First-class daughter

Chapter 1282 Unwilling to let go

Chapter 1282 Unwilling to let go
Chapter 1282 Unwilling to let go
But the actual situation is not that Cheng Jun and Wan Jun delayed her, but the big guy in the family, because when she woke up and was about to get up, he dragged her...

That's why time wasted. He said that he wouldn't disturb her.

Seeing her later in the room urging Qingdai and Nanny Tai to get acquainted with her quickly, that guy actually leaned against the door frame, looked at her with affectionate eyes, and said, "I like Yueer like this , the anxious look is so cute, I can't help but want to kiss for a while."

She glared at him fiercely and said, "If you continue to make trouble, if I go to the Shouning Palace late, I will have to stay in Sanqing Temple for a few more days!"

He just honestly, without saying anything, came over to draw his eyebrows, and after drawing, he ate up the redness on her mouth, causing her to bite the red paper again, and finally came out. The door arrived at the Shouning Hall.

She really doubts that if this continues, she will grow on him.

Why does this person become more clingy the more they are together?Thinking about it, a slight smile appeared on her face.

It's great to have the love and pampering that I never got in my previous life in this life.

"The empress dowager is leaving the palace." At this time, Eunuch Lu said loudly.

"Yes." Everyone nodded and said.

After the Empress Dowager got on the sedan chair, no one else got on the sedan chair one by one.

The sedan chair carried the people all the way to the Zhengyang Gate, where the sedan chair was replaced with a carriage, and they went to Sanqing Temple together.

From the palace to the Sanqing Temple, it took three hours to drive the carriage, starting at Sishi and arriving at Shenshi.

When we arrived at the gate of Sanqing Temple, we saw Daoist Master Qingyun leading several Taoist boys kneeling at the gate to greet him.

Lian Siyue and several empresses got off the carriage separately, and went to the carriage of the empress dowager together, and greeted her to get off the carriage.

"The empress dowager is a thousand years old!" Everyone knelt on the ground and said.

Daoist Qingyun came over, bowed and said, "Empress Dowager, the rooms for you and all the ladies have been prepared, and you will be able to have dinner in half an hour, now please go to the rooms for rest .

"No rush." ​​But the Empress Dowager raised her hand and said, "Let's do obeisance first. This time, the Ai family is here to worship with all their heart. You don't have to worry about the identity of the Ai family, just treat the Ai family as ordinary people." , the things in the Taoist temple, how they happened before, how they happen now."

"Yes, Pindao obeys." Daoist Qingyun said, shaking his whisk.

"Let's go, let's all go in." The empress dowager walked into the Taoist temple first.

"Yes, Empress Dowager." All the empresses bowed and said.

A group of people walked inside one by one.

Daoist Qingyun inadvertently turned his head and saw Princess Hengqin who was walking at the back.

Although the princess walked to the most inconspicuous position, and the expression on her face looked very easy-going, it gave him a feeling that she had seen through many things unintentionally.

Lian Siyue raised her eyes lightly, Taoist Master Qingyun had already walked into the Taoist temple while talking with the Queen Mother.

Around the Taoist temple, there are guards from the imperial guards, who are so heavily guarded that even a bird cannot fly in.

Entering the Taoist temple, the queen mother led the crowd to kneel and worship for a round, and then they each entered their respective rooms under the leadership of the Taoist boy.

Including the empress dowager, there are a total of six rooms. The empress dowager is in the middle. On the left of the empress dowager are Concubine Lian Shu and Concubine Feng, and on the right are Concubine Li, Concubine Xin and Lian Siyue. Lian Siyue lives in The one farthest from the Queen Mother.

After entering the wing room, Nanny Tai immediately went up and down, checked inside and out, not even under the bed.

Lian Siyue smiled and said, "Nurse seems to have a cold brow."

Mother Tai said solemnly, "I see Miss Lengmei doing this every time. When Lord Lengmei is not around, I will learn from her to protect the princess."

"In addition to checking if there are any dangerous things around me every time, the most important thing is to check if there are any patterns and marks left behind. Mammy can't see it." The most keen.

"Wangfei, no matter what, let's be careful." Qing Dai said.

At this moment, a voice came from outside the window, Qing Dai was startled, and hurried to the bed, leaned on the window and looked out, saying, "It's a bird, it seems to be injured."

She went out and brought in a bird's nest, which contained two wet little birds.

"It turned out to be a bird's nest. It just hatched. The mother bird was injured. Maybe some naughty child injured her body with a slingshot when she flew out to look for food. The servant girl went to the master here and asked them to take the bird Put it back on the tree." Qing Dai said.

"Go." Lian Siyue said.

"Yes." Qingdai went out with the bird's nest in her hands, and went to the little master for help.

Thank you.

Xie Jinran's face was pale, and she tightly squeezed the handkerchief in her hand. Shuyan and Yin'er stood in front of her, looking uneasy.

After a while, Xie Jinran stood up and said, "Get ready, I'm going to Sanqing Temple tomorrow during the day."

"But..." Yin'er showed embarrassment, "the empress dowager and the concubines are there, and there are guards from the forbidden army around them, so no one else can go in."

"Yeah, now, I'm an unknown person, let alone want to see the Queen Mother, even if I want to step into that door, it's very difficult." Xie Jinran sat down on the chair dejectedly.

In the past, she was by the queen mother's side and could come in and out at will.

Today, places that were once easily accessible are out of reach.

She suddenly remembered that a few days ago, someone wrote her a note, and her fists were slowly clenched, feeling like she was about to move.

"No, don't be impulsive, the future is long, I can't take any more risks, otherwise, it will be a waste of the painstaking efforts of the Eighth Prince."

"No!" She thought about it, and then said, "If you don't seize this opportunity, you don't know when you will be able to stand up in the future. Besides, I have nothing to do with His Highness the Eighth Prince now. It won't hurt her."

She stood up abruptly, and said, "Shuyan, Yin'er, do my makeup. I'm going to the pharmacy to get some medicine myself."

When Xie Jinran combed his hair, he deliberately cut off a section of the front hair to cover the scar on his forehead.

The place she went to was Dr. Cai's medicine shop in the city. Seeing her, Dr. Cai hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Second Miss, are you here?"

Xie Jinran looked around and whispered, "Do you have the medicinal materials I need?"

Dr. Cai's eyes lit up slightly, and he said, "Yes, yes, the medicinal materials are precious, and they are not placed here. Second Miss, please come here with me to have a look. These medicinal materials are here. I will leave the first one to Second Miss." Yes, it is very useful for Second Miss' wound."

(End of this chapter)

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