First-class daughter

Chapter 1286 Lame

Chapter 1286 Lame

Chapter 1286 Lame

Qing Dai quickly put down Nanny Tai's trousers, and took a closer look. "

"Ah, there is really a worm, it's a wasp." At first glance, it turned out that there was a wasp rolled up in Madam Tai's trousers, but after being rolled up like this, the wasp was already dead.

"It turned out to be stung by a wasp!" Mother Tai stroked her chest, only to realize that she was already in a cold sweat. The atmosphere just now was really scary. She thought she was injured by some poisonous hidden weapon, or something poisonous. The bug bit me.

"It's just a hornet, don't be afraid, take some plaster and touch it twice, and the swelling will subside tomorrow. Princess, don't worry, the old lady is rough-skinned, don't be afraid of a hundred hornets, let alone a single hornet." Mother Tai smiled Said heartily.

However, Lian Siyue did not heave a sigh of relief, and said, "Nurse, give me your hand."

"Yes, Wangfei." Seeing that Wangfei didn't relax at all, and still had a cautious look on her face, Nanny Tai's relieved heart rose to her throat again, and her heart felt tense.

Lian Siyue put her finger on Nanny Tai's pulse, felt her pulse carefully, and then looked at her eyes and tongue.

"Besides itching and tingling, is there any other feeling?" Lian Siyue asked.

Mother Tai shook her head and said, "Not really."

After a long while, Lian Siyue let go of her hand and said, "It's nothing, just remember to apply the ointment. It's not a trivial matter to be stung by a hornet. Mammy is also an old man, so she should pay special attention to her body."

When Mother Tai heard this, she felt a burst of warmth in her heart, and said, "Where is the master who cares so much about the slave's body, my lord, the servant is grateful to you."

A smile appeared in Lian Siyue's eyes, and said, "You and Qing Dai have always been by my side, loyal and loyal, and I will always remember it in my heart."

"Thank you, princess." The two bowed.

When the two of them were about to leave, Lian Siyue stopped them suddenly and said, "Wait, there is another place I overlooked."

Yeluyan returned to the room, and the expression on his face changed to a cold one, and he sat in the room.

Mammy closed the door and asked, "How is it, princess."

Yeluyan replied, "According to Mammy, the things are put in the latrine, no matter what, they won't think of where to go, so, even Siyue must not think of it, Mammy can rest assured."

After hearing this, Mammy walked over, reached out and stroked her head gently, and said, "I know what you are thinking, but I will definitely do what I promised you. After these days, your hand It's all good, I will try to get you back to Youzhou as I promised you, and now, do what you should do."

"Yan'er dare not disobey the imperial grandmother's orders." Yeluyan said.

Mammy sighed softly and said, "Love is really not a good thing. It will not only hurt yourself, but also the people around you. In the past, Yan'er and I had a very good relationship. Since we married Xiao He, Yan'er and I The relationship with her is getting more and more distant. Although Yan'er is not my own granddaughter, I have always loved Yan'er the most."

In the past, when the imperial grandmother said these words, Yeluyan always felt that she was very happy, very lucky, with the imperial grandmother taking care of everything for her, as long as she was a carefree princess.

But now, listening to these words again, she no longer felt favored, but felt very depressed, heavy surprise, which made her want to run away and go far away.

However, she couldn't say that, otherwise, she was afraid that she would never be able to go back to the capital, so she pulled a smile on her face and said, "Grandmother, Yan'er knows that you love me for my own good. It's just Yan'er, Yan'er has such a personality, she can't complete the tasks ordered by the imperial grandmother, Yan'er failed the imperial grandmother, the imperial grandmother, I'm sorry." She said, tears fell, and there was a bit of truth in her tears.

"Yan'er knows, it's fine." She took Yeluyan into her arms, patted her on the back lightly, but there was a trace of coldness in her eyes.

at this time.

At the foot of Sanqingguan Mountain, guards are strictly guarding it, and people are not allowed to come and go up the mountain.

And a cart slowly came over from a distance. There were radish, cabbage, eggplant, pepper, etc. in front of the cart. There were two people pushing the cart. One of them seemed to have some inconvenience in his feet. He limped when walking. , and always lowered his head, as if he didn't dare to look at the people around him, timidly, very afraid.

"What are you doing? Stop! Don't leave!" Several guards immediately pulled out their swords and asked sharply. The sword was shining with a cold light. The lame man seemed to be taken aback, and hurriedly shrank behind the old man next to him.

"Grandpa Guan." The old man hurriedly bowed to the guards, and said, "Grandpa Guan, we, our father and son are farmers at the foot of the mountain, and we specialize in delivering vegetables to Sanqing Temple. Don't get me wrong, Grandpa Guan. We are good people, good people. Woolen cloth,"

The old man was trembling, and the back of his neck looked even more timid.

The guard snorted gruffly and said, "In these days, who would say that they are bad people?"

"Grandpa Guan, we are really sending vegetables up the mountain. Yesterday, the Taoist priest also ordered that we have distinguished guests today. We want the freshest and most juicy dishes. Take a look, how good this dish is." The old man said with a smile .

The guard looked sharply and flipped through the dishes.

Suddenly, a guard pointed at the lame man behind and said, "Who is this? He doesn't even dare to raise his face or look at us!"

"This, this is, this is my son...Because he was injured, he couldn't see his face, so he never dared to raise his head." The old man said hastily.

As soon as he said that, the lame head lowered even lower.

"Look up!" the guard suddenly shouted sharply.

"Yes, yes!" The lame man hurriedly raised his face in panic, only to see that the face was pitted, as if it had been worn on the ground, very ugly, with a pair of eyes that looked frightened and frightened.

"It's ugly!" said the guard.

"Ugly, I'm ugly." The lame hurriedly said with a smile.

"Hahahaha..." The guards laughed, "A real dog, a pug haha!"

"Hehehehehe..." The lame man also laughed, but no one noticed the coldness and murderous look flashing past the corner of his eyes!
"However!" The guard glanced at them and said, "Even so, you can't go up the mountain. No one can go up the mountain today, the empress dowager!"

"This!" A look of embarrassment flashed in the old man's eyes, "But, this is what the Taoist priest ordered. Or, grandpa, you go up the mountain to ask the Taoist priest and the little masters, I'm not lying, really Not lying."

"Grandpa Guan, we didn't lie," Lame also said.

(End of this chapter)

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