Chapter 128

Chapter 128

"Ah, my face, my face is bleeding, am I disfigured, am I?" Lian Shiya looked at the blood on her hands, with a frightened expression on her face, what she cared most about was her title With a beautiful face and a beautiful face, even if a mosquito bites her, she would feel distressed, and she would look for medicine everywhere to apply it, lest it leave a little mark.

"Mom, is my face okay? Is my face disfigured?"

"Miss San, Miss San..." Aunt Xiao was also terrified when she saw so much blood dripping from Lian Shiya's face, she quickly reached out to touch it, but she couldn't see where the wound was.

If Lian Shiya's face is ruined, it's over, this is their most important weapon!
"Drag out!" Lian's mother was so upset that she didn't want to hear these noisy voices, so she ordered again.

A few servants came in with their waists bowed, and they were ordered to separate Lian Shiya and Aunt Xiao and drag them out.

"Don't! Let me go, let me go!" Lian Shiya was dragged outside while struggling.

"Miss San, Miss San! You have been wronged." Aunt Xiao was dragged outside, but she still turned her head and shouted for innocence frequently.

Both mother and daughter had their skirts in disarray, their hair in a bun, their hair hanging behind their backs, their headdresses fell all over the floor, and they looked extremely embarrassed.

They have always been glamorous, but they have never been so downcast!
"Ah, ah!" After a while, there was the sound of banging on the board outside, accompanied by Lian Shiya's wails one after another.

All the people in the house were so frightened that they didn't dare to breathe, and they all kept silent.

Aunt Xiao has been a noble concubine since the day she entered the door, and she has been favored by the prime minister. Even though Shiya is a concubine, she has never been wronged in the slightest. No one could have imagined that today's scene happened so quickly.

Da Furen's feet suddenly went limp, and Nanny Zhou hurriedly stepped forward to support her, and said worriedly, "Ma'am."

I saw that her face was a little pale, and her expression was full of wind and rain. She was not at all happy because Aunt Xiao and Lian Shiya had received the punishment they deserved, but showed a trace of fatigue.

She walked up to Lian Yanqing, tried her best to hide the emotion on her face, knelt towards him slightly, and said, "Master, I'm a little tired, I'm going back to Fu'an Courtyard first." Her voice was still respectful, but more A little indifferent and alienated.

She showed her power in public today, reprimanded Xiao's mother and daughter, re-established her prestige, and it will be much more convenient to manage the back house in the future, but she couldn't feel happy from the bottom of her heart, she just felt disheartened and hopeless.

"Huizhi (the lady's surname is Rong, her name is Xue, and her style name is Huizhi)..." Lian Yanqing paused, and called out——

However, the eldest lady no longer stayed any longer, and hurried past him with her head bowed, as if staying with him for a little longer.

Mother Lian closed her eyes deeply, with heartache and exhaustion in the corners of her eyes, as if she had aged several years all of a sudden, she murmured, "The family is unlucky! The family is unlucky!"

"Mother..." Seeing Lian's mother like this, Lian Yanqing stepped forward to support her, and said guiltily, "My son is not filial, and the back house is not peaceful, which makes you tired. I will help you go back and rest."

Mother Lian sighed deeply, turned around, and walked out slowly with the support of Lian Yanqing.

Walking outside, she said, "You can see the consequences of spoiling your concubine and destroying your wife now? Your wife, I really gave up on you."

Lian Mu said, shook her head, turned and left.

"Ah! Ah!" Banzi's voice followed one after another, and even Shiya's screams followed one after another.

She was forced to lie down on a long wooden bench, and several servants held down her hands and feet, and beat her body one after another with thick wooden sticks. Every time she was hit, her body trembled. Bright red blood oozes from the clothes on the back and buttocks——

"Ah..." Lian Shiya's expression was distorted in pain, her hair was messily scattered on both sides of her cheeks, big drops of sweat flowed down and mixed with blood, her face and lips were as pale as paper, and those beautiful phoenix eyes Her eyes widened, as if her eyeballs were about to bulge out. The brilliance of the past had completely disappeared at this moment.

Seeing this scene, some people showed a look of fear, while others showed a look of gloating.

No matter what, everyone knows that now, this beautiful third lady who was once loved by thousands of people is gone, and now the eldest lady is gaining power.

I don't know how long it took to beat the top [-] boards. Lian Shiya felt that most of her life had been lost. She lay on the bench as if she was dead. What hurt more than the body was the psychological humiliation!
She was always proud of Shiya, but today she was whipped in public, knocking down her pride.

All the people left, even Shiya lying on the bench alone, nobody paid any attention to her.

Lian Siyue walked up to Lian Shiya step by step, and looked at her quietly:
"Does it hurt? Is this unbearable? Do you know that compared to what you and Feng Qianyue put on me back then, what you are enduring now is just a grain of sand in the river..."

Lian Shiya felt in a trance that the voice that made her hate came from her ears, she slowly raised her head, opened her eyes with difficulty, and in a daze, a face with no expression came into her eyes, as if A terrifying face, like a demon from hell, trying to swallow her up, she was startled...

"You, what are you talking about..." Her mouth was trembling, and she struggled to make a sound.

Lian Siyue seemed to see the arrogant woman in her previous life who treated her like nothing!
She clenched her fists tightly,
"Bitch you take advantage of my trust, seduce my husband, goug out my eyes, cut off my tongue, cut off my limbs, pull out my teeth!

You harmed my unborn child, and you gave my happy face to the King of the Huns!
The people you tormented Lian Jue are neither human nor ghost, you killed His Highness the Ninth Prince!



When Lian Shiya heard what Lian Siyue said, her eyes were puzzled, why did she ever do such a thing to her?
"Lian Siyue, what nonsense are you talking..." She thought Lian Siyue was talking in her sleep!

However, she suddenly laughed, spat out the blood in her mouth, snorted coldly, with a hint of coldness in her eyes, and said:
"I don't know what you're talking about, but listening to you talk about what you've endured is really refreshing!

Gouging out eyes, cutting out tongues, cutting off hands and feet, and pulling out teeth!These are not enough to dispel my hatred for you!If there is a chance, I would like to, I would like to dig out your heart, drink your blood, and squeeze your bones. If you have a child, I will kill him before he is born!I have thought about torture you in this way more than a hundred times, so that you can't survive or die! "

"Boom!" At this time, after a terrible flash of lightning, thunder came loudly, and the entire Prime Minister's Mansion was shaken. A hundred-year-old tree in the courtyard was struck by lightning and collapsed, suddenly falling on Lian Shiya's body. beside.


(End of this chapter)

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