Chapter 1296
Chapter 1296
"Princess Heng, you, you..." Yeluyan didn't understand, why she felt so nervous in this situation, even Siyue could be so calm, not flustered, not shouting, not even a little scared No.

Lian Siyue looked at Yeluyan and said, "Princess Yan, do you know why I didn't tell you about the lamp oil you hid when I got Xie Jinran out just now?"

"Why, why?" She also felt strange, since Siyue was able to escape from the sea of ​​flames and even skinned Xie Jinran, why didn't she mention the matter of her stealing lamp oil?
"If I said so, how could I have seen such a wonderful scene?" Lian Siyue said, with a puzzled look in his eyes.

Yeluyan's heart trembled, she found that even Siyue was calm and not pretending, but from the bottom of her heart, without any panic, she was so calm that it was surprising.

She always thought that the most courageous woman in the world was her imperial grandmother, Empress Dowager Renyi, but she never thought that there would be someone like Lian Siyue in this world who could be compared with her imperial grandmother's courage.

"Feng Qianyue!" Yeluyan stepped forward suddenly and said, "That's the end, our cooperation with you ends here, you leave here immediately, I won't allow you to hurt Princess Heng for half a minute!"

The reason why she did this is because she concluded that Lian Siyue is not a good person to deal with. If she continues, she and the emperor's grandmother will go into a dangerous situation in public. Yes, Feng Qianyue, who killed a thousand swords, has been defiled!
"Princess Yan, you've crossed the line. Have you forgotten the mother's instructions?" Feng Qianyue's eyes turned cold, and he glared at Yeluyan with displeasure. The thing that wards off evil spirits makes people feel terrified.

"Feng Qianyue, I..."

Yeluyan wanted to say something more, but Feng Qianyue had already raised his hand, and slammed her palm fiercely on her neck. As soon as her body softened, she slowly closed her eyes and fell to the ground, no longer I can't move anymore.

Lian Siyue showed a slight smile in his eyes, and said, "It turns out that the conflict between you is not small, but it seems that you and that nanny get along happily."

Feng Qianyue's cold eyes left Yeluyan's body, and when she looked at Lian Siyue, her eyes became much more complicated.

"Right now, there are only the two of us in this room. If I tell others that something has happened between us, tell me, will they believe it?" He said, with sinister eyes and a sinister expression.

"I will definitely believe it, because you are a man and my woman, so they will believe everything you say, and from now on, there will be similar rumors." Lian Siyue nodded and said.

"Aren't you worried?" Feng Qianyue's eyes turned slightly cold, he hated it, he hated it very much to see Lian Siyue's forever calm and unmoving appearance like Mount Tai.

He was like an evil devil, he just wanted to see her break down, cry, and even beg him.

"I'm worried." Lian Siyue said, "But I'm not afraid, because Yun Zheng believes in me, no matter what, it's enough for him to believe in me." This is also the biggest reason why she has no fear.

"Feng Yunzheng." Feng Qianyue gritted her teeth and read the name word by word, "I used to work hard and only wanted you to be my concubine, but you refused in every possible way, and Feng Yunzheng didn't do anything at all. , you fell into his arms, Lian Siyue, so you like this kind of thing."

"Effortless?" Lian Siyue smiled faintly, who would have known that her Yunzheng had crossed past and present lives, crossed mountains of swords and seas of fire, and came to her with a hundred times of difficulty, and called her Yue'er.

However, these things are not worth talking about with someone like Feng Qianyue.

"Isn't it?" Feng Qianyue stepped forward suddenly, with his face almost touching hers, and said, "Lian Siyue, if you had a little bit of leeway with me, I don't have to be reduced to where I am today."

Lian Siyue shook her head and said, "You have one thing in common, that is, you never criticize yourself, and feel that all the faults are on others. You were like this in the past, and you are still like this now. Even the ups and downs of life can't make you happy. It seems that dogs really can't change eating shit."

"Lian Siyue!" Feng Qianyue clenched her fists tightly, with anger in her eyes, "Why do you deliberately provoke me..."

He pulled out the dagger hidden in his waist with a swish, pressed the cold dagger against Lian Siyue's neck, and said in a low voice, "Come with me, let me see if you and Feng Yunzheng can be steadfast." To what extent?"

Since he had long thought of taking Lian Siyue away, everything was already prepared. There was a tunnel behind this wing, which was directly connected to the bottom of the mountain!
"Princess, are you already asleep?" At this moment, Mother Tai's voice came from outside.

Feng Qianyue couldn't help using a little more force on the dagger in his hand, the sharpest part made Lian Siyue feel a sharp pain.

"Already asleep." Lian Siyue looked into Feng Qianyue's eyes and replied.

"Come on, walk this part of the road with me, maybe you will have a new understanding of me." Feng Qianyue pushed away the bed where Yeluyan was sleeping. Sure enough, there was a cave here, and he dragged Lian Siyue into it. into this cave.

Then the bed was closed, and the room was as usual, as if nothing had happened.

"Princess, princess!"

After a while, the door of the room opened, the candles lit up, and there was a sound of chaotic footsteps, only to hear the servants exclaiming:
"Princess, princess!"

"Where is the princess? Princess, princess..."

Across the bed, even Siyue and Feng Qianyue could hear the commotion in the room.

Feng Qianyue turned her head to look at Lian Siyue's beautiful face, and said, "Let's go, let's go from here to the exit down the mountain."

Lian Siyue gave Feng Qianyue a cold look, turned around, and walked forward.

Feng Qianyue took one step at a time, limping behind her, leaving a long string of footprints on the muddy ground.

In the room, everyone was shocked.

Yeluyan woke up slowly. She was hurt a little, and there was a big and deep black purple patch on her neck.

"Where did Princess Heng go?" The queen mother asked tightly.

"She..." Yeluyan looked at Empress Dowager Renyi. According to what was agreed in advance, if Princess Hengqin was kidnapped by a man, that man was Princess Hengqin's former good friend in Yaocheng.

Once such words are spoken, the innocence of Princess Heng will be ruined by more than half. Even if there is no such thing, it will become an established fact after being spread by someone with a heart.

"Where did she go?" The queen mother faintly felt that something was wrong, she slapped the table and asked sharply.

Love Sweet Red Packet: VNMYN5
(End of this chapter)

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