Chapter 1297
Chapter 1297
Immediately, everyone in the room looked at Yeluyan, and the nanny walked over, supported her wrist, and whispered with hints, "Princess, please speak quickly, the empress dowager and all the empresses are in a hurry. "

The most anxious one was Concubine Lian Shu. She took two steps forward and said, "Princess Yan, tell me quickly, where did Princess Heng go?"

One is concern, and the other is that now, Lian Siyue is the only hope for the rise of their Lian family. If something happens to Lian Siyue, the rejuvenation of the Lian family will be difficult to achieve, and her fourteenth prince will have no maternal ancestral family in the future. Although he will not fight for the throne, in this complex court, in front of those covetous elder brothers, without the support from his grandfather's family, it is difficult to have a place, especially how Tang Yaoer will live in the second half of his life. Relying on her younger brother, newcomers to the harem come out in large numbers, and one is better than the other. If she wants to keep her status as a concubine, she must complement and complement her son.

Therefore, Concubine Lian Shu was really worried about Lian Siyue's whereabouts.

While Qing Dai and Mother Tai were wiping away their tears, Qing Dai knelt down on the ground with a plop, and said, "Princess Yan, please, please tell me quickly, why did my princess disappear suddenly? Where did she go? My Xiaojun The king and the little princess are only two months old, and the two little masters are just in need of a mother, please do me a favor and tell us quickly."

"...I don't know. We were resting just now, and a woman came in suddenly and knocked me out. I wanted to call for help, but my head was in a daze and the pain was so bad that I couldn't make a sound. Then, Then I just felt that my eyes went dark, and I didn’t know anything. When I woke up, you were all asking me where she was, and I really didn’t know.” In the end, Yeluyan said.

Yeluyan really didn't know that there was an exit under her bed, this was Feng Qianyue and the nanny's defense against her.

When Yeluyan uttered these words, the nanny slowly let go of her arm, and hurriedly said to the queen mother, "My queen mother, my princess was knocked out, so she doesn't know."

She lowered her head, her voice sounded tense, but her face was clearly cold.

Yan'er, Yan'er, no matter what, you shouldn't suddenly confront Aijia at such a critical moment.

After hearing this, Concubine Lian Shu breathed a sigh of relief, because she also vaguely felt that there was some conspiracy, and she was afraid that Yeluyan would say that Lian Siyue was taken away by a man, and her reputation and innocence would be ruined!
The Empress Dowager looked around the room with a fixed expression, and said, "This Taoist temple is heavily guarded. A living person will not disappear out of thin air. The person who kidnapped Princess Heng will definitely return. Come here, thoroughly clear the Sanqing Temple." Search inside and out. In addition, immediately send someone to Prince Heng's Mansion to inform the Ninth Prince about this matter, remember, it is not appropriate to make this matter public, and it is not a good thing for a dignified princess to suddenly disappear."

"Yes!" Everyone took the order, and immediately started to act according to the instructions.

The nanny said to Yeluyan, "Princess, this room is not safe, it's not suitable to stay for a long time, let's go out too."

"Mother!" Concubine Lian Shu stood up suddenly, looked at Yeluyan with a pair of cold eyes, and said, "I suspect that there is something wrong with Princess Yan."

As soon as Concubine Lian Shu spoke, everyone stopped in their tracks.

"Concubine Shu, what do you mean..." The queen mother also stopped and asked.

"Mother's Empress." Concubine Lian Shu knelt down and said, "The room was on fire just now, and Yue'er went to rest in Princess Yan's room. It's just after midnight, and she disappeared. I think there must be a reason! My concubine suspects that Princess Yan is inseparably related to Yue'er's disappearance!"

"You..." Yeluyan was stunned when she saw the fire suddenly burning her body, and couldn't help but glance at the nanny. The nanny's eyes were a little cold, and she turned her face away lightly. She wanted to see it. What will happen to her sweet face.

"Concubine Lian Shu, what do you say? I was also injured, and now my neck hurts like it's about to break. Everyone is very anxious that Princess Heng is gone. I'm afraid that something will happen to her. As her aunt, I can understand the anxious mood, but I will never agree to you spouting blood for no reason!" Yeluyan also showed her own momentum, looking very angry, and said.

"Princess Yan..." Concubine Lian Shu said coldly, "It's not like I'm spouting blood for no reason. Princess Hengqin doesn't know you very well, but when her room is hard to sleep in, you still love her warmly." Invitation, this makes people suspicious, but now, she disappeared under your nose, you just suffered some superficial injuries, isn't it suspicious?"

"There's a saying in the Central Plains that it's a crime of wanting to impose. Why is there no reason to worry? If Concubine Shu believes that I have something to do with the disappearance of Princess Heng, I can only say nothing?" Yeluyan seemed very dissatisfied.

"There will be evidence! It just takes time! If the princess has nothing to do with this matter, naturally you don't have to be afraid, and we don't have to be afraid of our investigation! The queen mother, my concubine, implores Princess Yeluyan to be imprisoned temporarily. When Princess Heng is found, find out. Only after the truth is revealed can she be set free!" Concubine Lian Shu said forcefully.

"You!" Yeluyan's face turned pale when she said it, and she habitually asked Empress Dowager Renyi for help.

Finally, Empress Dowager Renyi stood up, knelt on the ground, lowered her head, and said in a servant's tone, "Concubine Shu, you really misunderstood, our princess is about to be engaged to His Royal Highness the Sixth Highness, before we leave Our Empress Dowager Ren Yi ordered us to befriend Da Zhou sincerely and marry him to show Khitan’s sincerity this time. The princess has just met His Royal Highness the Sixth Highness and is still waiting for the emperor to officially announce the marriage How could it be difficult to get along with Princess Heng? Moreover, our princess has no enmity with Princess Heng, so there is really no reason to commit such a capital crime under the eyes of the empress dowager."

Mammy's words are very reasonable. After hearing this, Concubine Lian Shu paused and said, "Although this is the case, Princess Yan can't completely get rid of the suspicion. Even if she didn't do this, but it happened to her In the room, more or less can't get rid of the relationship."

"Okay!" the empress dowager said, "There is no need to imprison Yeluyan, but Yeluyan and others are not allowed to leave the Sanqing Temple. We will make a decision after the truth is revealed."

After hearing this, Yeluyan breathed a sigh of relief, glanced at Concubine Lian Shu, and said, "Yes, Empress Dowager, Yeluyan obeys."

And Concubine Lian Shu gave her a cold snort, and led the maids and nuns away together.

After everyone left, Yeluyan let out a sigh of relief.She closed her eyes, and when she opened them, she saw the icy cold eyes of the imperial grandmother, like ice, which made her tremble all over.

Valentine’s Day Red Envelope: TW2U5C
(End of this chapter)

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