First-class daughter

Chapter 1285 Knee socket

Chapter 1285 Knee socket

Chapter 1285 Knee socket

The corner of Mammy's lips twitched slightly, and there was an imperceptible contempt in her eyes. An old slave is nothing.

When they arrived at the door of Lian Siyue's wing, the mother and maids stood waiting at the door.

After Yeluyan entered the room and sat down, Qingdai and others brought out the vegetarian dishes from the Taoist temple, allowing them to chat and eat.

"Qingdai, take out the pot of good tea I brought from Prince Heng's mansion, and invite the princess to taste it." Lian Siyue ordered.

"Yes, princess."

After a while, the fragrance of tea was overflowing in the room. Yeluyan picked it up, took a sip, and said with surprise in his eyes, "I don't really like tea, but this tea has a sweet taste, and there is an aftertaste on the tip of the tongue after drinking it." , it's unstoppable..."

"Princess, this tea is the morning tea in March in Yangchun. The water for making the tea is brought from Prince Heng's Mansion. There is a well in our mansion, which His Highness dug himself. The water that comes out of it is very sweet. The princess uses these Make tea with water, and the tea will be extra fragrant." Qing Dai said softly beside her.

After hearing this, Yeluyan paused slightly with the hand holding the teacup, and said, "His Royal Highness and the concubine are deeply in love with each other, which is really enviable. I have never envied others for anything in my whole life. However, I really envy the princess and His Royal Highness, the fairy couple. Although I, Yeluyan, have tasted everything, I have never tasted what it is like to be in love."

Lian Siyue looked at Yeluyan quietly, the expression on her face and the tears in her eyes did not look like she was pretending.

In this way, Yeluyan has her soft side that belongs only to women. Even Siyue has discovered that she is not just a Khitan princess, but also a woman who has just lost her husband. She is vulnerable and has unknown pain.

"Princess, are you still missing Xiao He?" Lian Siyue asked softly.

Yeluyan's hand holding the teacup tightened, tears slid down her cheeks, Lian Siyue's words accidentally hit the most fragile corner of her heart.

"Sorry, princess, I seem to have asked a question that shouldn't be asked." Lian Siyue hurriedly said apologetically.

"No..." Yeluyan shook her head, wiped away her tears, and said with a sad smile, "You didn't ask anything you shouldn't ask, I just didn't expect you to ask such a question, so I couldn't control my emotions. mood."

"I'm a woman. Although I don't know the princess well, I also understand her inner feelings. Although I don't have a good relationship with the Xiao family, I also admit that Xiao He is a rare talent and a worthy A person who is missed." Lian Siyue handed Yeluyan a handkerchief and said.

"If it's possible, I'd rather not have to think about anything, just stay quietly in the Princess Mansion and spend the rest of my life in silence. That's where we lived together. Although we haven't been a real couple, But, maybe, maybe one time, his soul will come back?" Yeluyan said.

"The princess is a good girl." Lian Siyue said.

Yeluyan suddenly realized that she had talked too much, so she quickly wiped away her tears and said, "I lost my composure, sorry."

Lian Siyue shook her head and said, "Everyone is a woman, so don't feel embarrassed."

Yeluyan watched Lian Siyue quietly, she had heard many things about him, there were many legends, she was described as a cold-blooded, ruthless person who did not recognize her relatives, and some people said that she was good at calculating, and had killed her aunt and daughter at home. sisters.

However, it was just such a person, after several days of observation in the capital, she found that she no longer hated her, and she even envied Lian Lingyue even more.

A loyal person like Xiao He loves her, and a sister like Princess Heng protects her.

However, she is a princess, a Khitan princess, and there is an agreement between her and the imperial grandmother.

"Princess, can you..." There was a shy expression on her face.

Lian Siyue understood, and said, "Qingdai, take the princess to the bathroom."

"Yes, princess. Please, princess."

Yeluyan followed Qingdai to the back of the house.

"Ah!" After a while, a voice suddenly came from outside.

Lian Siyue stood up quickly, and asked in a deep voice, "What's the matter?"

This is in the Sanqing Temple, and the Queen Mother is very close, so nothing can happen at the door of her room.

When she went out, she saw Madam Tai blushing.

"What's wrong?" Lian Siyue asked.

"Damn it, slave!" Mother Tai hurriedly knelt down, and said, "Just now, slave's foot suddenly went numb, and she didn't stand still, and almost fell, disturbing the princess and princess, slave should die!"

Are your feet numb?
Lian Siyue looked at Nanny Tai, and then at Nanny Yeluyan, with thoughts flashing in his eyes, and said, "You are getting old, pay more attention in the future, this is a quiet place, you must control yourself, don't Bothering the empress dowager and several other empresses."

"Yes, yes, my concubine, this servant knows." Mother Tai quickly knelt on the ground and said, when she knelt down, there was still a numbness in the bend of her knees, her body shook, and even Siyue's eyes narrowed slightly, no What more to say, turned around and walked in, but there was a hint of doubt in his eyes.

After a while, Yeluyan also came back from behind.

"Princess, your wing has been packed." At this time, the Taoist boy outside the door said.

Yeluyan stood up and said, "Princess, I was bothering you just now, so I will go back."

"It's okay, if the princess is bored, you are welcome to come over at any time." Lian Siyue said with a smile, unable to see the coldness in her eyes.

Yeluyan bowed slightly, and then walked out.

After Yeluyan left, Lian Siyue's expression darkened slightly, and she said, "Nurse Tai, Qingdai come to my room."

After arriving in the room, Lian Siyue asked, "Nurse, what happened to your foot pain just now, please tell me in detail."

"Yes." Mother Tai said. "Standing there just now, the bends of my legs and feet suddenly felt numb, and then I felt pain. The servant was wondering if the old cold legs had committed a crime."

"It's going to be summer soon, where are the cold legs coming from?" Qing Dai said.

Lian Siyue pondered for a while, then said, "Nurse, roll up your trousers and show me the hollows of your knees."

"Yes, princess." Mother Tai was puzzled, but she would do whatever Lian Siyue asked her to do.

After rolling up the trousers——

"Ah, there is a piece of red here." Qing Dai said.

Lian Siyue looked down, and sure enough, there was a patch of red in the hollow of her knee.

"So, did someone use a hidden weapon or something? Could it be that someone is hiding here, thinking, wanting to attack the princess?" Qing Dai was startled and asked.

Lian Siyue shook her head, "It's not a hidden weapon."

"What's that?" Qing Dai asked puzzled.

"Look carefully, there is a small hole in the middle of the red block, as if it was bitten by something." Lian Siyue said.

Qing Dai quickly put down Nanny Tai's trousers, and took a closer look——

(End of this chapter)

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