First-class daughter

Chapter 1289 Teasing

Chapter 1289 Teasing
Chapter 1289 Teasing
Seeing Xie Jinran walk away, Lian Siyue said, "She came here not only to read the Peace Sutra for the Empress Dowager, she must have another purpose."

"But, she is weak, what can she achieve by herself?" Qing Dai said with a flash of thought in her eyes.

"So, she must not be weak." Lian Siyue's eyes fell on the figure in the distance, "Xie Jinran and Yeluyan? Is it possible?"

Could it be a coincidence that they came one after the other?

"Princess Wangfei, please come over, Empress Dowager." At this time, Baohua came over, bowed and nodded, interrupting Lian Siyue's train of thought.

"Okay, I'll go right away." Lian Siyue nodded.

Then she turned around and whispered to Qingdai and Mother Tai, saying, "Go to the back window and dig a trap, cover it with withered grass so that no one can see it, but after stepping on it, it's rare to get up to the depth immediately." .”

"Yes, Princess, we'll do it right away." Qing Dai and Mother Tai took orders and returned to the wing.

After arriving at the position of the rear window, Mother Tai took a shovel borrowed from Sanqing Temple and dug a hole along the entire area of ​​the rear window. After stepping on it, her shoes fell into it, and she wanted to climb up. , it really takes some time.

Then, I found the surrounding withered grass and the like, and filled up the hole, and I couldn't see anything at a glance.

"Miss Qingdai, what's the use of saying that Princess Wang wants us to dig a hole here?" Mother Tai said, wiping the sweat off her face.

"Mommy, there must be a reason for the princess to do this, let's just do it." Qing Dai said, "I always feel a little uneasy, I hope the princess can get through these things safely. This time, she has only The two of us, we must cheer up and protect the princess like Leng Mei."

"Hmm!" Mother Tai rubbed her round hands and said, "I will risk my life!"

Not long after the pit was dug, Lian Siyue came back from the Queen Mother.

When I went to see the queen mother, the queen mother just expressed her concern, asked if she would miss Cheng Jun and Wan Jun, and then let her go without mentioning Xie Jinran.

After returning from the queen mother's resting place, it was dark, and Lian Siyue went back to her room.

Qing Dai came closer and said, "Then Miss Xie is still kneeling there and hasn't left."

Lian Siyue revealed a hint of sarcasm, and said, "There are two bundles of cloth bags tied under her knees, no matter how long she kneels, she won't get tired. Of course she will kneel until the sky is dark and the earth is dark, which will move the heavens and the earth."

Qingdai's eyes showed a trace of surprise, "So that's how it is. The servant girl said, this Second Miss Xie, who has delicate skin and tender flesh, knelt all the way up the mountain from the foot of the mountain three miles away, and now she has knelt for another afternoon. How can she bear it? So that's how it is."

"Just now when she was walking towards me, I observed her knee. There was a stone on it, but she didn't notice it. Naturally, the stone wasn't touching the flesh, and when she was walking, her footsteps were also It's a little strange, so I concluded that she put something under the hood." Lian Siyue said leisurely.

"In that case..." Qing Dai suddenly had a mischievous look in her eyes, and said, "I want to take care of Second Miss."

Lian Siyue raised her hand and said, "Go ahead, don't let her suffer too much, you have to keep her, so that you can know who she wants to cooperate with and what she wants to do."

"Yes, Concubine." Qing Dai smiled, took a maid, put some food in a basket, and walked to the place where Xie Jinran was.

"Miss Qingdai is also naughty." Mother Tai said as she walked over and was about to take off the cloak on her body for Lian Siyue.

"Don't take it off, nanny, we can't sleep today." However, Lian Siyue raised her hand and said.

"Princess..." Mother Tai raised her head and said.

"Tonight is a restless night, the snake's tail has already slipped out of the hole, just wait a little longer." Lian Siyue said, with a solemn expression on his face and a faint coldness in his eyes.

"Yes." Nanny Tai cheered up a hundred times and stood around Lian Siyue.

Besides Qingdai, when she arrived at Xie Jinran's chanting hall, she folded her hands together, knelt on the ground, chanting words.

"Our second young lady is praying for the empress dowager, this sister, you are..." Yin'er and Shuyan saw her, stepped forward to stop her, and said.

Qing Dai nodded slightly, and said, "I am Qing Dai, the servant girl next to Princess Heng. Our princess was afraid that the second lady would be hungry, so she specially ordered me to bring some soft and glutinous food to fill the stomach of the second lady, so that she would have the strength to continue Kneeling and chanting."

Yin'er and Shuyan looked at each other.

Qing Dai showed a smile on her face, and said, "You two girls, are you refusing to accept things from our princess?"

"No, no, of course not." Today is not what it used to be. The second young lady has no status now, so she is naturally a lot shorter in front of Princess Heng. There is no reason to refuse, so the two of them took two steps back and let Qing Dai walked over.

Qing Dai walked up to Xie Jinran, bowed, and said, "Second Miss, you have worked hard, let's eat something, this is specially reserved for you by our concubine."

Xie Jinran heard Lian Siyue's name, opened his eyes, and saw purple rice cakes, spring rolls, pear and snow pear cakes, etc. in the maid's basket, which were crystal clear, small and exquisite.

She nodded towards Qing Dai and said, "Thank you, Princess Heng, for your concern. Please tell Princess, I am very grateful and I like it very much."

"Second Miss, you're welcome, Second Miss has been kneeling for a long time, why don't you get up and eat first, it will be bad if you get hungry." Qing Dai politely helped Xie Jinran to get up.

Although Xie Jinran didn't want to eat Lian Siyue's food, he couldn't refuse, so he got up and walked to the table to sit down.

In the Sanqing Temple, even Siyue gave her food in a grand manner, but she didn't dare to do anything, so Xie Jinran decided to eat.

Qing Dai secretly glanced not far away, and saw Concubine Feng De was walking towards this side as she estimated, a slight smile flashed in her eyes, and she said to the servant girl beside her, "Xiangqiao, take these dishes away. Take them out and give them to Second Miss."


The maid took out stacks of food from the basket and placed them in front of Xie Jinran. At this moment, suddenly, a fluffy thing jumped out of the basket.

"Ah!" The unsuspecting Xie Jinran was startled, screamed and jumped off the chair, "Ah!"

Seeing this, Qing Dai also pretended to be shocked, and hurriedly knelt beside Xie Jinran, kowtowed and said, "This, what's wrong with this, what is this, slave should die, slave should die!"

(End of this chapter)

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