First-class daughter

Chapter 1299 Dream and Reality

Chapter 1299 Dream and Reality
Chapter 1299 Dream and Reality
"Lian Siyue, who is the person you are talking about?" He felt even more uncomfortable in his heart, as if she was talking about someone he knew.

Lian Siyue slowly clenched her fists in her sleeves, and met his eyes, almost looking into the depths of his soul, which made his scalp tingle.

Finally, she turned her face away and said, "Dead."

"Dead?" Feng Qianyue was taken aback.

"Yeah, I've been tortured like this after I died. Isn't it better to die than to live? Death is a kind of relief, and it's the last gift that God gave her." Only after death can she be reborn, Feng Qianyue, The person in front of you now is the person who was tortured to death by you in the previous life. Not only were you so ruthless in the previous life, but you are even worse in this life.

"Is she your friend?" Feng Qianyue asked.

"Well, a poor friend." Lian Siyue said.

"Do I know you?" Feng Qianyue asked again, he had a feeling that even Siyue was talking about someone they all knew.

Lian Siyue pursed her lips and said nothing, not wanting to say any more.

Feng Qianyue sat across from her, but the image that Lian Siyue just mentioned began to appear in his mind, the dissected abdomen, the child that was pulled out, struggling in front of his eyes, curled up into a ball, stabbed his eyes.

But soon, he suddenly came to his senses, even if he himself was living in such a poor situation, what did that stranger have to do with him.

The carriage continued to move forward, and Lian Siyue stopped talking.

Feng Qianyue closed his eyes and fell into a drowsy sleep. After running around all night, he was sleepy. Before closing his eyes, he said to Lian Siyue, "Don't go." Mo Mo, added another sentence, "You can't get away."

Lian Siyue saw that after he closed his eyes, there was an expression of disgust in his eyes. She leaned quietly on the carriage. At this moment, she really missed her Yun Zheng. Go crazy.

Yun Zheng waited for me, and when I figured out the relationship between Feng Qianyue and that nanny, I would go back to you and not make you worry anymore.

Feng Qianyue just took a nap, and dreamed again:
He dreamed that the gentle woman who was obedient to him was lying alone on the cold and hard bed in the cold palace, her eyes were no longer bright as before, and her face was full of sadness. Suffering from a cold illness, he shivered in pain, and occasionally let out one or two painful groans from his mouth.

With tears in her eyes, she said, it's been half a year, it's been half a year, I'm not afraid of being tortured here, I'm just afraid that you wronged me and my sincerity was trampled by you, I hate, I hate!

Lian Siyue looked at him with his eyes closed, fumbled for the dagger hidden in his arm, and slowly pulled it out. He was right in front of her, stabbing down with a sword, ending his life, and everything was over!
She narrowed her eyes slightly, raised the dagger, and spotted the position of his heart...

"Ah..." Feng Qianyue yelled softly, woke up, and saw Lian Siyue on the opposite side, looking elsewhere expressionlessly, with her hands under her clothes.

At this moment, he had an illusion that the person opposite him and the person in the dream merged into one person in a trance, and the coldness in their eyes was exactly the same.

Feng Qianyue sat up, raised her hand, slowly approached Lian Siyue, and said, "Is it you? For the past six months, I have been appearing in my dreams. It is you who are gentle, happy, and bright. Now I am full of hatred." I mean you too."

Seeing his hand, Lian Siyue immediately moved away, avoiding it, and said, "Respect yourself, otherwise, it's just death!"

Feng Qianyue's hand paused, looked at her hand, and said, "Did you just plan to kill me?"

"Shouldn't you be killed? My entire family's life is in your hands." Lian Siyue said coldly.

"No..." Feng Qianyue shook her head and said, "It's not you, how could it be you, she is so gentle and considerate, and is careful with me, but you are covered in thorns, just to bleed my blood all over the ground !"

Lian Siyue saw that his eyes were in a trance, and he said some strange words, he paused in his heart, and asked, "Who did you dream about?"

"A woman, a woman who treats me well." Feng Qianyue said.

"Then she must have a miserable end." Lian Siyue said with sarcasm in his tone.

Feng Qianyue was slightly startled, with displeasure in his eyes, "How did you guess that?"

"Concubine Xuan, Lian Shiya, Xiao Rou, and a woman who imitated me, they all love you, which one will end badly?" Lian Siyue said indifferently.

However, they are not the worst!

Feng Qianyue's face turned cold, and said, "I never took the initiative to ask any women to do things for me, they were all willing, and even after I refused, they were still like moths seeing a fire, pushing hard fly over..."

After listening to his words, even Siyue was not surprised at his shamelessness at all. He is like this, enjoying the dedication and dedication of others with peace of mind. self to others.

At the foot of the mountain, somewhere, the sky reveals a fish-belly white, and the faint light makes the whole world look more quiet and mysterious.

Feng Yunzheng stood beside the carriage, his long body wrapped in a silver brocade robe, which made him look even more dignified in the dim light. Since the day when Yue'er went out with the Queen Mother, he followed closely to Shangxia.

Although Yue'er said to let her play by herself, as her husband, no matter how resourceful Yue'er was, he still couldn't really relax.

He avoided the Queen Mother and went to the foot of the mountain, and tied a bamboo stick to the leg of a trained bird. The bird flew into the bird's nest, and it was the first day when Lian Siyue entered the wing.


A masked man in black walked over quickly, knelt down on one knee, and said, "Your Highness, the princess is gone!"

Feng Yunzheng's heart skipped a beat, why did he disappear?

"What's going on?" he asked.

"According to Concubine Lian Shu, after the Second Miss of the Xie family was caught setting fire in the princess's room, the princess accepted Princess Yeluyan's invitation to go to her room to rest. In the middle of the night, she suddenly disappeared. The princess was knocked out, and when she woke up, she said that the princess was taken away by a woman." The masked man said.

woman?Where is the woman from?
Feng Yunzheng frowned. Obviously, this matter has something to do with the Khitan side, but Yue'er disappeared, was it a deliberate act or was it really... cheated?

Feng Qianyue?The name of this person suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Go, go up the mountain immediately." Feng Yunzheng didn't care about anything, and immediately walked up the mountain, accompanied by guards behind him.

"Who?" The guard guarding the mountain gate saw the man in the cloak, drew his sword with a swipe, and said sharply.

"This is His Highness Ninth Prince, who dares to stop him?" Night Breeze also showed his sword.

The guard took a closer look at the waist card, then at Feng Yunzheng, and it turned out to be His Royal Highness, "But, Queen Mother..."

"Shua!" Feng Yunzheng stabbed the guard's head fiercely with his sharp sword, only to see that the hair had been cut and fell off when the sword was deflected, "This king wants to meet the queen mother, anyone who stops me will die!"

Several guards turned pale with fright, and said, "Nine, Your Highness Nine, please."

Feng Yunzheng's eyes were condensed, he didn't stop any longer, and quickly went up the mountain.

The queen mother heard that he came so fast, and she was puzzled. The person she sent to Prince Heng's mansion to notify, it is reasonable to say that he has not arrived at the mansion yet, but he came so quickly?
"Grandmother, please let your grandson find a way to find the princess." Feng Yunzheng asked the Queen Mother.

The queen mother saw that his expression was condensed and serious, and raised her hand and said, "The Ai family knows that you are anxious, and understands your mood, so go and look for it."

"Grandmother, please give grandson a token so that grandson can do things more conveniently." Feng Yunzheng asked again.

The Queen Mother knew that Lian Siyue was called by her to Sanqingguan to accompany her. Now that something like this happened, if she couldn't find her, it would be difficult to explain to this grandson, and it would be difficult to explain to the queen in the palace. So he ordered Sunflower to take out her token, handed it to Feng Yunzheng, and said, "Go, according to the order of Ai's family, thoroughly investigate the whereabouts of Prince Heng and Concubine Heng."

"Thank you, Grandmother." Feng Yunzheng took the token from the Queen Mother, turned around and walked out immediately.

"Your Highness." Night Breeze hurriedly followed, and said, "The humble officer has already looked around here, and there is no trace of the concubine being taken away."

"Where is Xie Jinran locked up?" He asked.

"Here." Night Breeze said.

Feng Yunzheng walked forward with a cold face.

Xie Jinran was imprisoned in the woodshed of Sanqing Temple, but she didn't complain at the moment, because she heard from Master Tong that Lian Siyue was taken away, which showed that the Khitan people's plan had succeeded.

She sneered and said, "Lian Siyue, so what if I'm imprisoned here, anyway, the queen mother will not kill me, the eighth prince has already thought of a perfect solution for me, the queen mother is afraid of being disturbed by ghosts again, so she won't break the precept of killing, I was not dealt with this time, which shows this. I can still live well, as long as I have time, I can always be released." This is why she dared to set fire to people without scruple.

"As for you, you were captured by a man and you haven't been seen for several days. Would His Royal Highness still want you? The most important thing about a woman is her innocence. If you lose your innocence, it will make His Royal Highness feel ashamed. Look at you How can you be more affectionate."

"However, Princess Yan said that the one who captured Prince Heng was a woman." Dao Tong said when he brought her food.

"Woman?" Xie Jinran was taken aback, thinking, what is going on with this Princess Yan, why didn't she follow the plan?She lied to her mother?

"Little master!" Xie Jinran grabbed the little master's sleeve and said, "You do something for me. You run from here to Prince Yu's mansion. Bandits took away, Prince Heng was taken away by bandits..."

Hmph, Yeluyan suddenly changed her mind, so she will find another way!
"This..." Xiao Daotong hesitated.

"Little master, don't hesitate, don't be afraid..."

"Bang!" At this moment, the door of the firewood room was kicked open, Xie Jinran was taken aback for a moment, and when she saw the person coming, she was suddenly shocked, and she couldn't help taking a step back, "Ninth, Your Highness Ninth."

Feng Yunzheng looked at her with cold eyes, and said, "What's the plan?"

"A plan, a plan? I don't know what His Highness the Ninth Highness means, what is the plan?" Xie Jinran always felt that the Ninth Highness Feng Yunzheng always looked calm, fairy-like, and good-tempered, but now he felt him The terrifying power on his body.

"The queen mother didn't kill you because she was superstitious that you can't kill in the near future, and she was worried about being backlashed, but it doesn't mean that no one can kill you. If you send someone to set fire to my Yue'er, I can chop off your head immediately. Dog." Feng Yunzheng said coldly, without mercy.

Xie Jinran opened his mouth, originally he wanted to tell Feng Yunzheng that it was the Khitan people who did the trick, and he needed the Khitan people to speak if he wanted to find Lian Siyue.

But when the words came to her lips, she changed her mind again. Anyway, she didn't have to die, the Queen Mother would save her life. Why did she tell Feng Yunzheng the truth so that he could go to Lian Siyue?Why don't you let Lian Siyue be tortured by that ugly person and make Feng Yunzheng anxious.

Say goodbye to single red envelopes: VKPYUB
(End of this chapter)

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