her body. Over the years, she has been in good health and has never had an illness. I think it should be due to the martial arts practice. "

"Then... Master has been researching for so many years, but did he find a good way?" Night Breeze asked eagerly.

Ye Hongfei had a regretful expression on his face, "It's always a little bit, a little bit."

"Master Ye, we also have a person here who loves to develop medicinal materials. He also said the same thing as you. I specially ordered Night Breeze to pick up Master here, just to let him who is almost and Master Ye who is almost communicate with each other." Let’s see if I can get any insights.” Lian Siyue explained her intentions.

"Great!" Night Breeze felt hopeful when he heard what Wang Hao said, "Master, then Dr. Dong is also an extremely powerful person. Leng Mei can be saved, he must be saved!"

After a while, Dong Shen walked in, clasped his fists and bowed, and said, "Princess, you are looking for a humble job."

"This is the master of Leng Mei and Ye Feng. He has been developing prescriptions all these years." Lian Siyue introduced Dong Shen and Ye Hongfei.

Dong Shen raised his head and looked at Ye Hongfei, a hint of surprise appeared in his originally lonely eyes:
Seeing that Ye Feng and Leng Mei were so outstanding, they thought their master was already an old man, but they didn't expect him to look so young.

"Brother Dong, I've heard about you for a long time." Ye Hongfei said, cupping his hands.

"Long-awaited, Brother Ye." There was a smile in Dong Shen's eyes.

"I hope you two can work together to develop the prescription for Lengmei as soon as possible, as well as... the medicine that His Highness Eleventh needs." Lian Siyue said.

Both of them nodded to Lian Siyue and said, "Yes, Wangfei."

Night Breeze watched his master and Dr. Dong walking towards the prescription together, discussing as they walked, feeling elated, he quickly ran back to Leng Mei's room.

A few days later, it is time to go to Sanqing Temple.

Early in the morning, Feng Yunzheng woke up, put his arms around her waist, lay on her heart, refused to let go, and said in a crying voice, "I have been separated from you for a long time, and I just want to see you day and night. Now you are going to Sanqing Temple again, and I will miss you day and night again."

Lian Siyue showed a smile in his eyes, stretched out his hand to gently stroke his black jade-like hair, and said, "It won't be long, I thought about it, about seven days at most."

"Seven days?" Feng Yunzheng raised his head, with a dissatisfied expression on his face, "People say that if you don't see each other in one day, it's like three autumns. If you don't see each other in seven days, what autumn is it? No, I want to enter the palace with you, and I will say goodbye to the emperor's grandmother." Tell me, I want to go together."

"But apart from the guards, there are no male relatives on this trip. If you go, it's really hard to say." Lian Siyue said, stroking his lips lightly with his fingers.

"Then I'll disguise myself as a bodyguard and go together, so I can protect you well." Feng Yunzheng said with a bright eye.

"Okay." Lian Siyue got up, pushed the person lying on her down, and said, "You, you are simply not as good as our Chengjun."

Feng Yunzheng didn't follow him, and secretly pushed Lian Siyue down with force, and pressed the whole person on top, pulled off the curtain, bit her ear, and said vaguely, "It's still early, do it again."

"..." Lian Siyue patted him lightly.

"How many times did you come last night?" Feng Yunzheng's voice came from inside the tent.

"...Pa" Lian Siyue hit him again, this time with much stronger strength.

"One, two, three, four..." Feng Yunzheng counted.

Lian Siyue blushed, and immediately leaned in and blocked his mouth.

With a brilliant smile on his face, he pulled the quilt over, a charming...

After a long time, Lian Siyue fell asleep in his arms. He looked down at her delicate sleeping face, couldn't help but hugged her body tightly, and whispered in her ear, "Sleep, I will Dear Yue'er, I won't disturb you anymore, you should sleep well and accompany the queen mother to Sanqing Temple, I won't disturb you anymore."

Shouning Palace.

Early in the morning, Concubine Feng De, Concubine Lian Shu, Concubine Li, Concubine Xin and others had already come to pay their respects to the Queen Mother and were ready to set off together.

The empress dowager paid special attention to this trip, and prepared a total of 99 boxes, dozens of guards and dozens of servants.

Lian Siyue arrived in a hurry when the Queen Mother finished her grooming and was about to leave. She was always steady and never late. But today she became the last one.

"Yue'er, why are you here today?" Concubine Lian Shu took her hand and asked.

"...I was delayed for a while by Cheng Jun and Wan Jun." She said, bowing to the other imperial concubines as an apology.

"It's okay, you are a person with children, so it's understandable." Concubine Feng De said angrily.

"Thank you, Ma'am, for your understanding." Lian Siyue took a light breath and patted his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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