First-class daughter

Chapter 1290 Waiting

Chapter 1290 Waiting
Chapter 1290 Waiting
This thing appeared so suddenly, Xie Jinran was frightened out of his wits, he didn't see clearly what the black and bloody thing was, so his whole body turned pale with fright, and he jumped on the spot several times without any image, grabbing Yin'er and The two of Shuyan screamed loudly.

"Your servant, you deserve to die, your servant doesn't know this... Ah, it turns out that it's this little thing..."

And Qing Dai seized the time while kneeling, and pulled her hands on Xie Jinran's knee.

Xie Jinran was frightened and didn't notice Qing Dai's action, and Yin'er and Shuyan were also protecting their master, and didn't notice Qing Dai's small action.

"Second Miss, don't be afraid, don't be afraid..." Qing Dai said hastily, "Here, this is the bird's nest on the tree in front of my concubine's wing. I took it down and raised it, but I don’t know when it, unexpectedly, secretly hid in this basket. It’s all the servant’s fault, the servant didn’t find out, the second lady should punish the servant.”

After hearing this, Xie Jinran slowly calmed down, and then glanced at it with lingering fear, covering his chest with his hands. It was indeed a wounded bird with a white cloth strip on its feet, slumped on the table.

Xie Jinran gave Qing Dai a hard look, and said angrily, "You did it on purpose? You wanted to see Miss Ben make a fool of yourself, didn't you?"

Qing Dai was so frightened that her face turned pale, she hurriedly begged for mercy, and said, "No, no, Second Miss, you have misunderstood the servant, the servant dare not..."

"Don't dare, you!"

"What's under your feet?" At this moment, a serious voice came.

Xie Jinran turned her head and saw that it was Concubine Feng De who came, she quickly bowed and said, "Jin Ran has seen Concubine De."

"I ask you, what's under your feet?" Concubine Feng De asked again with a serious face.


Xie Jinran's heart trembled, and she lowered her head, only to see two balls of thick white cloth fell to the ground. This, this was actually something she tied to her knees to protect her knees, so that her feet would not hurt when kneeling, so She was able to survive the distance of three miles.

"This, this is..." Xie Jinran didn't expect that the two things that had been tied together would fall off at some point.

She quickly glanced at Yin'er and Shuyan, and the two servant girls quickly knelt down, kowtowed and said, "Ms. De Concubine, this is for the servants to play with, it's not something important."

"Is it for playing?" Concubine De didn't believe it, she asked the nanny beside her to pick up the thing, looked at it, and asked, "What is this?"

"This is..." The two maids didn't know how to answer.

"How dare you lie!" Concubine Feng De said angrily, "I just saw that this thing fell out of Xie Jinran's pants, so I dared to deceive me openly."

After hearing this, Qing Dai lowered her head, but there was a smile in her eyes.

This Second Miss Xie is sorry for His Highness Eleventh, and she has trouble with the princess. She can't do anything else as a slave, so it's good to tease her like this.

"I..." Xie Jinran looked back at Qing Dai, and was even more sure that this slave did it on purpose!

What kind of master really has what kind of slave, even Siyue is full of scheming and cunning, even her slave has learned to intrigue!
"Say!" Concubine Feng De used to be courteous to Xie Jinran, but now, she can't do it anymore, she is also a dignified concubine, how could she allow someone to flirt with others in front of her?
"This is me..." Xie Jinran was hard to say, it was used to protect his knees when he knelt down, how could he say it.

But the nurse next to Concubine Feng De looked at it, but said, "Your Majesty, if the servant is not mistaken, judging from the shape of this thing, it is tied to the knee to protect the knee."

"Protect your knees?" Concubine Feng Defei narrowed her eyes slightly, with deep meaning in her eyes, and then she looked at Xie Jinran with a sarcasm smile on her face and said, "Since you have been driven back, you should keep yourself safe; since you want to ask the Queen Mother to forgive you , you should be sincere. Now, you are neither willing to keep your place, nor sincere, but continue to deceive the Queen Mother, tsk tsk tsk, Xie Jinran, Xie Jinran, you are so courageous!"

Xie Jinran heard this, knelt down quickly, begged, and said, "Ms. De Concubine Mingjian, Jinran dare not, Jinran really dare not, although this thing is tied to my knee, but it is because of my knee. It's already rotten, kneeling on the ground, it's really too bad, I was tied up for a while just now, if you don't believe me, look..."

I saw that Xie Jinran rolled up his trousers, exposing his knees. He saw that his knees were red, swollen, and tattered.

Concubine Feng Defei's face changed, and she said, "Hurry up and put down your pants, this is a quiet place, it is considered disrespectful for a woman to show these parts!"

"Yes." Xie Jinran quickly put down his pants and said.

Concubine Feng De still had a stern face and said, "No matter what, you have always lied, this cannot be faked, you can do it yourself."

As Concubine Feng De said, she turned around and left. As for whether she would tell the Queen Mother about the knee-protecting cloth, Xie Jinran was really not sure.

She looked at Qing Dai coldly, and said, "A slave should live like a slave, if you give advice to your master, there will be no good results!"

"Qing Dai thanks Second Miss for teaching, I hope Second Miss recovers soon." Qing Dai hurriedly kowtowed and said.

"Let's go!" Xie Jinran drove Qing Dai away.

Qing Dai hurriedly got up and left, but there was a smile on her face.

Xie Jinran looked at his back, the chill in his eyes gradually deepened.

Slowly, it got dark.

The entire Sanqing Temple gradually fell into a silence, with occasional chirping of insects and birds.

The lights in Lian Siyue's room were the last to go out, and after they went out, she sat up, squinting her eyes slightly, feeling the sounds around her.

Faintly, faintly, she seems to have heard a very subtle sound, what kind of sound is this...

The irregular footsteps seemed to pass by in a flash, and then there was nothing.

In Yeluyan's room.

The room was pitch black, and Yeluyan lay down on the bed as instructed.

Empress Dowager Renyi was sitting in the room, and after a while, the door opened slowly and slightly, a figure appeared at the door, and then entered in a flash, the mother's eyes looked around outside the door, there was nothing, She quietly closed the door.

The stern figure bowed slightly towards her and said, "It's ready."

"Just wait for Xie Jinran to light this fire. If the fire is well lit, Lian Siyue will be buried in the sea of ​​flames, and your hatred will be over. But maybe she has a lot of life. If she escapes from the sea of ​​flames, then wait for her." Hers will be worse."

(End of this chapter)

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