Chapter 129
Chapter 129
what! " Lian Shiya screamed, the snow-white lightning reflected her terrifying face.

Fortunately, the tree did not fall on her body!Otherwise, you will be crushed to death!
She let out a long sigh of relief, and cold sweat broke out on her back.

"Haha, hahaha..." Lian Siyue suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed, her heart constricted in pain when she laughed!
Even Shiya, rebirth didn't change anything...

"You, what are you laughing at?" Lian Shiya was terrified by her laughter, and felt a shock of fear in her heart.

"Hahahaha..." Even Siyue really burst into tears from laughing!

When she laughed, she looked like a bloodthirsty devil.

In order to cover up her inner guilt, Lian Shiya scolded sharply:

"Lian Siyue, you killed me, you bitch! You will go to hell! You will die without a place to die!"

She no longer looked like the dignified and virtuous third lady, and her scolding voice became more and more ugly and harsh.

"Then, I'll wait for you to come, break my bones, eat my flesh, and drink my blood. I'll wait for you to torture me severely and then kill me mercilessly!"

Lian Shiya was shocked all over, and felt a chill in her heart!

Lian Siyue turned around resolutely and walked out, the thunder roared again!
"Slut, bitch!" Lian Shiya screamed hysterically as she watched her receding back.

Lian's mother was about to rest on the collapse, when she heard the ugly scolding, she got angry again, and said to Nanny Song angrily, "Give him ten more boards!"

When Lian Siyue walked out of Qing'an Courtyard, she breathed a sigh of relief, and when she raised her eyes, she found that Lian Jue, who had left first, was still waiting there, holding an oil-paper umbrella in her hand.

"Je'er..." She smiled at him, but there was a hint of sadness and reluctance in this smile.

No one knew how painful things she had experienced, but now her revenge was coming step by step. Although the enemy was beaten very happily, there was always a deep sense of loneliness deep in her heart.

"I'll help you down." Lian Jue stretched out his hand towards her, his hand had grown up unknowingly, possessing a reassuring power, Lian Siyue felt a little comforted, and handed it over to him He walked down the steps, but happened to meet Hu Shi and Lian Nianxin head-on. Hu Shi had just gone to serve Lian's mother.

Hu stood in front of their siblings, looked at Lian Siyue, and said, "I joined forces with you this time because I hate Aunt Xiao so much, not because I accepted you."

Lian Siyue showed her signature shallow smile on her face, not in a hurry or annoyed, and said, "It's as long as Second Aunt is happy."

Hu didn't expect Lian Siyue to have such a flat reaction. She thought she had seen through her, but in the end, she still couldn't.

"Although you are the daughter of the prime minister's family, you are still a backyard girl after all. Although you beat Aunt Xiao's mother and daughter today, you still can't win in the end. Don't forget, there is Xiao Zhenhai behind Aunt Xiao. As long as there is Xiao Zhenhai One day, Aunt Xiao would not really fall down, you see, if Aunt Su, Aunt Yao committed such a crime, she would have broken her leg and driven out of the mansion, but Aunt Xiao could still stay in the mansion.

I heard from your second uncle that Xiao Zhenhai has won consecutive battles in Daliao and will soon return triumphant.

You took a breath today, and the day he comes back will be the day you go to hell! "

"Thank you Second Aunt for your reminder. If Xiao Zhenhai really wants me to go to hell, I can only wait." Lian Siyue did not have the fear and panic that Hu had imagined, but had a calmness and indifference beyond her age .

Feeling bored, Hu pulled Lian Nianxin away in a hurry.

"Sister, if Xiao Zhenhai really wants to deal with you, I will never let him succeed. I have a good relationship with His Royal Highness, and I will ask him for help when the time comes."

Jue'er is still too young. After Xiao Zhenhai became famous, how could he put a mere Sixth Highness in his eyes.

However, Lian Siyue didn't point it out, she just said, "Okay, with Jue'er, my sister won't be afraid."

The sun was shining brightly, reflecting on the boys and girls, and their shadows swayed slightly in the wind.

It seems that all vengeance and bloodshed have left them.

"By the way, sister, I observed Lian Shiya today, and she seems to have no medical skills at all."

After hearing this, Lian Siyue said with a slight smile on the corner of her mouth, "How could Jueer say that?"

"I think she is hypocritical. She doesn't look like a doctor at all. I'm afraid that there is something tricky about seeing people at the door of the house for free."

"Since Jue'er saw through her plot, why didn't she expose it on the spot?" Lian Siyue turned to look at Lian Jue and asked.

"Expose it on the spot? I wouldn't be so stupid. Although they were severely punished this time, the second aunt was right. They won't be able to recover for a while. This kind of thing will be exposed, for the sake of the Prime Minister's face. In the end, grandma and father will only cover up for her, and at most scold her. There is no such cheap thing, just wait for the time." Lian Jue's lips curled evilly, and a smear of coldness appeared on Ruyu's face The smile on his face unknowingly faded away the childishness of a boy.

Hearing Lian Jue's words, Lian Siyue's eyes revealed a hint of surprise, her Jue'er is actually such a black-bellied person?Why didn't I find it before?From this point of view, it is also very good--

"Je'er is really extremely smart. That's why I didn't expose her today. That's what I thought. The future will be long, so let's plan better." She is not in a hurry, and only by playing slowly can she slowly dispel the hatred in her heart.

"Eldest sister..." At this time, a voice came from behind them, and when they looked back, they saw the seventh lady, Lian Wanyin, leading the fourth lady, Lian Shengru, to walk up to Lian Siyue cautiously, and said, "Elder sister. "

"Fourth Sister, Seventh Sister." Lian Siyue remembered that the two sisters had no evil intentions, but one was too cautious, and the other was too uninhibited, and followed the trend.

Lian Wanyin and Lian Shengru looked at each other, a little timidly, a little hesitantly said, "Elder sister, last time, we were sorry about that snake, and please forgive us." Blushing, trembling.

A smile appeared on Lian Siyue's face, she knew that what happened today had completely established her position as the daughter of the prime minister's mansion, and now many people are feeling apprehensive.

She said lightly, "I forgot about it a long time ago. I never took it to heart. Don't worry about the fourth sister and the seventh sister. I remember that the seventh sister is exquisite in embroidery. I recently studied new patterns. Come take a look and give me your opinion.”

"Thank you, big sister." The two of them breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sister, I won't go. I have an appointment with His Highness the Sixth Highness to ride a horse, and I'm leaving." Lian Jue waved his hand at Lian Siyue, and ran out of the courtyard like the four and nine.

"Go, come back early, don't be too late." Lian Siyue waved at him, although he didn't want Lian Jue to get too close to the royal family, but he couldn't be in a hurry, otherwise the Sixth Prince would also be suspicious.

Lian Xueqiao stood far away under the corridor, and saw Lian Wanyin and Lian Shengru sisters leaving with Lian Siyue affectionately, with their palms tightly clasped together.

(End of this chapter)

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